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Wibbyo's blog
Monday, 23 January 2006
The Power Of Music
WOW is all i can say... it is funny how music makes the world go round.. when u truly think about it music is the life blood to alot of things.. in oversea countrys they make their own music to entertain them selves in ours country we use music for lots of things people play music at weddings... at funerals for some people... amazing grase for some irish or scottish funerals... how amazing when u think of it how powerful it can be....a person can listen to a song and get completly freaked out and so dam made in one second... but then listen to the right song and things from the past get surfaced again and make a person very sad... its so dam powerful its amazing... how can just listening to music make a person feel so close to someone but then at the same sence make it feel like they are so far appart.... does music mean more to a person with their lives.. if they happen to hear songs that make them sad or happy should a person act on it... or should they take it as another step in life something to deal with .... could it also be signs.. if u think of a certain someone while this song plays and u want to talk to them or u want to pound them... what is it really.. i still cant believe it... i listen to some songs and they are my life true and true and make me think of all my past relationships.. then i listen to other and makes me think of one person one moment one place in time that i wished i had back or could have back again.. but i guess that is what music does creates memories and makes a person reflect back on them... to this day there is still some songs i cannot listen to as i know they bring so much hurt and heart ach back to the surface only cause it brings back so much memories of happyness but at the same time so much hurt cause those things are gone... someday i can listen to them.. and well how some songs bring up so much pain in a pissed off way that u cant bare to listen to it for fear or tearing someones head off.... its powerful... anyone can feel it... people dance to it... powerful... why cant people just say fuck off im listening to music and its going to make me a better person cause of it.. but that isnt it.. i think music is created for memories... u can look at a video but videos are way different than the memorys u portray in your head ... the ones in your head are much more vivid cause your mind created that moment.. burned it into your mind.. and music triggers it to come out... much more power ful than watchin a dam video....wel i am raving on about nothing here and i should head to bed.. thik about the things i thought about the things i did .. past present and future and try and deside on what i want to do with my life with others... do i want to take a bit step... take it slow... or just jump head first and see what comes outa it.. but one thing i do know as long as my heart is beating and long after music is going to create memories for everyones including me
signing off.
uncertain but happy
unhappy but curious
sure but undesided
lonely but content
peace out
god bless

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 2:34 AM EST
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006 - 5:49 PM EST

Name: Hmmm...Who am I today ??

You are will make you remember many times and places very vividly! You could probably imagine that you were back there while listening! Some times you want to remember these time and other times you don't. Just be happy that you are able to remember the times that you enjoy and forget about the rest...not easy, but maybe the best way around it :)

Music has different effects on each person. Some people cannot hear music at all...and not because it is not loud enough, but because they are not truly listening...or don't want to listen!!

I think everyone should find a type of music that they enjoy and let it take them is the cheapest type of relaxation around :) I am sure that many people would be much less stressed (even when listening to some of the anrgy music that is produced today...), if they just gave it a try...closed their eyes and just listened...and forgot about everything else around...

That's my two cents for today !!

Wednesday, 25 January 2006 - 9:26 PM EST

Name: Ry

yes this is so true.. but please leave a name or something so i have an idea of who u are.. or if u are a complete stranger leave that to... but your so right.. music keeps things relaxed in peoples lives :D... thanks for commenting :)

Wednesday, 25 January 2006 - 11:12 PM EST

Name: Jody

I feel the same way about Music.. sometimes I find it is sort of a another place..another time.. another feeling...

Friday, 27 January 2006 - 4:56 PM EST

Name: K

It really bothers you to not know who is commenting doesn't it :P

Friday, 27 January 2006 - 8:49 PM EST

Name: Ryan

yes just friggen leave your name dammit hahaha..

Sunday, 29 January 2006 - 12:38 AM EST

Name: R

Heard some good tunes this evening...! Took me to a place I really enjoyed :P

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