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Wibbyo's blog
Friday, 7 October 2005
Mood:  energetic
well well well its friday again.. what am i doing.. its 752 exactly lets see how long it takes me to post this... so hahah.. started drinkin early tonight say around 530 .. wahoooo.... hehe... and well i have some company commin over.. well i hope so.. they are enroute... so we will see... hopefully it happens... holly fuck... my cam washing machine almost went out the door... shook the wholefucken house.. hahaha.. oh well hahah... yea so they are suposed to come over.. drink... and guess who hehehe... 3 ladies from c town.. and meeting another one.. lets see ... 4 -1 women to me :D... am i happy sure.. i love hangin out with ladies hehe.... so i made some jello shooters... they just better come over to help me drink em... er i mean slirp em .. haha... 27 shooters... and they are 1 1/2 shots each... might be interesting.. so that equals how many... 27 divided by 2 equals what... 13.5 plus 27 equals lets say 40 shots hahahaha.... interesting.... well that is the shot but not all alcohol.. half that again = 20 shots... but its gunna be fun... i made extreme green apple with vodka... and welll some strawberry with my dangerous 49% alcohol banana stuff ... that is gunna kill someone tonight HAHAHA...holy shit look at the numbers in here... hahahah..... im in a good mood.. already have 3/4 of a pint into me... and still all those fucken shooters... gawd... just hope the fuck there is a good band out tonight... heheh.... so i must go for now... 758... not bad for what 6 mins.. hahaha... ..
god bless and well have a happy night :D

Ry.. your friendly neighbourhood... drunk hahahha

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 7:00 PM EDT
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Sunday, 9 October 2005 - 12:55 AM EDT

Name: Krista Gill

Hey what's with all the math...mind you, you are doing a very fine job of keeping on one problem at a time...I usually get lost in story problems like this one...maybe it is the fact that the story is about Vodka. Shooters were good by the way! You better get that washer under control...don't want to meet it some night out on the deck :)

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