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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 16 July 2005
one step at a time and careful ya dont trip
Mood:  hug me
hi... whats up.... nothing eh or is there... lets see.... still struggling with this battle in my mind about you.... someday I hope to look back on it and say how stupid I was to put up with you... or something like that... or maybe not so harsh ..... one step... so july 16 eh roughly 2:21.... and why am I up... home alone sober... what a change... seams like forever I have no worries about work.. having to get up... be at a meeting of some sort.. or just meet up with a friend.... 2 what happened..... well me and Mer are still chatting... great :).... cant seam to get her to come to PEI but ill keep on her.... what else... Barb is planning on comming to visit the isle since never been.. that will be cool.... other things.... workin on the truck still... makin some progress... water pump in... brackets on... pulleys on... might actually have it started this week if i stay on it :).. how cool would it be to have it for august and take a road trip somewhere... alone prob though :(.... but I think that is the best for me rigth I wonder... how many people are going to lie and cheat on me... well I know of ONE... that prob did it twice haha....hope it makes her feel good....marry me have my children live with me... oh wait now.. I was thinking of someone else hahaha... and couldnt even do it to my face AGAIN haha... coward... at least I can say I face my fears head on... oh and about that... been introduced into the Habitat For Humanity Board OF Directors this week.. how fricken interesting this is going to be.... 3 step.... never did anything of this sort... has some pretty big responsibilities but oh well.. if I cant handle it guess ill just carry on... I feel so small sometimes :(....dosent matter how tall or big or strong u are..... how ya feel inside and in your mind is wayyyyyyyy I just try to keep it going one step at a time and try not to trip up...or one never knows maybe someone will trip me up and want to be with me truly honestly and forever with out the stupid games in their head one never knows.... time will tell... but untill then .... I am lettin it loose and living like tomorrow is my last... cause to be honest.....I have a feeling about my self... but just ignoring it.... enough said....should get some sleep I guess... have to put in a door for the cuz's and what ever else... my time is free and available.... and might have company commin for tomorrow night... hopefuly... will be fun:)... been awhile since i just sat around with a friend and drank.. :)...
well here I go tring not to trip on my thoughts and dreams.... but walk threw reality

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 1:34 AM EDT
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