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Wibbyo's blog
Sunday, 4 December 2005
small town guy blinded by the big city lights
Mood:  not sure
ok what have i been up to... let see... well no idea what i wrote last.. and nor am i going back to read it... this is what i do... carry on forward...things come up in from the past but mostly the past just hurts... when i get on my feet again ill face those things then if they are still there... anywho... what have i been up to... well now...the flight... interesting.. but first... never seen mom and dad ever that sad to see me leave... was figuring they wold be happy :P.. get me outa their hair... but anyways... yea the flight i was nervous as hell... taking off was pretty cool though... after that it was gravy... 2 hour flight felt like 15 mins.. didnt even get settle in then we were landing... then off the plane.. ran into a few guys i new... lole a plumber i know.. and blair... guy from the valley ... and a couple others... so we all hung out in big TO air port.. fucken huge i say... so loles bro passed away he was headin to Van to settle some stuff... sorry to hear that... and the other 3 guys from s side area.. were heading to fort mac.. nothing lined up but they done it before just go and find something when they get there... they can have that.. ya so our 4.5 hour wait turned into a 6 hour wait.. fun fun.. with nothing to do unless u go thre security... NOPE... then we were off to edm... landed and found out from blair he lost his wallet... but then called and someone turned it in... that is awsome... lucky fella... so met up with jeff my cuz.. and he was kind enough to run the guys to the bus stop so they could catch it and head another 5 hours north to fort mac.. oh joy.. but that is where thye were heading... then we were off to jeffs... got in around 1230... that would be 330 pei time haha.. and i was sorta wound but tired... then i crashed... so wed jef and trac were working so i farted aroun done dishes and then went for a walk... yea me walk... something new... haha.. found a coffee shopo... a rona building supply store... and other things.. not bad 20 min walk or so... so then thrus trac was off work.. we toured around a bit.. hit the west ed mall.. huge.. but didnt see much... there we met up with toby tracs sis and alicia... a cutie friend of theirs... we had dinner and carried on .. oh yea met olvia... alicias daughter.. cute 9 month old :).... so then we wer eoff... found a carhart store.. my new fav store haha...and already got 15 % off cloths and stuff haha.. me and my bartering eh....what else... ate out thrus night.. didnt do much... hung out.. done a few things for jeff... while he work but that is it... so friday... what id o.... hung out.. went for adrive with tracey nothing much... then we found out alica bought a new rig .. nice... i forget what it is... then she invited me over to her place to hang out... she wants me hahahah... nice to get out.. so i was going to drive her old rig to her folks and she drive th new one.. but time was ticking and olivia was gettin fussy so we just jumped in the folks car and headed so we got to her place.. her folks actually .. nice house.. out in St Albert... quiet.. which is nice.. alot like home... rough roads and lots of space lol... so we got there around 9... sorta late.. had taken our food with us we got at tracey and jeff... from Red Robin... dunno.. it was just fair really what i got anyways... so i met her folks.. really nice :)... then they went to bed... we just sat up talked for awhile.. then she is like... wanna get in the hot tub.. it was well.. something around -15 out side.. no wind.. which is stange from home where its always windy.. oh well... so sometime around 12 she came out.. said im gettin in.. go get ready hahah.. so we did... ws nice... relaxing... hot as hell... and cold as fuck when u get out.. had icicles on my head lol.. to funny.. oh well... we talked bout stuff... then got out.. ran into the house and changed... talked a bit..then she headed to bed.. and i crashed on the i might add the comphy couch :)... woke up.. their furnace wasent heatin the upstairs... so i went and investigated it with robert.... alcias dad..found out it was just the zone valve... eazy fix i think he wsa impressed i had found out the prob in like less than 5 mins... :P.. hahah... so we talked a bit.. he own a fishin lodge up north... can only get to it by plane i guess.. love to get up there... be fun... away from EVERYTHING.... but anywho... so yea chatted to her folks... her mom made me breakfast.. prob cause i got her heat going again sat didnt do much... alicia drove me home...... and then i hung out at j&t's.... dont nothing then i was bored... sat with nothing to do.. in a fucken city :S.. go figure eh.. so i go for a walk.. hit CND tire...few other places it was nice... gone for about 4 hours... but what else was i going to do right...then came back here.. sat around totally bored last night... oh well... now its sunday.. need to pick up a few things with what money i dont know... but figure that out .... and need to figure out the bus schedual.. fun fun... i hate public transit... i need a rig.... soon i hope... so yea i must go now.. shower up and figure out what is giong on for today.. maybe ican get out and wander around the city or a mall... relax in public or something... dunno... so there everyone is up to date... sorry for being so late..
good day
and good nite
god bless

