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The Horton News

One year down and still going strong.

He is a ball of energy that is in constant motion from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed. He can run fast enough to chase the dog and loves to ride his little electric four-wheeler. He can say “dada” and is famous with his grandparents for his loving hugs and kisses. Who is this loveable little nymph? Well, that he would be Brayden M. Horton, of course, and he is one-year-old and going strong. Brayden is the son of Jeremy and Lisa Horton of Ulster, PA. “I could not imagine a better little boy,” beams his father. “He is all boy. His favorite things to do right now are to play outside, ride his four-wheeler, and spit. Can you imagine anything else more boy-ish than that!” Another of Brayden’s favorite pastimes is to play with his miniature basketball and football. So, look for this young boy’s name in the sports pages in 10-15 years. I’m sure it will be in the headlines.

Growth and progress on a consistent incline

From day one, Brayden Horton’s physical and intellectual growth was on a steady incline. Starting out at an average 7 pounds, 12 ounces, Brayden quickly showed his parents that he was going to be a bruiser. “He is definitely a good eater,” his mother, Lisa, states with a laugh. “With the exception of losing a few pounds from a two-week bout with the stomach flu, Brayden has always eaten almost everything that we have given him.” As you can see in the chart above, Brayden’s growth percentages have always been within normal ranges (30-50%). During months 4-6, his weight climbed higher while his height stayed the same. This was probably preparing for the growth spurt that happened at 8 months of age where his height grew and his weight dropped. All in all, he is growing like a “bad weed.”

A look back…

By Lisa M. Horton

March 25, 2004- It was just a day as any other. I went to school, taught my three classes, and prepared for sports practices that afternoon. Little did I know what was to become of me that afternoon. I was 38 weeks pregnant and was having trouble with an elevated blood pressure. As with every Thursday, I had to go to the doctor to have my blood pressure and urine checked. But this day was to be different. My blood pressure was up; my urine had a trace amount of protein in it; and come to find out, I was 5 cm dilated. And then came the fun part! Dr. Sam Gallagher consulted my other doctor, Dr. Mark Herbst, and it was decided that since I was so far along but not in official labor, I was to be induced as soon as possible. After calling my husband and my mom, I walked to my room and shortly after the arrival of my husband, the IV was inserted and the medicine started and so did the contractions. Miraculously, a little over 4 hours later, Brayden Michael Horton made his presence known in the world with a tremendous lung-expanding cry; and he hasn’t been quiet since. After a short prayer of thanks, I got to hold the little one I had been praying for for years. It was everything I had imagined… and better. The biggest disappointment of the day was that my mom did not make it for the delivery. Living four hours away, my parents did not dream that I would be in labor for such a short time and did not rush to get to the hospital. As they came off the elevator, they heard the first cries of their 7th grandson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “He is the perfect mixture of Lisa and Jeremy.” - Judy Schwab, maternal grandmother ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fighting through her tears, maternal grandmother, Judy Schwab, held her grandson for the first time. “He is the perfect mixture of Lisa and Jeremy. He is definitely their son,” she said to anyone who would listen. That night, as many new mom’s do, I sat up and stared at this little tiny boy, wondering if God knew what he was doing trusting me with such a helpless little thing. But I knew, that this little boy would be one of the most loved children on the Earth. And he most definitely is…

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