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Wibbyo's blog
Monday, 20 February 2006
it has been awhile
well now... what have i been doing... lets see..... partied this past weekend was a wicked time... Red Deer is pretty fun town...went down on fri with a bunch of people and stayed till sunday at a hotel... partied on fri... fun times... see some wicked ass bartenders... blowing fire balls and shit... got vids of that stuff.... seen a wicked band also.. bagpipes rock :D.... sat well relaxed at a good friends place most of the day after i cooked them pancakes and stuff :D.. but its all good... then i finally got into the mood sat night.. uggg 2 nights in a row... went out to some wild bills and met up with a shit load of POFers.... was an awsome time.. met a bunch i been looking forward to meeting... wicked times had by all.... took a bunch of pics.... not to many just enough :D.... so been gettin weird questions asked to me lately... who ya seeing who ya dating... just wanna make it clear not seeing anyone.. yea going out to (meet) people that is about it.. nothing major... being as i am 5000km away from (my) home i unsure if iwant to get to close to anyone... but one never knows i guess.... my heart just isnt where i want it right now..... also as for how long i am going to be around here... uncertain also... but i am pretty sure ill be back on the isle for awhile this summer reguardless if i stay till fall... ill see :).... so that is a bit of new info no what i been up to... check back soon in the new link for some new pics from recient events :D...
god bless

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 7:45 AM EST
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Monday, 20 February 2006 - 8:41 PM EST

Name: Angel

Hey, I was reading the forums and saw you might head to Calgary soon. On the way, come stop over. I might even attempt to make the pancakes this time! It was really nice to have you over for company with everyone, even though I was super busy. Next time I will keep the phone off the hook ;)

Take care and talk with you later.
God bless you too :D

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