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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 31 December 2005
happy new year i guess
well lets see.. its dec 31... then end to another year... fun fun.... i am waitin to get picked up so this will be short.. to everyone who reads this happy new year.. ill write more later on... its going to be exciting tonight i tell u... and to a certain someone i hope u are doing well.... and things are good for u.... i wish u the best of luck.. and maybe we can talk soon.... my prayers are with u ... get well soon..... and to everyone else.. drink up and get drunk hahahha... cheers ill update this shortly.. maybe tomorrow after my interesting evening out hahaha... if anyone has my new cel number feel free to call me tonight :)... lord knowsill be calling some of you haha.. if u dont call my old PEI cell there is a msg on there with my new number..... good luck.. god bless.. cheers
and good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 6:59 PM EST
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Thursday, 5 January 2006 - 9:17 PM EST

Name: Id like to get to know you!!!

Hey there, just checking out your stuff and I like what I see....Still Single or what???? Hope your New years was eventful and remember every year will get better than the last(or at least we hope)So are you great in the sack or not because that is the best way to tell if one is going to be worth the while or for me I haven't heard anyone complain yet! Hahaha

Friday, 6 January 2006 - 7:51 PM EST

Name: Ryan
Home Page: http://this is my home page

well now isnt that interesting sounds like u know me or something by the comment still single... what does that mean and about the sack thing haha that is funny.. but please put a name in there or something .. even better an e mail.. or if u know me... anyways thanks for commenting.

Monday, 9 January 2006 - 8:23 PM EST

Name: Its me again
Home Page: http://not sure i wanna tell u

Well to be quite honest I really don't know you I just came across your site off of a friend that I used to go to school with. You seem like you could be a very interesting person to get to know. The single thing is just a comment from no other person being mentioned in your comments. About the sack thing, I was just joking maybe I shouldn't have said that....I apologize for that. So other than that not much else to say, My name is LeeAnn and I live in Summerside. So if you are still single maybe we could get to know each other a little better. Well must go for now but I hope everything is going OK for you and maybe you'll write soon.

Monday, 9 January 2006 - 9:35 PM EST

Name: Ry

oh yea from Summerside eh.. interesting.. how old are u .. do ya use msn at all or what.. post your e mail ill delete it before posting ok....

Tuesday, 10 January 2006 - 9:52 PM EST

Name: LeeAnn

Yipe, I'm from the big town of Summerside. Why is that so interesting. I use msn all the time and now you know what my email is so I guess you can do what you want with that. Age isn't that just a's how you feel on the inside(today I feel about 80)but the numbers say 28!!!
Hope to here from ya soon!

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