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Wibbyo's blog
Thursday, 19 January 2006
2005 year in review for Ryan
so where do i begin .. my year of 2005 in a whole... lets see.. ok.. back last year of this time... weird things had happened... well the new year started off weird... an old not to old but an old flame came around again.. we started talking... well how u call it baby steps... which turned into huge steps.. but it was all good... things went awsome.. better than before well ithought... future was looking up for us.. but i guess i was just wrong :S well that is what happens i guess.. people u love so much cant actually see how much u care... maybe some days she will relize how i feel about her... so after dealing wit that stuff i tried to move on best as i could... met a bunch of new great friends.. did some habitat stuff which was great... met some people threw that.. krista... she rocks.. and a bunch of her friends which rock also... in my travels i also met a bunch from up west.. made some awsome relationships ... :).. jody.. shannon.. char.. krista... mitchel.. jen.. and who ever else i met at the ole alberton arms... so that brings me to my drinking events.. i puked some.. danced some.. made an ass outa my self.. but what is new haha... so this past year summer was quite quiet... went to the canada festivities.. had fun with friends.. dawn... met some great people from the USA.. Meredith and Lisa.. great girls... wow i am jumping around here alot eh.. oh well this is my blog so get the fuck outa it lol... so yea... i worked on a million dollar home this past summer.. met the owners great bunch... and they took me down to Maine to visit meredith :D.. awsome 36 hour trip i had :D... now that takes me to what end of sept or so... what is new... well mom talked bout me buying the house which i want to.. tough when i owe like 25 grand.. what to do.. i was still workig with dave great guy... doing a warehouse.. ok so mom suggested me to head west.. head west young man head west haha.. so well i thought about it for a long time... lots of things on my mind this past summer... well... she was on my mind alot... not that i talked to anyone jsut tried to deal.. and well leaving ole PEI was a big step for me.. hardest thing i ever done.. leave all my new friends from east and west.. i new i was going to miss them all.. found some true honest friends .. been awhile since i could say that so i desided to leave.. pack up what i needed and leave the rest till when i go home.. big thing...never flew never lived away from PEi.. and well i was doing it alone uggg... so here i was jumping on a plane watchin my folks cry for the first time in like ever.. guess they were sad to see their baby boy leave ... not knowing if he will ever be back.. but i will.. sooner than later... and yea i was a litle choked to leave also.. big thing for me... but now i am here.. trying to make new friends which i have.. brad.. tracey... nicole... JP... Shawn.. greg... erin... alison... who ever gawd there is so many.. matt.. who ever i forgot dont get mad just tell me off haha.. anywho i am on the hunt for a car been since i got here back in well nove 27 or so.. been almost 2 months.. money is good.. just need to get it rolling in steady..but its all good... get some stuff paid down make friends.. and see some concerts... well who did i see.. Theory of a dead man... Tom green doing rap.. seen bryan adams and soon to see Nickelback.. and tones more on the go... that just about brings it up to date for my past year... some left out for personal reasons some left out cause it was borings but there was so much that happened in my life of 2005 i cant sum it all up in one blog.. dont want to bore everyone with it now do i .. haha.. well cheers for now.. goood nite god bless and keep checking back as i will update shortly

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 11:15 PM EST
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006 - 11:13 PM EST

Name: Jody

Hey Ry,
I know I don't chat to ya much but I do think of you lots and I hope you are doing good. I hope when you come back down here you will hang out once again with us and maybe get trashed like before for old time sake... I think you had an ok time that night.. Hope so..It was fun. see ya later..Mia heeeeeeeeee

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