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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 23 July 2005
weekend is here...
well well well been a few days since i ranted and roared... what is new... well.... almost died from the heat this past week.. gawd.... i cant handle that crap.... thinking of moving to the NWT hahaah not.... what else... humm oh yea good news friends of mine had their first child.. first of july :).. congrats derek and gisel..... what else.... been trying er waiting to hear back from HFH to see what is going on for the next build.... got windows to put in for cuz'z.. and a door for another job.... bla bla bla.... broke as ole hell..... BORED as hell.... enough.... so last night i desided to head out... should have stayed home... it was just OK.... seen people i havent seen in awhile.. seen people i didnt want to see for alot longer.... and just plain seen people i dont know haha... had a few but no where near smash as i usually get... just fricken tired from this heat... took everything outa me....but weekend is ok so far.....good news have this cutie of an american wanting to send me a early b day gift wtf is up with that she wont tell me what it is HAHAHA.... i gettin all excited now... dammit i want it... er how bout just you and a big bow "smile"... hehe.... now on to other things.... had plans for tonight.. they got fucked up... as usual.. so now me gots nuddin ta do :P..... hehe... maybe i should just go work on the truck... naaaa well... naaaa.. to lazy worked to friggen much this week..... maybe i can find someone to go camping.... i gota get out that is whats new with me.... not to much... still in the house alone... single... broke... bla bla bla... but looking for a roomie... anyone out there lookin for a place to crash for the winter :).... male or females ok....
so i must go laze around more ...

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 3:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 July 2005 - 4:58 PM EDT

Name: Whats her name...LOL

Oh Ryan if only there was a way to put a smile on your face, a real that says "ya..I really am feeling great" instead of that "ok ya I'm drunk so I'll give ya the goofiest smile I can muster". They say the eyes are the path to the soul.. but a smile is the path to all that is good! So my serious friend that is cause tomorrow is another day, and ya never know what interesting event or person could be waiting for you around that next corner...
Later gater :)

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