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 11:59 AM EST
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Saturday, 26 November 2005
hi its me again
Mood:  party time!
just want to say i am going to go shower now and head out.. bye bye hahahaha

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:07 PM EST
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3 days left and that makes what... 72 hours hahaha vroom vrooom crash bang boooooooom... hahaha
its the end of the world and i know it hahahahaha...... ummm what to say.. I'm 58% drunk.... 78 % tired.... and 100% full of shit... haha.. anywho... i sitting here chatting to Krista bout HFH shit... and there is a load of shit going on with that to.... she knows it i know it.. but oh well.... someone will figure it out... hummm what to say.. was out up west last night.. was a pretty fun night till when i fell asleep in the car.. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... oh well.. Good time had by all.... and i know how to make shine now HAHAHAHA.... so yea sat night.. my last sat night in summerside to get drunk what will happen tonight... one only knows.. i sure as fuck dont haha... so Krista keeps buggin me saying your not excited why the hell not.. quote"you should be".... hahaha... but i haven't flown.. nor been off this dam island to live... so will be interesting... anywho... i gotta go shower now... clean up and get ready to head out and drink massive amounts of BOOOOOOOZE..... hehe.....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 9:57 PM EST
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Friday, 25 November 2005
4 days or 96 hours
Mood:  party time!
so here i sit... 555 what does a guy do.... well..... DRINK.... so tonight i heading up west to party with a great bunch of people i met :)... ill miss them much.... then tomorrow its family time.. hang out with the cuz and get sloshed.... 2 days in a row.. uggg.. can i handle it... so yea... my last few nights on PEI for a bit... ask me how long.. i dont know is the answer... ask me for what reason.. i say bill.. but also to find my self... ask me if i want to go.... NO... but its something i have to do... ask me if i am excited.. not really.... refer to last question why.... ask me if ill miss PEI... YES... met a shit load of great people i will miss so dam much i cant even explain it :S.. first time in awhile i met some great people that took the time to know me.. but still i must go..... we will see what the next 6 months bring me... happiness i hope.. maybe love.. maybe life... one only knows... so i must sign out so i can get west to drink... bye bye all... ill post tomorrow prob... and keep checking back for update...
god bless
and good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 4:59 PM EST
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Monday, 21 November 2005
dam another nickelback song that is awsome
jeese people out there ya just have to go and pick up the new nickelback cd its awsome

Savin' Me
Lyrics - All The Right Reasons :.

Prison gates won’t open up for me
On these hands and knees I’m crawlin’
Oh, I reach for you
Well I’m terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can’t hold my soul in
All I need is you
Come please I’m callin’
And oh I scream for you
Hurry I’m fallin’

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth saving me

Heaven’s gates won’t open up for me
With these broken wings I’m fallin’
And all I see is you
These city walls ain’t got no love for me
I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you
Come please I’m callin’
And all I need from you
Hurry I’m fallin’

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth saving me

Hurry I’m fallin’

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 8:49 PM EST
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Sunday, 20 November 2005
9 days and counting
so I'm into the single digits not to much longer and ill be on a plane outa here... not excited yet though.. unfortunately... but i will deal.. just as i have dealt with alot of other crap around me.... its a big step for me.. hopefully i'll make it threw... or maybe i wont no one knows...have to try and find out who i really am.... small town fella in a big city life...going to be interesting.... but all i know is i gota do this for me... cant let anyone else bring me down from it.... i gota find my self.. find out what i want... where i want to be.... here there anywhere... what is my destiny in life... maybe its to wander the world.. maybe just this country... maybe this island... i will not know... might not know with this big step... all i know is i gota do it... i will miss everyone i have met in the past 8 months and beyond or so.. and they will all be in my heart where ever i go...i love them all.... nice to have friends who support me
god bless

