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Tropical Dreamz
Monday, 29 August 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the McDonalds
CASEY HUGGED me and CALLED me!!! after being mad at me for the longest time!!! i was soooooo happy! i still am.. lol

Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 8:04 PM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Skool starts today!! :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the news...on channel 12 (lol)
YAY!! school starts today! im so so so exited i cant wait till i get there! right now its 5:38 am. (if my clock is right) lol.. but im so happy! im wearing my tilt jeans with the shooting stars on the back pockets, my white tanktop, with my Hollister "Laguna Beach" sweatshirt, and my moms pink and white etnies (since my brown dc's or the white and blue adio dont match the outfit)..well, i gtg my hairs dry so i gotta straighten it now, so ttyl


Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:49 AM CDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2005

last time you..
x.Smiled : about.. 2 seconds ago
x.Laughed : 2 seconds ago (MAD TV is AWESOME )
x.Cried : about..2 days ago
x.Bought something : about 1 days ago
x.Danced :today
x.Were sarcastic: today
x.Kissed someone : about...1 day ago
x.Talked to an ex : like... 2 months ago
x.Watched your favorite movie : awhile ago.
x.Had a nightmare : 3 days ago
x.Last book you read : .M magazine
x.Last movie you saw : american pie 2
x.Last song you heard:annoying frog-cell ring
x.Last thing you had to drink : Fruit 2o,peach
x.Last time you showered : yesterday
x.Last thing you ate : cheez-its
[ Body ]
x. What do you most like about your body :belly
x. How many fillings do you have : none. ha.
x. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking: ..heh how embarrasing
[Fashion ]
x. Do you wear a watch : nope
x. How many coats and jackets do you own : about.. 3
x. Most expensive item of clothing : my abercrombie jeans
x. What kind of shoes do you wear :skater shoes
x. Describe your style in one word : extremly instyle ;-)
[ Friends ]
x. Do your friends 'know' you : s0me know everything.. the rest think they kn0w ( da da da )
x. What do they tend to be like : they are all diff but i l0ve em
x. Are there traits in you that are universally liked: oh yeaa
x. How many people do you tell everything to: around..2
[ Other ]
x. Favorite band ever: greenday
x. Most listened to bands : greenday
x. Can you play an instrument : give me an instrument and i can write you a symphany in 2 seconds im that magical ;-)
x. Type never listened to : uhmm slow music. ?
x. Favorite book : corner of the universe
[ Religion ]
x. Do you detest religion :.. noo......
x. How do you think this universe was formed : from god ..
x. If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant: no because that would be ignorant. . im so confused..
x. If you were in a hostage situation, and you were given a choice, to either praise the demon they follow or die, what would you choose: i would die, no demons for me
[ General Questions ]
x. What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day : sunny its soo much more better
x. Do you consider yourself lucky : in some wayz
x. Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide : oh yea
x. Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: happy n wild
[ Stuff ]
x. Do you own any plaid clothing : pj pants, skirt
x. Do you own Converse shoes : no
x. Do you own Saucony shoes : no
x. Do you own old school Nikes : yes, i love old school things
x. Do you wear tight pants : yea
x. Is there more than one zipper in your pants : why would u need more than 1 zipper ?
x. Do you know what a squatter flap is : am i supposed to?
x. Do you own a messenger bag : nope
x. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest : i dont own one
x. Do you own braces : no
x. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth : u could, like a leg brace, but i dont have one either
x. Do you have short, shaggy hair : nope
x. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches : yeseem
x. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon : fuck yea
x. Do you think mohawks are "neat" : yeaaa.. ;-) only on certain ppl tho
x. Is your hair black or red : no
x. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye : nope
x. Do you own a bandana : yeah
x. Do you wear plugs in your ears : no
x. Are you amused by safety pins :
x. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute : hech yes! on my favorite tilt jeans
x. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them : nah ah
x. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London : n0
x. Do you enjoy leopard print : yesss... mmm its sexy !
[ Habits/Beliefs ]
x. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything) : no
x. Are you an anarchist : ?? no(i dunno what it means)
x. Does the American flag anger you : hell no, god bless america and everyone else (head of state) haha woooooo
x. Are you "working class" : i d0nt even work
x. Do you dislike "preps" : noo, i love em' theyre my life
x. Do you dislike Hot Topic : ehh ... its alright
x. Do you smoke cigarettes : eww no, thats gross...
x. Do you smoke cloves : no, and thats gross too
x. Are you a thin waif : no0
x. Are you vegan/vegetarian: no0
x. Do you think meat is murder : no..well .. technically it is, but u gotta eat it, its kinda sad tho... ;-(
x. Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting : lol, oh no
x. Have you ever slept in an alley or park : nope, cant say that ive tried that yet
x. Do you wash your hair less than once a week : nope, everyday
x. Have you ever gone a week without a shower : haha ewww. of course i shower everyday... duhh
x. Have you ever been avoided due to your odor : no
x. Do you know who Jack Kerouac is : no
x. Do you like Mr. Kerouac : jack kerouac's dad? maybe..i dont no the man..ha
x. Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison : no.
x. Are you a member of the Makeout Club: interesting, but no
x. Do you say "rad" : yeahhhaaa!
[ Other ]
x.Name : monica
x.Do you like it : no
x.Birthday : 12/6
x.Sign : sagitarrius
x.Location : Tawas..ha
x.Natural hair color: blonde
x.Current hair color : blonde
x.Eye color : blue/green
x.Height : 5'1
x.Birthplace : a hospital...haha

[ Favorites ]
x.Number: 17
x.Color : green
x.Day : saturday..ha
x.Month : december
x.Song : a whole lot of em'.. hahaha
x.Movie : american pie , nap. dynamite, dukes of hazzard, etc. woot woot
x.Food : good stuff. duh
x.Season : summer
x.Teacher : mr decker
x.Drink : pepsi wild cherri
x.Veggie : carrots rock! woohoo
x.TV Show :LAGUNA BEACH! duh
x.Radio Station : uhmm 102.5
x.Store : hollister, abercrombie, american eagle, more..
x.Flower : sunflower. pink + white r0ses

[ This or That ]
x.Me/You : You
x.Coke/pepsi : pepsi ..
x.Day/night : day
x.Aol/aim : aol
x.Cd/cassette : cd
x.Dvd/vhs : dvd
x.Jeans/khakis : jeans
x.Car/truck : car
x.Tall/short : tall
x.Lunch/dinner: lunch
x.NSYNC/BSB : bsb
x.Lipstick/Lipgloss : lipgloss
x.Silver/Gold : silver
x.Alcohol/Weed : alcohol
[ Love and Relationships ]
x.Do you have a bf/gf : nope
x.Do you have a crush : .... dont go there with me...jk, uhmm, yeah
x.How long have you liked him/her : hmmm ...lets c...since i met him...haha
x.Why do you like this person: certain things
x.If you're single, why are you single: cuz the guys a jerk :-P
x.Who was your first love: lets not go there

1. Using band names, spell out your name.

M-motely crue

Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 4:34 PM CDT
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Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: foo fighters- best of you
hi everyone! as u may noticed, i updated the site and changed the layout today! I got rid of the ugly burgandy and green and put in a nicer background..istill cant figure out how to put a tag board in! if you know how, could you please tell me? i'd appreciate it alot! are some site buttons (im not sure if they links will

work tho)

Posted by crazy4/hawaiin-breez at 12:03 PM CDT
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