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Wibbyo's blog
Monday, 24 October 2005
2 friggen weeks...
so what have i been up to... lets see.... interesting few weeks i had.... where do i start.... well one weekend krista came down with trisha and friends... we went out partying.. oh yea shit i already mentioned that... but anywho.. had shots left from that weekend... so she came down on a sat... we had the rest of em.. went out and danced a bunch.. it was fun.. she met the crazy cuz's and sylvia and a bunch.. was pretty fun.... then what happened... well i been startin to worry bout this winter... i gota make a move... thinkin bout headin west... but do i or not that is the question... been workin on my self for the past 2 weeks desiding if i should go or not.. hard to just up and take off.. when u never done it before... so that is something that is rackin on my brain along with other shit... anywho... ok so 2 weekends ago headed up west to hang out with a few new friends... shan and jody and char and who the hell else... derek... humm cant remember let me think.. but it was cool spend couple nights up there just hangin out.. watchin tv... chattin and shit... fun fun.. the came down and visited one night... hit a movie... god i love gettin out on a sunday night... thanks guys.... so this past weekend was interesting... fri i desided to risk it all and head up to FRANKS hahaha.. with the gang... shan jody char... well that is who i started out drinkin with.. then i got fucken smashed... we hit franks haha... just call me your retarded cuz ... eh jod.... hehe.. and who else did i meet... some chick named fish.. or is it tish... and another name something or other i can fucken remembe.r.. all i remember is chattin to the RCMP and puking... but they didnt get me hehe.... i didnt break the window i was just trying not to fall down haha.... oh well... fun to be had... so i have no idea what time i got into bed.. or how i got there.. just gota say thanks shan for takin care of me :D.... some people would rather just left me on the deck to die.. haha... but i did feel ike i was dying in the morning... puking again... dammit i cant remember the last time i puked in the morning.. well er afternoon... when i was supoed to be workin at the cottage... that went all to fuck.. no cell service in kildarecape i take it... 8 fucken msgs... and 5 from dad.. to funny every hour till 6... oh well... they new i was west for a drinking exchursion... but all in all it was fun... then sat... sat... hummm sat... should have went to c town.. oh well... got to go down sunday... cause i didnt do shit sat night was still hurting from fri haha... long time a comming that was... oh well... so i headed to the Habitat Dedication for the Waite family with Krista... was a good turnout considering the darn weather... but good anyhow... then what did we do... hit a movie... 2 for the money... good dam movie... great story... then we went and visited Amy :D:D.... finally meet her face to face.. even nicer in person than on line... it was cool... now i have the inside scoop on the nov 11 party ;)... right krista... i herd it.. im going now :D.... casually stop in hahaha.... wel dats whats up with me... still desiding on west or not :S... cant make up my fucken mind... dammit... could make up to 4400 a month take home... that should be enough reason.. but jeese.. hard to just up and leave when i finally meeting some great people i want to call my friends :)... but i guess they will always be there for me even if i do go.. which is nice to know... :).. one only knows what the future wil hold maybe my future is out there... makin 50 grand a year... gota love it.. well will see.. but if i do go... this will be updated with all my recient adventures :)... keep checkin back to find about what i am up to
god bless
good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 25 October 2005 - 3:27 AM EDT

Name: Shan

Hey Hun'..
Well what can I say...I wasnt going to leave your drunken ass out on the hey, you returned the favor by keeping me nice and warm..wink wink
And you also gave me a weekend that ill never forget...A priceless week-end we shall call it,:P
By the way her name is Thish ...Not Fish..haha Nice try though.
Later days

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