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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 12 November 2005
one good thing = one bad thing
Mood:  lucky
so today i got some shit done that i have been putting off for some time.. have the oil tank in place... plumbed in... most of it... just gota switch the old with the new.. and its good to go.... so yea did that today.. had to do something since i stayed home.. fell asleep at like 930 last night.. fucked up for me i say.. but that is what happens when ya go out on a Thurs night eh.... but anyhow.. got up at like 630... fuckk..... did my shit... then decided to work on my baby... if anyone doesn't know.... my baby is my 89 Dakota convertible.. been in the shop for over a year now.. doing body work... engine swap.. some new parts yada yada.... so yea tinkered with that.. got really pissed off.... so having the timing out 180 degs... make a fucken shit load of difference.... 3 cranks and it started boy oh boy was i ever a happy man.... been ages since i herd it purrrr.... but that was short lived.. needed to run into town and get antifreeze .. cant run a motor with no coolant... so got that... blam.. thought I'm on my way to actually getting something acomplished.... but no wait... i could smell gas... i fucken paniced.... fuel leak... oh shit... shut it down.. investigate... dam fuel line leakin... and was spraying on the exhaust... didn't catch a fire.. but fucken close... gota go out and make sure the fuel is all soaked up... dammit... could have lost everything.. truck.. tools.. shop... christ.. i should have known to push it out before starting it .... gawd..... oh well... i think and well hope that disaster is past now.... uggg..... why do i always have so many close calls lately... I'm not liking this at all.... but anyhow... was out Thurs.. had fun.. partied at Amy's.. and a shit load showed up... then last night to fucken tired to do shit.. oh wel.... so now tonight... either go down to c town.. but no idea where to stay :S.. hang out with tash... but i wanna drink.. so that idea might be off... and well shan invited me down er up to alberton for the night to hang out with her bro and sis inlaw.. and a bunch of them are heading out... what to do what to do.... I'm sorta thinking west.. it was fun last time... so we will see..... anyhow.. gota go make sure things aren't afire.... bye for now.....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 2:31 PM EST
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