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These are rules and protocols that we used and should be followed on all investigations. An investigation should be taken seriously and professionally.

Failure to follow the rules and protocols listed can jeopardize the results of an investigation, as well as reflect on the investigator.

*Never go alone on an investigation. Due to the reason that many of the investigation sites are secluded, there is safety in numbers. In case you somehow get hurt, there will be someone there to aid you. Also, there will be someone there to confirm what you have seen.

*Alway get permission to be on the property. If there are no signs posted "No Trespassing" or "Keep Out", then it is fair game. If there are signs with hours posted or closed at dusk, then stay out. If during the course of the investigation you come across one of these signs, then you should immediately end the investigation and leave. If you trespass, then you risk the chance of getting arrested, and not to mention you will get ghost hunters a bad name.

*Always carry a valid id. The preferred choice of id is a valid state id or drivers license. No matter what type you do carry it should be a picture id.

*Always check all equipment before going on an investigation to make sure it is in proper working order and all batteries are fully charged. The equipment should be rechecked when getting to the investigation site.

*Never smoke during any investigation, this can give a false-positive of ectoplasm.

*Never was any type of drugs or alcohol before, during or after any investigation. Do I have to tell you the reason why?

*No horse play or games while on an investigation. Investigations are to be serious and horse play has no place.

*Always bring extra fully charged batteries, new video and audio tapes.

*Always start with a fresh roll of film.

*Clean all camera lens prior to taking any pictures.

*Always arrive before dark, this always you to do a walk through of the area prior to an investigation and note any obstructions. This will prevent you from tripping on rocks, tipped over headstones, holes, and obstructions getting hurt.

*There should never be any talking during EVP recordings, unless it is to make a note of something. For example if you sneeze or cough, or step on a stick, etc. then it should be noted.

*Ask the spirits of the dead for their permission to photograph and record their voices.

*Never dare the spirits to come around, you may get want you wish for and often they are not friendly in these situations.

*Do not take pictures toward the sun or bright light sources, this will create lens flare. Try to have all light sources behind you.

*Keep your fingers away from the camera lens.

*Try to find a rational explanation for everything. If there is no logical explanation for what you witnessed, then you may have what you are looking for!

*Never use any type of mediums, this includes Ouija boards!

*Hold your breath when taking pictures on cold nights. Exhaled breath can show up as fog or mist.

*Tie back long hair.

*Do not go out in adverse weather. This means when it is or has rained, snowed, there is fog or it is windy. The results will often show many false positives.

*Compare any anomalies with the negatives for confirmation.

*Either remove the camera strap or have it held back so it can not hang loose and give false-positives.

*Do not take pictures when you are walking, this can strip up dust and show up as dust orbs.

*Do not shoot with a flash at or near reflective surfaces. These include mirrors, glass, any shinny headstones.

*Always show respect wherever you are...cemeteries, private residences, battlefields, etc.

*Remember negative thought will draw negative energy, positive thoughts with draw positive energy and the best results.

*Always have an open mind.