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Wibbyo's blog
Sunday, 18 February 2007
real kick in the NUTS
Mood:  blue
So had an interesting couple months... see last post I don’t remember what I put exactly.... but well split up with Shawna in December... and we got talking in January..... Then back together... BIG FUCKEN MISTAKE.... nothing changed all I seen was her balling and whining about wanting to be with me and bitchin about money…..not willing to change or deal with her issues... ... nothing changed... everything stayed the same..... I guess I just lost patience and fell out of love with her..... If she isn’t willing to deal with her issues and face those straight on... nothing I can do....can’t beat it into her..... So I had to call it quits..... See so we kept on each others msn..... Try to be civil since we have a lot of common friends..... but guess that doesn’t matter... see she threaten me about my 700$ she owes me... said if I remove her off msn I wont see a cent... how mature... well a valentines day came around.... she was going... and I was gong.. So she accused me of FOLLOWING HER... what a fucken joke... she been partying around and it was the first thing in some time...for me... but oh well so had this friend that wanted to go.... just so happened to be female.... what’s the deal... she wanted to go to a POF event.. And didn’t know anyone... so whats the difference.... guess when i showed up shawna got all bent outa shape... guess she didnt like that.... what can i do.. Not allowed to have new friends she seams to be ok with flirting with everyone around..... So be it..... Yea headed up to Edmonton for the night sat... big valentines party put on by a friend of mine.... great times... thought I could go have fun hang with my old buddies... everything was gong good.. Even thought maybe I could be civil to her... maybe see how she is doing and all..... but what do ya know... back stabbing friend... standing there watching them make out on the dance floor... slimy fucker I call him....good job I bought her outfit so she looked good…. and well she... a whore that is how I can describe it right now... shows a lot of the type of woman she is.... all she needs and wants is her legs in the air typical... should have fucken seen it long ago…. Man am I stupid…..just wonder how long it was going on when we were together.... thought something was up.... time to just start going with my GUT feelings...... am I pissed yes.. am I bitter yes... for not seeing all this shit long ago.... be with someone for like what 6 months and they don’t talk about anything in their past... must be some secrets they are hiding..... Any who... yea so this so called friend MATT ... who knew me and her... and someone i USED to trust talked to me about her was a concerning friend.... goes and makes out on the dance floor infront of me... NICE... guess no more.... what do ya do eh...... not much.... want to play dirty games.... picked the wrong fucker for that match.......guess in my books all I see that is a WHORE.... plain and simple.... good ridden to ya BITCH...... have a nice life... and GOOD LUCK. Cause you’re going as fuck need it....
Signing out.... bitter pissed off and HURT.....
Time to rethink what I want in life....... boy this sucks
Bye for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:56 PM EST
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Wednesday, 21 February 2007 - 7:10 PM EST

Name: vkat

hey pal, sorry the night was shit for you...... it was good to see you again tho. *hugs*

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