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:14 PM EST
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Saturday, 19 November 2005
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are
Mood:  party time!
so yea its only 10 days till I'm outa here... not excited yet... but maybe i will with the coming week... one only knows..... so i do have a job lined up.... good one well it sounds it.... million dollar homes being built... at least 5 months work ahead so i will be gone for that long anyways... or maybe longer... 10 days left of some good hard core drinking ha ha to bad i gota work this coming week .... oh well tonight i getting smashed with the Cuz's ... me gunna miss them... aw well gota do it.... so next weekend not sure what is up..... prob be drunk the weekend.. one last smash before i go... cause prob will be taking it easy out there... unless i find that dam maritimer bar.. ha ha... trouble that is so we Will have to see.... well its 209 and i am wasting a nice day ... gota get off my gd ass and do something... well drinking tonight and partying it up... come find me if u dare hahahaha.....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 1:10 PM EST
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Saturday, 12 November 2005
one good thing = one bad thing
Mood:  lucky
so today i got some shit done that i have been putting off for some time.. have the oil tank in place... plumbed in... most of it... just gota switch the old with the new.. and its good to go.... so yea did that today.. had to do something since i stayed home.. fell asleep at like 930 last night.. fucked up for me i say.. but that is what happens when ya go out on a Thurs night eh.... but anyhow.. got up at like 630... fuckk..... did my shit... then decided to work on my baby... if anyone doesn't know.... my baby is my 89 Dakota convertible.. been in the shop for over a year now.. doing body work... engine swap.. some new parts yada yada.... so yea tinkered with that.. got really pissed off.... so having the timing out 180 degs... make a fucken shit load of difference.... 3 cranks and it started boy oh boy was i ever a happy man.... been ages since i herd it purrrr.... but that was short lived.. needed to run into town and get antifreeze .. cant run a motor with no coolant... so got that... blam.. thought I'm on my way to actually getting something acomplished.... but no wait... i could smell gas... i fucken paniced.... fuel leak... oh shit... shut it down.. investigate... dam fuel line leakin... and was spraying on the exhaust... didn't catch a fire.. but fucken close... gota go out and make sure the fuel is all soaked up... dammit... could have lost everything.. truck.. tools.. shop... christ.. i should have known to push it out before starting it .... gawd..... oh well... i think and well hope that disaster is past now.... uggg..... why do i always have so many close calls lately... I'm not liking this at all.... but anyhow... was out Thurs.. had fun.. partied at Amy's.. and a shit load showed up... then last night to fucken tired to do shit.. oh wel.... so now tonight... either go down to c town.. but no idea where to stay :S.. hang out with tash... but i wanna drink.. so that idea might be off... and well shan invited me down er up to alberton for the night to hang out with her bro and sis inlaw.. and a bunch of them are heading out... what to do what to do.... I'm sorta thinking west.. it was fun last time... so we will see..... anyhow.. gota go make sure things aren't afire.... bye for now.....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 2:31 PM EST
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Tuesday, 8 November 2005
hi ho hi ho its off to work i go
Mood:  hug me
its off to Alberta i go.. soon that is... decisions decisions... what have i been up to people wonder... nothing much.. i go to work.. come home... eat sleep... shit in there somewhere.. that is about it... and maybe on the weekends if something comes up i go for it.... but here is where i gota say sorry.. to anyone and everyone i meet met will meet so on so forth and yada yada... I'm sorrying for being how i am... i lost alot of my self the past 2 years and i am trying to get it back... i used to enjoy being out with friends.. used to enjoy being my self... being around anyone i know.. now i know i lost alot... for what reason i do not know exactly... but i have to try and fix this soon.. I'm not happy with my self.. with being around people and that sorta crazy shit... I'm not available to have my heart open up.. what so ever.. unfortunately... its sad really :S.. oh well... that is what happens when ya been threw what i have.... wander around like a fucken zombie.... but i am going to attempt to make a step and a change... the count down begins.. I'm taking off to Alberta... soon... to see how it goes.. main reason is to pay off bills... but one never knows.. maybe ill find my self out there and stay... if so i will miss everyone but ill be back to visit... if i do come back maybe ill be different.. maybe not.. one only hopes... but i do wish i could take every last new friend i met lately with me... so i can enjoy it with some new friends... but that isn't going to happen... all i can do is hope and pray something good comes outa this... lots of new things going to happen.. new job.. new province.. new to flying.. new to living off island.. new people... new everything... hopefully all this stuff with bring a new me... with all that said... i gota go relax for a bit now...
god bless
good nite
and talk soon

