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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 11 February 2006
where it starts
starts with a picture
then a hi
then a chat
then a touch and the heart starts to race
then a hug
then a kiss
then a snuggle night being close
then a deep conversation about hopes and dreams
then making dreams come true
then talking about the future
then making the future happen
ok where did i go wrong
all i have to say is ugggg... what is wrong with me... really though.. if something all falls into place is it something that should be worked on so much harder or not... or is it just a learning curve.... cause icant seam to wrap my head around it.... i cant just tell my self... its a learning experience.... everything just seams right about the situation.... where is all this crap commin from in this tiny usless head of mine.. all i do is use numbers and now this crap is comming out :S.. uggg.... i see things i read things all i do is get excited about people .. their achievements... their health... their familys.... but yet i cant do one darn thing to better my self.... i moved 5000 kms away to see if i could find my self.. .i cant... i feel like i am just in jail.. stuck in this house no way out... i know where my heart is.. PEI.. i know where i want my heart to be... enough said.... am i foolish here.... should i be where i want to be and just make due.. or is this what I am suposed to be doing.. sorting out shit that i cant sort out... its like plus 7 degs out and my head is so full of stuff right now.. home in the house alone... beautiful day.. no one to head outa this place with.. everything is to dam far to bother going to .... i just keep looking at those beautiful blue eyes and it makes everything seam ok.. even when i am almost to my lowest.... a good friend left today that well we bonded quite well... he wil always be in my heart to much in common and we understand each other on so many levels... on day we wil get to hang out again... and little kids... some just well get under your skin and some just do and u love it.. u love them and u miss them like crazy and dont know what to do about it.... another learning curve maybe or what.... well i dunno what is in store for me in the next few months.. some interesting things are commin up at work.. maybe workin in calgary for 6 weeks.. everything included i hope anyways... lodging and food.. which would be great to get away and see that city... and some of my other family that is down well i must run get cleaned up ... and desided on what i am doing tonight.. figure something out...
cheers all
god bless
chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:46 PM EST
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Monday, 13 February 2006 - 1:47 AM EST

Name: anon

Hi. This is just what I need to read right now (your blog). I've been feeling this same way lately and it is so draining. I could cry some nights, and do. The frustration is awful but even worse is losing faith in the idea of love. I never thought I would be one to give up but I find myself slipping. One disappointment after another, it just doesn't seem to be worth it sometimes. On top of trying to find someone who feels the same way about me as I do about them, I'm concerned with whether they are honestly decent people or just good at beind deceptive since I have recently found out some disturbing things about people I grew up with and was sure I knew better than that...actually family. I have children to protect. I'm thinking about becoming a hermit or recluse again. blah...

(this only really relates to the first little bit of your blog and past ones I read in here..actually I don't know that this really goes with any of it. Just something on my mind. Thanks for giving me a place to yap on)

Monday, 13 February 2006 - 7:51 AM EST

Name: Ry

well i dont mind ya yapping at all really.. that is why there is a comment section... this is just place for me to vent complaint... share my happiness or what ever.. i dont expect anyone to comment on it just a place to write.... thanks for commenting though :)...

Tuesday, 28 February 2006 - 10:50 PM EST

You're welcome. Your blog is interesting to read. Nice to make a comment too. I think you must love people, judging by what you say here. :)

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