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Wibbyo's blog
Friday, 1 July 2005
Happy Canada Day
Mood:  happy
so its july first.... what is in store for this month ok lets recap... been workin like mad on the habitat house... but its pretty well done.. heading in soon to do a bit... but not much after the night i had..... went and see LIFEHOUSE.... awsome... but very dissapointed they never played their recient hit You And ME.... aw well.... so on that note... funny how certain song can tug at a person heart no matter the situation.... i went to the concert to see some good performers and friends plus in the back of my mind to see if the "powers to be" are going to do anything for my life... cause i know there was ONE person in that crowd that knows what those songs mean to both of us... i felt it but cant say how the other felt... time will tell.. either heal all or take a turn for the better one never knows really.... so right now at this moment i been runnin on like 2 hours sleep... lots of drinking.. and dancing and partying with new found friends.... God Bless America :D.... man you just never know who ya will meet anywhere.... opertunities is what i call it... something is going to take a big change in my life soon i can just feel it... dont know what dont know how... or when just feel it all a person can do is hope for the best.... so if anyone is reading this i will be posting some new pics shortly from my recient adventures they will be explained in the main page of my site :).. check em back to this weekend.. what is in store now... well i seen off my new friend... and well one is still around for another week.... have a visitor commin over today... 1040 to be exact.. .hanging out have some drinks on sat.. its going to be fun.. lots of dancing and stuff... cant wait... i sooooo need this in my life... friends might do the tourist thing today since she never been on the Isle before... we will see... oh yea the dedication is on sunday that is going to be cool... :)... i cant wait.. but then again i am going to miss this project like crazy... its sooo much fun :).. great people doing an awsome thing for a great family :).... but on that note i must run and go install some door knobs LOL.... cheers and god bless to everyone :).. and happy canada day :)
Ry.... aka junior

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 7:48 AM EDT
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