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Wibbyo's blog
Wednesday, 5 January 2005
Mood:  hug me
so here i sit... sick :(... but other than that i am in not to bad of a mood.... met a few cool people lately.... and planning on doing something this weekend i hope:)..... always great to meet some new people to hang around with still dont have my truck on the road only thing left is to register it then ill be good to go till something else happens.... so x mas wasent to bad really now that i have thought about it sober hahahha... new years was pretty good with my extended family the macdonalds.... u guys are the best ... any who... i must go get something to eat so i can beat this cold.... chow for now..

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 2:33 PM EST
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Sunday, 2 January 2005
well hello
Mood:  don't ask
so yea.... here i am its like 215 and i am smashed solid... fun times to put an entry in.. haha no correcting of spelling either lmfao.... so new years eve was pretty good... hung out with the macdonalds and others.. around 10 of us there it was fun... dranks lots... acted foolish and all... it was good..... dam past always catches up with me..... god i gota do something to get that shit outa my head... emotional shit dammit.... so yea me and katie went out.. fun times it was danced a bunch see people i wanted to see and others i didnt want to see so much... as some can understand...... but good... so i woke up ... 3 hours sleep... fun... do the math.... started drinkin again at 8 this morning holy fuck.... i cant do that shit... aw well... i got razed big time aw well nothing changes lol... but i did make it out after 4 when i did get a little nap in hehe... i dont give up on anything i do lmfoa. so tonight was fun.. me the macdonalds and mike it was fun.. Miscouche legion first then the wing then to secondstory hahaha judy rocks :D... pics commin... hehe... then heritage.... oh joy oh blus... guess who i seen there fun fun... if u know me u know who i am talkin about... yea ahd had the gawl tu come up and ask how my fucken new years was... what do u think :(.... being alone ya know with out someone to care about makes for a shitty new years and x mas for that matter... the fucken likes... get your heart broken and see how u feel when someone tries to talk to u .... god i could have said lots but why the fuck bother... i cant do it... outa sight outa mind... expecially when a person finds out someone u suposadly cared for was lying to ya.. and continues.... hahah put up a wall my fucken ass.... yea i do dwel on shit when it involves my gd heart... who the fuck doesnt to a was almost as if she cared.. but where the fuck was the boy toy... haha typical... i know her to well.... wow.... what can i say.....well nothing more... sept i still commin home alone... to an empty house... good thing is i can crank the tunes any time of year hahaha and dont need to worry about it lmfao... joy oh bliss.... ok well... im fallin asleep here and i gota crash.... take care all who reads this and u know who out there i care so much for :)... i guess happy new years and the whole shebang hehe chow

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 1:19 AM EST
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Saturday, 18 December 2004
Mood:  don't ask
so yea.. waht do i do.. i sittin her drinkin alone as usual... bored fucken crazy.... one thing that has been on my mind for some time now is keelyn and amber :(.... what the fuck is up with that...been almost a year... now i start thinkin of them :(... prob cause it was about a year ago today that things started to feel awsome... i loved them both..and x mas meant something to me :).. then.. now this year... what a fucken waste of a holiday... i just wish it wopuld go by realy dam fast..... maybe ill move in the new year... let see where shal i go... NZ... Halifax.... scotland.. who the fuck know... well prob no where.. :S.. i suck... no friends really.... family are the only ones that i talk to.... well... cousins... whom i love with all my heart... they stand beside me reguardless... as i do to them.... aw welll... fuck i ramble on about nothin when i drink.
fuck it all... so what do i do.. go out or stay the fuck hom.... go out maybe... maybe meet someone.... NOT FUCKEN LIKELY.... it will be another 2 years i find anyone i even think i might want to date quote... typical... ryan status... miserable for couple years then something crazy happens... meet someone... maybe i mightg meet the one... cant see it but who the fuck knws really :S... fuck it all..... well i am siging off for now... i am drunkand rambled enough chow..... merry x mas to all who it means alot to .. and to all who dont ... try ot make it threw the best u can.. cause i know i am sure as fuck just trying to make it :(..... cheers all

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:13 PM EST
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Saturday, 4 December 2004
bored fucken crazy
Mood:  blue
so its been a few days eh.. i forget what i posted last.. but yea ... so i lost my job.. niceeeeeeeee. just before x mas and all.. isnt that just fucken lovely... just because i didnt have the money to spend on a 6 grand truck.... oh well fuck him... ill find another job... fuck it ill try something new... cant be anything lost if i do... and still no roomate ... im starvin here... no money .... bills galore... its starting to fucken suck ass...... x mas is going to blow.. hard... still just lookin forward to dominican... that is all that keeps me going.... so back to this again if anyone out there needs some smalls jobs done up let me know... send me an e mail or a msg ... not to much i cant do .... so i must go find something to do for a bit.. chow....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 11:43 AM EST
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Sunday, 28 November 2004
Mood:  spacey
so its been a couple days since i posted..hum what is new... well almost got the truck inspected ....... grrrrrrr not impressed.. found out the rear end was shot so spent all day fri trying to get the gear set out of the convertable.. fun fun.. hopefully THIS week i may have a truck... doubt it but everyone cross your fingers.... so hum my life eh... last weekend was a waste of time.... this fri was a waste of time i should have just stayed home but oh well to stubbern i guess... yes so awhile back i met this girl :).. sweet girl seamed to have goals in life which is cool... always told me she is honest... but guess cant always believe everyone can ya... fuck it all.. no wonder i am the way i am hahahaha got so much to give but when someone fucks with it.... watch the fuck out...X MAS is around the corner... SUCKS ASSS...... going to suck... wish i had somewhere to go... maybe ill just go for a weekend drive if i have the rig.... wander the roads...... who knows... going to be wayyyy different with out the little girl around ... she made my x mas last year :(..... hope she has a good one this year also....... anyways enough NEGATIVE shit :P.... cause that is me hahahah just sit and listen to me someday.. not at how i am talkin but what i am saying.. it might fool ya :P:P.... so signing off for now chow

