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Emma Watson, Athlete

By Sally Lockhart

We all know Emma Watson as the cheery faced young witch from the Harry Potter movie franchise, but what is she really like? Is she truly as brainy and know-it-all like her on-screen counterpart, Hermione Granger?

“Not at all!” Emma shrieks during the interview. “Hermione is way uptight and I am not like that at all. I just like to have fun. I get mostly C’s and D’s in school, and I’m really athletic. I’ve been playing baseball since I was six months old.”

Six months?

“Yeah, six months. When I was a baby, my dad took me to a baseball game in the States and a foul ball landed in my lap. Ever since then, I couldn’t stop playing.”

When we asked Emma if she would pursue an athletic career, she responded enthusiastically.

“Definitely! I would quit acting for baseball any day. Harry Potter? Who’s that? Ha ha. Really, I would. Baseball’s my life.”

Are the prospects looking good?

“I’m not sure. Not many professional teams are looking for a thirteen-year-old girl to play. And anyways, I don’t know the rules. I can’t remember them. I’ve also never actually hit a ball before. But I do try! Doesn’t that count for something?”

You’ll have to ask the pro’s, Emma.


Wizard Hats:

A Rupert Grint Collection

By Dorian Gray

Known throughout the world as “Ron Weasley,” real-life read-head Rupert Grint must suffer endless teasing every day.

“Whenever I go out in public, people always laugh and point at me,” Rupert explains. “And it’s not because they recognize me from Harry Potter. They’re just laughing at my fiery hair. I hate it.”

Despite Rupert’s many attempts to dye his hair blue, his mother always catches him. So, he’s devised another scheme.

“I wore a hat, and then all the laughter stopped. Then I bought another, and another. It’s addicting, really. Now I have about 379 different hats at home and an additional 217 in my trailer.”

Will we ever see his hair again?

“Not anytime soon. I only take off my hats when we’re filming.”

When Rupert recently gave us a tour of his home in Hertfordshire, we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his hat collection. Among the heaps are baseball caps (gifts from Emma, see adjoining article), sombreros, berets, turbans, top hats, cowboy hats, and more.

“It’s become a trend. Everyone at the set and at school is wearing hats now, too. For once, I’m not an outsider.”

The Passions of

A Boy Wizard

By Fitzwilliam Darcy


Not many English schoolboys who are worldwide superstars by their twelfth birthday can remember their roots. By no means is Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter, normal. Not only do millions around the globe know his face; he also admires several historical figures.

“When I was six years old, my class at school watched a history video about men who have shaped the world. That’s when I first learned about George Washington, my idol. When I hear his name, I wish I were an American. I plan to move to Washington one day. And you know what? Since that day, I’ve always wanted to be an eighteenth century aristocrat.”

Young Radcliffe is an ardent supporter of the American Revolution and only wished he could have lived to experience it.

“That would have been so wicked to be a Yankee and blow the English’s brains out. Yeah, I know, I’m English, but I’m quite a contradictory fellow.”

His passion does not stop there. Daniel dresses up every Halloween as a different historical figure, usually “an eighteenth century aristocrat.”

“Yeah, I still love Washington the most. But once I was Robespierre and I ran around the house trying to decapitate my cousin.”

There you have it, the words spoken from a true leader.
