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Wibbyo's blog
Thursday, 22 September 2005
Mood:  irritated
what the fuck is up... last time this feeling came over me there was something up with her... WTF is this shit.. is this a sign for something god and i mean the one above... what is up..... last summer something came over me and it was around the time she had something happen... dammit i wish i could remember... but the discussion came up when we TALKED about everything in moncton... jeese... why am i wide awake.. fuck.. i so could just drive away right fucken now :(...what is it dammit.... grrrrrrrr 1 am and i am WIDE awake.... think think think.... what do i need.. what do i have to do to get her off my mind.... what is it.... i need something to occupy my mind.... fuck why can i just find something anything to get me away from all this shit.... i need stress about something else.... man on man am i ever fucked up right now............ jeese i hope the hell no one reads this shit.... just need to get some shit down... might just delete it all later....i dont even enjoy doing anything that i used to enjoy :S...... only thing that will make me happy or even did is to get off this dam island :S... is that a sign.. for me to leave.... if i only have 22grand in debt i prob would take the fuck off :S awwwww would this dam nightmare just stop :S...every dam time i close my eyes i see it.... in anger but in beauty.... i sit here looking at shit i own and i dont value anything i have nor see ..... i lost all interest in shit can u just sit there for hours looking at a person and know what they are thinking and feeling... and say... pffffft.... wrong one... i tell my self yea yea... her loss..... gdit.... how though... this is just one of those dam feelings that make ya think... wtf is wrong... she ok... am i ok... is someone hurt... is someone great... what is it....ok ........... must try and relax.... gota get some sleep... :S.... er well try...

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 12:09 AM EDT
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Thursday, 22 September 2005 - 1:24 PM EDT

Name: OBL

Well Ryan you are right about one thing....You have to stop I'm speaking from a girls prospective..your beating yourself up wayyyy too much...shit happens goes on...but the thing is...ur not helping yourself by thinking about this all the time..we have all been hurt...Lord know I have been...but you have to move new people..geshh I'll tell yea if you had the money to come here...well if yea ever wanna come here you know that you are always welcome....I'm not trying to make light on the way you are feeling ..all I'm saying is that I know the feeling and YES it sucks...but your not helping yourself out ..AT ALL.. My God ..Your a Hott guy and it should be no problem for you to go and have a great time and live it up. Hey , you know my number and anytime you wanna chat...well, I'm here ...Huggs and Kisses for you...You will be fine ..there is no doubt in my mind :u)

Your friend

Jenn xxxxo

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