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 7:25 PM EST
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Sunday, 30 October 2005
me and my dam vodka and dancing hahahah what a night was a blast
Mood:  happy
ok here i go again.. rambling on about what i been doing.. but that is what this shit if for right :P... haha... so well what did i do..... this week... didn't work much... bad weather and in between jobs.. lovely eh... oh well... so what day was it now.. humm... Wednesday wasn't it... i headed up west to help Peggy move her crap into her new apt... so i gota get my sticker on my truck... just because i own a truck does it mean i will help u move hahaha.. sure i will for friends :D.... then after that i headed over to Shans.... hung out.. and decided to just stay there the night... was nice and relaxing... and her mudder made me supper... well everyone haha... but tasty i say :).... it was fun .... then i headed home on Thurs cause worked on fri... ok... so Jody and shan came down... picked me up and we headed to c town for a drive... Jody and her things going on.. ill be there for her.. tell her what i can about "shit" and all.... u know what i mean.... but she is a great girl :)... no one can convince me other wise... so they came back here and tried to convince me to head west for another session of hard core drinking but i just couldn't do it... worked on sat since i missed work during the week... but it was good to just relax and sleep... BUT... sat night was planed sorta... went to work... got home around 2 relaxed a bit.. lazed around then got ready to head to c town... fun fun :D... got to Krista's place... wow what a nice friggen house... wicked even.. met her folks... lovely people :).. and nice truck dad lol.... gota love a dodge 3500 dually with a hemi diesel lol... so yea around 7 i got to start drinking go figure eh me drink early p[ffffft.... then we off to Amy's ;)... cutie she is dammit lol.... gota love tall smart ladies that have good jobs and own houses eh hehehe.. me bad... so heather was there her roomie.. she is great also.. cute to boot lol... and Stephen or Steven i dunno... he was from nfld... what a riot... we were all dressed... oh yea Krista was there he he since she carted my ass around.. and sue... but she had to leave... don't mind the pun ill explain.... we were all dressed up i was just a stupid old man with tits on his face... but i thought it was funny so did Steven... girls i wasn't much sure if they were impressed but oh well.. gota know me to love me eh LOL... and Krista attempted to dress as a witch but didn't do it... dammit... and Amy was a cow girl or something... cute ... but failed to wear her hat....oh well... but gees she fell down the stairs.. dunno how... but shit.. thats gota hurt.. she still came and danced with us for like 3 hours solid.. at the VU.. what a riot it was... oh yea.. Steven was dressed as Capt Crunch.. yea yea the cereal guy to funny .. what an animal... even brought some cereal to eat lol... and heather was what u call a naughty nun... and wow.. she was hot... lol.. me bad again.... and sue... well... she did get dressed up as a tree.... leaves all over her... but like i said she had to leave hahahaha... I'm just to tired and giddy now.. got work in the am... sucks but... so yea that was my fun night.. drank alot of VODKA again..gawd i know why i don't drink that shit all the time... i was.. how u say... fucked up... as Amy put it i think.... 2/3 of a quart... and well.. bout 8-10 drinks at the vu.. i was messed up... even got sick.. shit.. again yea.. lovely 2 weekends in a row... what is wrong with me... so Krista got me back to the rents place.. good job K.... gota hand it to ya.... he all in all the night was awesome.. i gota try and get some pics posted of my recent adventures if i can only sit down and get at it.... soon i promise....
but until then
peace out
god bless
good nite

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 10:01 PM EST
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