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Wibbyo's blog
Monday, 17 April 2006
i gota be F'in insane
what the heck is wrong with me.... every time i see a pic a vision or get a feeling i go about 4 years backward... wtf is up with that... i work 12hrs a day but stil i find a moment to get these feelings screwing with me.... why is that so.. jeese.. really does anyone else have this prob or ever herd of it... i just cant seam to push it aside what so ever... what does it take to just relize its done.... :S but then again is it... man oh man... well i have no idea really... its just plain difficult... the onlyh thing i have these days to keep me going is the ablity to get my bills paid off or paid down... its slowing happening... and another thing is to visit PEI once again soon... will be 7 months since i set foot on that wonderful red soil... the first of july i hope to be home for the festival of light but we will see.... first time since highschool i will actually have time off.... how do u say road trip me and JP its going to be interesting... no rules.. no worries.. just two guys who have alot on their minds to sort shit out... thats about it... he is excited and so am i really... get to see my cuz's and all my new friends i met before i left.. just have to plan things wisely is all ... but it wil happen... who knows what will happen between now and when i get home.. maybe i will see things more clearly and be settled with things.. maybe not... all iknow is i wish i could go back in time and do things differently... but untill someone makes a time machine i guess i have to deal with the crap i done in the past... well nite for now.. gettin late well sorta is but not 3 hours time difference..
god bless
good nite
good morning
and see ya all soon

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:46 PM EDT
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Monday, 17 April 2006 - 11:22 PM EDT

Name: Ry

yea yea that is what alot say but u know how it goes.. unless something major happens to completely make a person dispise someone... oh well and about the partying this summer on yea.. u know that song.. home for a rest... well... it will be home for a ficken party..... me and my BC buddy will be partying it up well ill show him how to do it islander style..... he will be hung over the whole trip back out here.. haha.. oh well it will be good to see everyone :D...

Monday, 17 April 2006 - 11:23 PM EDT

Name: Shan
Home Page:

Hey hun'
They always say, the best way to get over a woman, is to get under another one:P.
Anyhow..keep ur head up. I'm sure things will turn out great for you. We all miss you and can't wait to see you this summer..Save a night and a few drinks for the up west crew. Miaa
Take Care

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