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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 27 August 2005
shit shit shit is all i ahve to say.. well then ME ARSEEEEEE
so here i sit.. hahaha no idea what the fuck i wrote in my last blog but apparently some people are gettin a laugh outa it.. some dayi might go back and read them all.. but for now i waont... as apparently i seamed drunk hahahaha... and tonight as well.. its 10 50 and i m drunk well on my fucken way... sittin here with a couple friends.. down as fuck but trying to keep my head up... hard to when half the dam world that u thought even gave a shit about u forgot about the only dau u care about your birthday.... one year left and ill be 30
and that is going to be my year if i am alone for one more... who knows where ill end up... might just books an unknown trip to some place i never been and see waht i can do for a month.. live how eer i can maybe i can really find my self..... but all i know is there is one person that could have and well.... yea its true woul have really put a good smile on my face yes yes its all true.... i think about this person alot.. yea ihave friends i met and possaible relatinshiops and shit like that.. but for not there is nothing more than to see the person that acutally says they love u say something to you on your b day first thin in the morning... hly shit i am smash... cant even see what i am wriging just hoping it is makin sence.. if not oh well... so its 10 52 AND I AM ALMOST ready to head out... see what happens and what ever the fuck... yea just finished litenin to lifehouse :(... oh the memories.... one only knows how much they bring back feelings..... there is one huge connection with these guys.... and here is the song....HANGING BY A MOMENT... that is how i felt 3 years ago when i seen that picture... hanging by a moment waiting for the moment..... for the time... the moment to say... i love you.... it came and went... is this life..... dammmmmmmmmmmmm
i cant even make sence of what i am writing.... fuck i gota get over this shit..... im drivin myself mad... people around me see it :(..... oh well imust sign off for now... go finish all my booze and TRY to have fun... just lord know i would love to talk to her... but then at the same time wish i could never see her beautiful smile that makes me go to mush in side ever again ... does this make sence to anyone :(..... oh well.... its my thought and dreams... one will never know how i am... one can only try and understand.... all i can do is explain and hope that someone can some what understand and give me an ear or a shoulder if need... on that note
BYe for now
Cheers for now
God bless
and good luck

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 9:56 PM EDT
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Monday, 29 August 2005 - 12:07 AM EDT

Ryan, oh what to say....well ummm, I said happy birthday to ya *sigh* my poor Ryan...what am I going to do with you? Apparently a 2 by 4 won't work, maybe a cast iron frying pan????LOL
Smile, head up and face forward hun...

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