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My Personal Website

By Charles Mursch

Places of interest:

HTML Goodies

    Work Experience

    US ARMY (08/23/1996 - Present) - ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR APO, Armed Forces Overseas United States Pay Grade: 6

    Supervises performance of administrative functions. Supervises personnel performing word processing, clerical, and administrative functions; Distributes work load. Reviews and edits correspondence for proper format and accuracy prior to release, submission for signature, or other disposition. Conducts periodic review of files to ensure proper filing of correspondence in accordance with the Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS). Controls use of reproduction facilities and reviews item to be reproduced. Utilizes Word processing, Excel, Powerpoint presentation, Access and spreadsheet software. Plans and organizes office operations to include publications and forms administration and office administrative procedures. Writes office Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), job descriptions, and directives. Determines requirements for office equipments, supplies, and space. Plans layout of office, Requisitions, receives, inventories, and signs hand receipts for office equipment. Coordinates administrative activities with other organizational elements and staff sections. Establishes mail delivery routes and schemes and arranges for pickup of distribution by messengers. Serves as custodian of classified documents. Signs receipts for logs, inventories, files, and secures classified documents. Prepares documents for destruction or other disposition. Ensures proper accountability of documents based upon degree of classification.


    College/University CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY (06/01/1997 - Still Attending) BUIS CREEK, North Carolina United States Degree: AA - Major: GENERAL ARTS Semester Hours: 80

    Additional Information

    Certification - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LEADER COURSE (09/13/2004) 80

    Training - Administrative Specialist BNCOC (11/13/2001)

    Training - Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) (01/04/2000)

    Training - Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Administrative Specialist (12/02/1996)

    Training - Basic Combat Training (08/23/1996)

"This is why I prefer internet courses"