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Wibbyo's blog
Wednesday, 21 September 2005
look at me im a cat :(
well... so here it is.. i have this friend she takes care of me... only lets me in on info that she knows i wont get to sadened about :(... i herd something about a little furry friend that had to be sent off to a better place.... bless his soul... i miss that little crazy bastard... wish he made it threw it all... :(.... i just hope a certain little girl is doing ok about it... cause i know she loved him... as did i ... i miss them all... but on that note.. i really do hope everyone is well... things are looking up and falling into place... not taht i can say the same... but enough about that.. wish ya luck and maybe someday i can say hello again with out wanting to just yell and scream i love you.... but oh well... price to pay for fallin in love and losing the one i guess... so what is new with me...well was a board director for HFH but well.. guess plannin a 3 week schecual for a house just isnt in me.. to much stress and planning ... cant be done... so i had to leave... oh well.. i will just have to stick with the S Side comittee..... who know what will happen... might make a big move.. might not... i do have a few business ideas in my head right now.. just need to sort out the legal shit and see if i can get a ball rolling... that is all.... one never knows what might happen around the corner or behind that door.... one can only wish that happiness is there or maybe a true love.. one can only hope that someday that door will open on its own with no effort.... to great pleasure to have somone standing there.... e gad do i ever ramble....well imust go.. time to sleep... get up and work on the mansion... but do have to say.. i am finally gettin a bit of respect from a boss finally... only took 9 years.. so to everyone who might stumble across my little ranting and roaring...
God bless
and good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:01 PM EDT
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