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Wibbyo's blog
Sunday, 12 March 2006
do u know who u are cause i think i know who i am
well its been what 3 or more months or so i been out here in the wild west... and sometimes thats what it is... wild... only if i let it really.. Edmonton is a nice city so far anyways.. nothing happened yet to make me hate it YET... still looking for a vehicle so i can tour around more ... that will come with time... so bout my heading.... been sometime that i didn't really know who i am.... i think i might have figured it out... i am me... some people like me... some don't... but have been getting alot of why cant u be who u are when u are alone with people than with a group.. guess that is called something but i don't know it right now.... i know i will help anyone i know... i don't talk about people... i like to think i am kind.. have good beliefs.... am i a good person i like to think so... made alot of good friends here in edmonton... all of which fit in a certain part of my heart... those know more some know less.... also the whole different cultures thing is awsome... i met some great people.... a great Asian fella that i can say is a good friend of mine.. met a what u call east Indian lady friend which is awsome.... i care about all these people alot... even some people who are born and raised in the city limits.. ihave alot of respect for these people also they show me different things about the world i wouldn't have seen other wise..... i am a small town guy from a small province with small beliefs in society... guess taking it slow is the island way of life... if i live in a city long enough guess ill adapt to the go fast hurry up.. gotta get it done type of living these people call their home ... but as for this guy... taking it easy and taking one day at a time is my rule... people don't get hurt and stressed out so much that way... nothing wrong with going fast just guess i am not used to it all but maybe in due time ill understand.... so my morals are easy... take it easy... i wanna be in love again dunno if that will happen... not saying it wont but not saying it will... been hurt.. and still those parts of my heart haven't healed yet from my past relationships.. guess u call that a learning road... a bumpy one but a learning one i guess.... but i know i am me.... people met me say i am unique.. but that makes me... those same people say don't change cause that is how u are.... i feel i can change with the right people around me... whether its for love or awsome relationships who knows.... friendships are awsome... i just want to take everyone back home and show them my life.... what i do when i am down what i do when i am up... someday i just might find someone that wants to share that with me... and we can change together... that is how life goes doesn't it... change together....that is wha ti want.. i want to change together with someone... i shouldn't have to just change.. its a learning thing.... man oh man i just blab on about stuff when i get in here.... prob isn't making sense but should it really... this is what goes on threw my thinking and in my head.... take it as u wish.... anyways i must go finish up some stuf.... laundry and cleaing... take care to anyone who reads this...
and i miss PEI.. and i will be back.... a change man in some ways and in others ill still be the same ole sarcastic do anything for anyone... helping hand... that everyone back home knows..... u can change how u are with somethings but u cant change who u are...
god bless
good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:11 PM EST
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Sunday, 12 March 2006 - 9:16 PM EST

Name: Krista

Never change !! Why change something if there is nothing wrong with it :)

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