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Wibbyo's blog
Sunday, 30 October 2005
me and my dam vodka and dancing hahahah what a night was a blast
Mood:  happy
ok here i go again.. rambling on about what i been doing.. but that is what this shit if for right :P... haha... so well what did i do..... this week... didn't work much... bad weather and in between jobs.. lovely eh... oh well... so what day was it now.. humm... Wednesday wasn't it... i headed up west to help Peggy move her crap into her new apt... so i gota get my sticker on my truck... just because i own a truck does it mean i will help u move hahaha.. sure i will for friends :D.... then after that i headed over to Shans.... hung out.. and decided to just stay there the night... was nice and relaxing... and her mudder made me supper... well everyone haha... but tasty i say :).... it was fun .... then i headed home on Thurs cause worked on fri... ok... so Jody and shan came down... picked me up and we headed to c town for a drive... Jody and her things going on.. ill be there for her.. tell her what i can about "shit" and all.... u know what i mean.... but she is a great girl :)... no one can convince me other wise... so they came back here and tried to convince me to head west for another session of hard core drinking but i just couldn't do it... worked on sat since i missed work during the week... but it was good to just relax and sleep... BUT... sat night was planed sorta... went to work... got home around 2 relaxed a bit.. lazed around then got ready to head to c town... fun fun :D... got to Krista's place... wow what a nice friggen house... wicked even.. met her folks... lovely people :).. and nice truck dad lol.... gota love a dodge 3500 dually with a hemi diesel lol... so yea around 7 i got to start drinking go figure eh me drink early p[ffffft.... then we off to Amy's ;)... cutie she is dammit lol.... gota love tall smart ladies that have good jobs and own houses eh hehehe.. me bad... so heather was there her roomie.. she is great also.. cute to boot lol... and Stephen or Steven i dunno... he was from nfld... what a riot... we were all dressed... oh yea Krista was there he he since she carted my ass around.. and sue... but she had to leave... don't mind the pun ill explain.... we were all dressed up i was just a stupid old man with tits on his face... but i thought it was funny so did Steven... girls i wasn't much sure if they were impressed but oh well.. gota know me to love me eh LOL... and Krista attempted to dress as a witch but didn't do it... dammit... and Amy was a cow girl or something... cute ... but failed to wear her hat....oh well... but gees she fell down the stairs.. dunno how... but shit.. thats gota hurt.. she still came and danced with us for like 3 hours solid.. at the VU.. what a riot it was... oh yea.. Steven was dressed as Capt Crunch.. yea yea the cereal guy to funny .. what an animal... even brought some cereal to eat lol... and heather was what u call a naughty nun... and wow.. she was hot... lol.. me bad again.... and sue... well... she did get dressed up as a tree.... leaves all over her... but like i said she had to leave hahahaha... I'm just to tired and giddy now.. got work in the am... sucks but... so yea that was my fun night.. drank alot of VODKA again..gawd i know why i don't drink that shit all the time... i was.. how u say... fucked up... as Amy put it i think.... 2/3 of a quart... and well.. bout 8-10 drinks at the vu.. i was messed up... even got sick.. shit.. again yea.. lovely 2 weekends in a row... what is wrong with me... so Krista got me back to the rents place.. good job K.... gota hand it to ya.... he all in all the night was awesome.. i gota try and get some pics posted of my recent adventures if i can only sit down and get at it.... soon i promise....
but until then
peace out
god bless
good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:01 PM EST
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