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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 2 July 2005
I am threw with the lies
so its sat again..... 2 weeks been since the habitat build was started... :).... how cool.. and i think we actually got it finished... have to go check on mario to see today for a bit..... dedication tomorrow cant wait.. going to be a tear jerker :P.... so relized that no matter what some people say to u ... most of it is just lies... bla bla bla... not much wonder i am at a place in my life where i am... i cant be fake... i dont do things just to make others like me... if u know me u knwo me well... and not much else matter.... but as for liars and people who are fake... well.... not much i can do i guess...i am threw with your lies and bull shit towards me :S..... on a different note... been a pretty darn good weekend... on yea apparently lifehouse did play you and me... prob a good thing i didnt hear it... was in the can i think or just acting up as usual...had fun ... danced with the american girls... hope they come visit soon... they were awsome... or even better yet they put up with me in their home town for a weekend :) never knows... tonight what is on the ajenda.... hummm dawn is here... we going down to c town to party hardy... colleen and steve might be comming along.. and anyone else who might want to join in....we are at the cockroach motel lol... if u know my cell call and i will explain so its 10 47 and i feel a bit sick... gd colds... come at the worst time... dammit... but oh well i am going to carry on.... like i always do and always said... roof.... not going to let that cold get me down... cause ya never know when ya might end up dead...the way i look at it... time is NOT on my side.... turning 29 soon and not gettin any younger.... so... i gota stop this shit... blabing on about nothing i am going to sign off for now... find something do eat... go check out on the house and carry on....
cheers and god bless
good day good evening and good nite..
piece out

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 9:47 AM EDT
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Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 12:01 PM EDT

Name: Alexis aka... whats her name! LOL

Ok so whats it been...a month or two since I met the crazy guy that is you, and what an introduction we had...and all I can say is WTF is up with girls... Dude I can't understand what the issue is. Lets see, funny, intelligent, good looking, tall(there's a big bonus), outgoing...damn whats problem. Maybe if ya started being a jerk and pretended to be something you're not, then all of the women would flock to your side, that seems to be the way. No wait, don't do that, I like ya just the way you are.. And for those ppl who may read this and think, damn girl if ya think he's that great, go for it, well the response to that is, shit well I'm married and well shitty for me..LOL (look out if I wasn't)
Anyway Ryan... Take life as it comes at ya, party hard and when "she" walks across a room, you'll know, and so will she... Catch ya out some night again!
Cheers, Alex

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