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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 6 August 2005
is 5 pm to early to start drinking......
wow been sometime now since i rambled on about NOTHING.... or is it something... uhggg....
so nice day.... spent the whole friggen time of it alone roaming around... thinking about lots of shit :S... didnt get no wheres with it but just thought i guess get some shit outa my head..... so what did i do... humm headed down to cavendish for a sub from subway... yummy.. sat in the back of the truck and woofed that down... was good... checked out the shops on boardwalk... then left there... headed down to sandsspit and watched all the happy familys race around on the track and splash each other on the bumperboats that was cool... but still the same thoughts running threw my head.... then after all that touristy shit i headed down to thunder cove found a nice little quiet spot in a cove and layed down for like an hour.. it was cool... pease full... and all that jazzz.... left there headed to the grocery store and got stuff.... and some drinks... yea yea did ya not friggen read my heading... that is right.. why the hell not... might be a party to go to apparently some people i know will be there but not sure..... or just might drink and get stupid and bitch about stuff... so if i write something later ill prob be smash... but its all good...typical for me have some drinks then find something to do... i just cant get outa this slump lately... my mind is going mad... first of all HFH is being someone stressful on me.... wow a 4 week schedual build of a house.. and i only got plans a week before the ground is to be dug up... cant do it... but think its sorted out.. i have the power hahahah but some great people to work it out with.... hope to be long term friendships to come about of it.... next is... how do u pursue something u really want to but financially u just cant do it :S.. so much dam things going on.... meredith gave me my gift for my early b day... WOW.. holy shit WOW.. that is all i can say anyone whjo knows me and reads this is i am not to often stuck for words... but when that happened i was.... she sent me enough money to buy a friggen air conditioner.... like holy shit... who does this for someone they only spend like 3 days with.. yea there is alot of stuff going on but she is like 150 nautical leagues away from me :(.... gota do something about that maybe.... im not gettin any younger and well.... if it feels right pursue it is that how it goes.. or not.. :S.. so almost had a free trip down to visit her but something got buggered up.... didnt make it :(... maybe next time sooni hope.... and on that now... still cant figure out why i am single :S... i dont leave the toilette seat up.... i try and keep things clean and orderly.... i like to fix things and keep it maintained... im tall.. bla... dark.. no choice in that matter i work out side... dont have any money but something has to give soon right.... what is it... man oh man im gettin tired of this... and where does a guy find new friends on this hell hole of an island.. is it even possiable to find a group of friends u can trust or is it the island way to fuck people over that are in your life... huh huh answer me dammit...another friggen prob is my dam truck im going to burn that fucker.... oil pump going ... water pump gone.... brakes are messed up.... fuel pump is sketchy.... shit shit... and not one red cent to spend on it.... unfortuantely i scrounged up cash to buy some pop had enough booze around for tonight so no one can bitch me out for drinking ...... im saddened by the whole meredith thing.. she is dealin with some ex issues as well as i am still yea yea still ... fuck... still waiting for something to hit me on the head so i can forget its all i can do... cant come to terms cause nothing was resolved... just complicated more.... something keeps tellin me to move... get away... never hear nor need to see her again.... sounds drastic but hey...i guess i cant just pretend something isnt bothering me when it is.... that is me... im me.... you are you.... everyone i seam to meet says dont change.. if u did .... you wouldnt have made it to where u are now... wtf does that mean... where have i made it to... 29 this fucken month.... single.. livin in a house alone... own 3 trucks... licenced carpenter.... like wtf... no kids no bad habbits well that i know of.. no one told me yet... i dont smoke... dont do drugs... dont fight.... i say whats on my mind.... ok and where have i made it to.... yippppeeee..... this little blog this evening is turning into a long ass bull shit story ... gawd.... so what else... hummmm lets see.. oh yea on top of that folks are puttin pressure on me to buy the house... mannnnnn..... i dont have my bills sorted out yet ... need roomate... or 3....
anyone wanna offer...dum dum dum..... i think that is bout all i have to say for now.. sober that is... give me a few hours and check back... might be a different story... might be just ranting and raving on about something in a fierce way.... fuck my spellin is bad but u know what im trying to say i must sign off for now... have some drinks listen to tunes... and maybe work around the house.... oh yea... might be out if ya wanna come find me anyone... if not fuck ya den.... good band playing so check it out... cheers..

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 4:32 PM EDT
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Sunday, 7 August 2005 - 9:22 AM EDT

Name: Me :)

BANG...there's you're bash in the head to help you forget. Rewind, I take that back... you shouldn't forget the past, good or bad. It's a part of you now and part of what makes you you... and yeah it surely sucks when you get that shit in your head and you just can't stop thinking of someone, been there myself! My only (I'm sure retarded useless) advice is to remember all the good and be thankful that you had it for as long as you did. It's not me giving wise advice, it's me telling ya that if you dwindle on whats gone and why you lost it and maybe what you could have done differently, you'll drive yourself crazy. Now if you're done with the eye roll LOL listen to me for a sec... people come and go and yeah ok so maybe a soul mate (ya think) might walk right into and then back out of your life, but my theory is we never usually end up with the soul mate anyway, I think they come into our lives (if we are lucky) to show us whats possible and to prepare us for something bigger. Easy words for someone who's not sitting through the throws of a breakup right now, but hey I've been there too, and god damn it's nasty...but I survived and I know you will too... Someone as silly ass'd as you surely will :)
Maybe something bigger has already been smack dab right in front of you and you just haven't realized it yet! Well, whatever happens Ryan, ya know you have me to bitch too...LOL Wow, my claim to fame, ears that happen to be fairly good at listening to bitch sessions. As for this comment, which has gotten much longer then I origonally intended, I hope it makes you think a little and maybe even cause a silly grin (god they happen to look damn good on you) See thats where I am a true tard, makeing someone smile happens to make my day! and when I get you too, well it's all good, isn't it :)
Ok so I guess I've ranted enough for today, and if there's more that I forgot to say, god knows I'll be telling ya anyway. So off to the beach with you silly man, it's a beautiful day..and ya may even meet some hot chick..LMAO
Oh and if you get a chance to lie out under the stars with someone on a beautiful calm night, do it... It's wicked.. ha ha ha
Talk soon... Cya

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