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Sharif's Formal Complaint Against Judge Keith A. Anderson

February 23, 1006

RE: Formal Complaint Against Dallas Texas Judge
Judge Keith A. Anderson
133 N. Industrial Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75207

Dear Commissioner

This letter constitutes my formal complaint to you and the State Commission on Judicial Conduct and concerns the above referenced judge.

I am requesting that you and your office conduct a full and thorough investigation into what is believed to be inappropriate, abusive and unethical conduct by this judge, to the detriment of the court of law and the system of justice in Texas.

On October 29, 2005, I was arraigned for resisting arrest, search or transport in Cause No. M0521971, and Magistrate Janet Lusk set bail at $500.00. I have NEVER seen nor spoken to Judge Anderson, yet on December 7, 2005, he ordered (on his own motion) that I be examined by an expert to determine whether I am competent or not to stand trial pursuant to Article 46B Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

On December 15, 2005, a doctor, Michael Pittman came to examine me.  I wrote Judge Anderson a letter following this examine and assured the judge there was nothing wrong with my mental faculties and that we could proceed forth with a trial and avoid wasteful spending of taxpayers' money on 46B proceedings.

On January 6, 2006, this Dr. Pittman came to examine me again, using the outdated court order of Judge Anderson.

On January 12, 2006, I filed a motion to disqualify Dr. Michael Pittman as a disinterested expert, pursuant to Article 46B.021.

Dr. Pittman, as I pointed out in my motion, is not a disinterested expert because he has been the subject of articles and comments that appear on a webpage I helped create.  The doctor has been complained about to the Texas Board of Medical Examiners as a result of an examination he conducted last April 27, 2005, involving me.  (See:

On February 16, 2006, Judge Anderson caused me to be brought from the Dallas County Jail to a holding cell outside his courtroom at the Frank Crowley Courthouse, and once again, Dr. Pittman comes to "examine" me to determine my competency.  The doctor did not have a new court order on this date and so I asked to speak to the judge for myself.  But this request was denied.  I in turn, exercised my right to remain silent, and the doctor threatened me saying, "If you don't talk and answer me, I'll tell the judge you're incompetent."

He also threatened to make other false claims to the judge as to my appearance and that I had resisted being brought to the court that day and fought with guards on this day, all of which were untruths.

It is worthy to note that, on February 10, 2006, I filed a total of five (5) motions to Judge Anderson's court, and on January 14, 2006, I also filed a motion "For Right to Self-Representation."  To date, Judge Anderson has neglected to rule on any of my motions; which were drafted and filed without my having the benefit of access to the jail's law library.

I am not represented by anyone on my misdemeanor offense and I've had enough formal education to defend myself as I advised the court.

Judge Keith A. Anderson's actions have circumvented my constitutional rights to a speedy trial, not only on the misdemeanor offense, but on my pending felony offense which was postponed due to Judge Anderson's dubious competency examination order.

According to Article 46B.026, the doctor has violated the 30 day report deadline unless Judge Anderson granted an extension, for which action of the court there is no legitimate justification.

It is unclear to me and other people following my journey through the Dallas Judiciary what political and/or personal agenda is being pursued by this judge.  His actions have exposed what many perceive as abuse of his official capacity and an act of oppression, all to the discredit of our legal system and the ethical standards he's expected to exhibit.

The Texas Penal Codes §39.02 (1)(a) and §39.03 (a)(1)(2), among others have been violated by Judge Anderson. 

Please take the appropriate action to rectify this inexcusable situation.

I ask that you acknowledge in writing your receipt of my letter of complaint and your response.

Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Dallas County Jail (W5P6)
Dallas, Texas 75202-4729


Greg Abbott:  Office of the Attorney General, 300 W. 15th Street, Austin, TX 78701

Allen Clemson, Administrator Dallas Commissioners Court: 411 Elm Street, 2nd floor Dallas, Texas 75202

Jim Hamlin, District Court Clerk: 600 Commerce Street. 1st Floor-Suite 103. Dallas, Texas 75202

Keith Ashdown, Vice President Taxpayers for Common Sense :  651 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003-4303

Kay Lee, Director Making The Walls Transparent, 2683 Rockcliff  Road SE, Atlanta Georgia 20216

Sent to the "State Commission on Judicial Conducy"
Hon. Monica A. Gonzalez

13 Commission Members

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct consists of 13 Commission Members who each serve six-year terms, and a staff of 15.

State Commission on Judicial Conduct
PO Box 12265
Austin TX  78711

(Effective November 20, 2006)


Hon. Monica A. Gonzalez
Municipal Court Judge
San Antonio
Appointed by Texas Supreme Court
Term Expires: 11/19/2009


Hon. Rex G. Baker, III
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4
Dripping Springs
Appointed by Texas Supreme Court
Term Expires: 11/19/2009


Hon. Michael R. Fields
Judge, County Criminal Court at Law #14
Appointed by Texas Supreme Court
Term Expires: 11/19/2009

Sent copy to the Texas Ethics Commission


201 East 14th St., 10th Floor, P.O. Box 12070
Austin, TX 78711-2070

512-463-5800   1-800-325-8506   FAX: 512-463-5777

Disclosure Filing FAX: 512-463-8808


David A. Reisman, Executive Director
Natalia Luna Ashley, General Counsel
Becky Levy, Director of Disclosure Filing
Sharon Finley, Director of Computer Services
William Calem, Director of Administration

Last Revision:

2nd Time Around