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Wibbyo's blog
Wednesday, 12 January 2005
wednesday eh :P...
Mood:  a-ok
well lets see..... wed night... movie... humm.... OK what happened reciently... oh yea i was sick as hell last week :(... had the shits :P.. yea yea to much info... didn't do nothing all weekend i mean NOTHING.... well watched a movie with a friend on Sunday night.. that was really nice :).... what else... oh yea Monday got the truck registered finally... now... see how it works... worked fine the past 3 days... cross your fingers.... still want my baby back on the road... not the convertible though... the shaggin waggin... so yea ... was late this morning cause i had the shits again :(.... very bad to :| was almost going to go to the doctors... dint feel like eating... just drinking Gatorade and eatin what i can right now :S... hopefully it wont come again tomorrow :S.... what else.... oh yea katie had her thingy today.... i pray to god it went with sucess.... i imagine it did.... if not she is to stubborn to let it take her down :P.... love ya katie :)...... I'm here for ya..... what else :S>.. guess that is about it.... time to sign out and check out whats on the boob tube... maybe watch a movie i rented the other night... maybe...
cheers for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:25 PM EST
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