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Wibbyo's blog
Saturday, 13 November 2004
hey hey weekend is NOW
Mood:  happy
hey hey another sat night.. what am i to do... well been a fun week... tara and ash came down on monday i got to finally meet the imfamous ashley.. what a cutie... they stayed a bit... then I headed down wed.. cause u know hump day I gota get away from the house... and no work on thrus... fun night chillin... then they came back down thurs.. fun fun... and last night hahah.. fri... they got smashed... as u call ash.. smashley toooooo funny.. posted some pics till I get threatoned to take them off... NOT.... oh yea made some progress on the truck... transfer case is in... breaks are done.. now just gota check fluids and a few other things.. hopefully soon I'll have a rig again :S.. and be able to keep my job... god I wish I had a rich uncle but anyways I am still living if anyone is wonder.... yea seen a little cutie today at wallymart with her grandfolks.. wish I could have said hi :(... but u know... it was hard enough on her with me having to not be around in the first place:(... :(... but I do still care for her and miss her.. always..hearing wyan that is just one thing

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 3:52 PM EST
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Wednesday, 10 November 2004
Well... half way threw the week almost
Mood:  don't ask
so yea.... the boss well how u say half threatoned me yesturday.. ifi dont get a truck soon... i might not have a job... lovely.... well that is how i took it anyway... workin the best i can on it... just dont have 5000$ to drop onto a good truck :S.... fuck... nothing is going good this month... x mas is comming... nothing bought for my neice and nephew... let alone the rest of the whole fam damily.... so im a bit pissed... no cash.. still no truck... but makin progressed... maybe by next week i might have something rolling.... or maybe even a transmission for the other rig at this point i dont give a rats ass... just as long as i get something..... dammit..... i need someone to take me away...just need to get away from this gd house for awhile :(..... HELP..... Stressed right the fuck out... oh yea if anyone out there needs some work done at a reasonable price let me know... i need some side jobs lol.... well gota go... work again today... fun fun :S... chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:51 AM EST
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Saturday, 6 November 2004
what to do on this cccccooollld saturday
Mood:  spacey
well so it begin another BORING weekend of my life... gota get my ass out side to work on that rig if i want to get a truck back of some sort .... so now i discovered people look at relationships sooooooo differently... there is 2 choices i have found..... things happen for a reason... and the other one is..... u make your own choices.... so dosent these both sorta just conflict each other... u make a choice but it happens for a reason... so what if u made no choice would something happen for a reason .. hahaha i just found it funny... im just blabbin on here.... but anyways last night was a waste of my fucken time...... no truck... no way of gettin anywhere.... fuck i gota get off this dam island soooooon.... only 5 more months and im outa here for a week i cant flippin wait.... porta plata here i come ... free drinks for a week is going to be insane.... either that or ill be dead which ever hahahaha well gota go do something on this miserable windy as fuck day.. so ill post another one soon... this is startin to be sorta good for the head puttin this shit down hahaha funny isnt it ... well here i am signing off..
Chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:15 AM EST
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Friday, 5 November 2004
another fucken day
Mood:  irritated
well another fucken week is done... only thing that has went good for me is i got a check.... and went out with the CUZ'S... and seen Jesus Christ super star... it was pretty good... and a few people i new was in it... so yea.. im pissed.. found out my truck needs alot of work.. the new one... tie rod ends... breaks... stearing parts and shit :S.. not impressed... new drive shaft.. fuck can i ever get a gd break... bills piling up just hope the fuck i can get shit sorted out soon cause i wanna go down south bad.... gota save 1200 some how... pfffffft shea right... line of credit baby haha.. well i am off for another fun NOT filled evening home.. just having a few drink ill see what later on brings me :S... chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 4:26 PM EST
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Monday, 1 November 2004
another monday
Mood:  not sure
well this is new to me now lets see how it goes..... so today i droped 1500$ into a fellas hands for another dam truck.. that makes 4 i own.. and none are working right friggen now :S... hopefully sometime soon ill be rollin down the highways smiling :P..anyone have a transmission out there that will fit a 92-93 dakota 4x4 :P let me know.... so yea still single .. and hating it :S... lookin for mis right.. someday :P someday :P didnt get grocerys tonight cause i have no truck still :S.. maybe tomorrow someone will take me into town to get some food i desperately need hahaha anyways chow for now...

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 9:46 PM EST
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