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:09 AM EST
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Monday, 22 November 2004
yo sup... truck is almost done
Mood:  happy
well sir been awhile but i am sorta happy... found out today that my truck is almost done :)..just need to tighten up the exhaust and change the tires and rims and its got a sticker :).... and/but.. stil need to register it and change insurance :S... another 400$ or so dammit... hope i am workin for awhile so i can get a head of this shit... still no roomate yet.. i guess chris is gettin his place in hunter river maybe... dunno havent chatted to him... been a busy boy hehe... oh well... so what am i to do this week... maybe i can get my truck and go for a drive.. that would be good :).. finally get some wheels..... might even have a frew drinks this weekend.. been awhile 3 weeks since i had any amount of booze.. doing good actualy :P:P... but not havin much fun :(.. still no woman... still not really any prospects... i amjust to fucken picky but hey why be with someone u only like a bit eh :S... oh well... sighing off.. chow for now :D cheers

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:21 PM EST
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Saturday, 13 November 2004
hey hey weekend is NOW
Mood:  happy
hey hey another sat night.. what am i to do... well been a fun week... tara and ash came down on monday i got to finally meet the imfamous ashley.. what a cutie... they stayed a bit... then I headed down wed.. cause u know hump day I gota get away from the house... and no work on thrus... fun night chillin... then they came back down thurs.. fun fun... and last night hahah.. fri... they got smashed... as u call ash.. smashley toooooo funny.. posted some pics till I get threatoned to take them off... NOT.... oh yea made some progress on the truck... transfer case is in... breaks are done.. now just gota check fluids and a few other things.. hopefully soon I'll have a rig again :S.. and be able to keep my job... god I wish I had a rich uncle but anyways I am still living if anyone is wonder.... yea seen a little cutie today at wallymart with her grandfolks.. wish I could have said hi :(... but u know... it was hard enough on her with me having to not be around in the first place:(... :(... but I do still care for her and miss her.. always..hearing wyan that is just one thing

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 3:52 PM EST
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Wednesday, 10 November 2004
Well... half way threw the week almost
Mood:  don't ask
so yea.... the boss well how u say half threatoned me yesturday.. ifi dont get a truck soon... i might not have a job... lovely.... well that is how i took it anyway... workin the best i can on it... just dont have 5000$ to drop onto a good truck :S.... fuck... nothing is going good this month... x mas is comming... nothing bought for my neice and nephew... let alone the rest of the whole fam damily.... so im a bit pissed... no cash.. still no truck... but makin progressed... maybe by next week i might have something rolling.... or maybe even a transmission for the other rig at this point i dont give a rats ass... just as long as i get something..... dammit..... i need someone to take me away...just need to get away from this gd house for awhile :(..... HELP..... Stressed right the fuck out... oh yea if anyone out there needs some work done at a reasonable price let me know... i need some side jobs lol.... well gota go... work again today... fun fun :S... chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:51 AM EST
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Saturday, 6 November 2004
what to do on this cccccooollld saturday
Mood:  spacey
well so it begin another BORING weekend of my life... gota get my ass out side to work on that rig if i want to get a truck back of some sort .... so now i discovered people look at relationships sooooooo differently... there is 2 choices i have found..... things happen for a reason... and the other one is..... u make your own choices.... so dosent these both sorta just conflict each other... u make a choice but it happens for a reason... so what if u made no choice would something happen for a reason .. hahaha i just found it funny... im just blabbin on here.... but anyways last night was a waste of my fucken time...... no truck... no way of gettin anywhere.... fuck i gota get off this dam island soooooon.... only 5 more months and im outa here for a week i cant flippin wait.... porta plata here i come ... free drinks for a week is going to be insane.... either that or ill be dead which ever hahahaha well gota go do something on this miserable windy as fuck day.. so ill post another one soon... this is startin to be sorta good for the head puttin this shit down hahaha funny isnt it ... well here i am signing off..
Chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:15 AM EST
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Friday, 5 November 2004
another fucken day
Mood:  irritated
well another fucken week is done... only thing that has went good for me is i got a check.... and went out with the CUZ'S... and seen Jesus Christ super star... it was pretty good... and a few people i new was in it... so yea.. im pissed.. found out my truck needs alot of work.. the new one... tie rod ends... breaks... stearing parts and shit :S.. not impressed... new drive shaft.. fuck can i ever get a gd break... bills piling up just hope the fuck i can get shit sorted out soon cause i wanna go down south bad.... gota save 1200 some how... pfffffft shea right... line of credit baby haha.. well i am off for another fun NOT filled evening home.. just having a few drink ill see what later on brings me :S... chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 4:26 PM EST
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