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The story started in Griffin Georgia. We went there to help my brother move back here. My brother and I, Him more then me, have always been into ghost hunting and the paranormal. So when we heard about this train tressel right near where we were in Georgia we had to check it out. It was dark, probally around 11 pm, when we got there. The story goes that this man had gotten his head cut off on the train tressel. Well my brother went walking through the woods to the track as about 5 of us waited on the bridge. When we seen him coming back we asked him to turn on his light so we could see what it was on the ground we thought we saw. He didnt answer us even though we ALL seen him walking toward us. So playing around we picked up the walkie talkie and hollared at him again and this time he answered and turn his light on. The only problem is he was about 1000 feet away! So what was this dark shadow coming to us if it wasnt him. We all had seen it. then as we all stared into the darkness...we kept seeing this white kind of mist/flowing movement in between the trees. I got a real strong feeling it was a female presence. Then the darkness appeared again and I got the feeling of a male presence with it. We all was kind of freaking out. So we took a bunch of pics and got a few orbs and such and a little mist. The we got out the audio recorder and taped me talking to the spirits. I kept saying how we were not there to harm them...we just wanted to know who they were and why they remained in this area. After a little while of this darkness approaching us...I got the feeling it was surrounding me. I got really cold and my heart started racing and I couldnt it was holding me or somthing. After a few seconds it went back.The darkness seemed to be the aggressor as the whiteness seemed to be kind of like a tease. darting back and forth. As we all stood there on the bridge I became a true believer and after the immediate thought that I wanted to get off that bridge went wanted to know everything I could know about this. So as I stood there with the recorder...I said "If you want us to leave...give us a sign.". And after I repeated the request several times...This happened and I swear it on all things sacred. I felt somthing in the palm of my hand. I took my right hand and removed the recorder out of my left hand and under it in the palm of my hand was single drop of water! It was not raining nor were there any clouds in the sky! I took that as a sign and ended my part of the ghost hunting for the night. Since this time as we returned back home to Illinois...there have been different things going on in my brother's home. Voices of people that are not there, things bumping into you and when you turn around...nothing or nobody there! Just the feeling like someone is watching you...someone is with us. Then my niece woke up to see a older woman with long black hair in a pony tail walking through her room. Now I have the hunger to go out and try to find some answers. If anyone has any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at thank you for your time Very Sincerely, Rob Gordon