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"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
~Voltaire- [Francois Marie Arouet] 1694-1778 


What I am telling you actually occurred. Dallas County's concern is with the contents of our free speech website, which chronicles my constitutionally protected activities with MTWT, Justice Watch., and the federal civil right lawsuits filed against Dallas County, Sheriff Lupe Valdez, the County Commissioners, et al., to try to bring changes to a messed up court system and jail. See Dallas County Justice at


Dear Kay,

On Thursday, March 29, 2007, I went to the Frank Crowley Courts building to use the law library and to review the court files thoroughly. I also wanted to speak to Judge Carter Thompson to request that he modify the conditions of my personal recognizance bond, which in fact is a probation/house arrest type release with all the sanctions and obligations imposed on defendants who've been tried, found guilty and sentenced.

I was told by the court coordinator that the judge couldn't speak to me without my attorneys present. I said fine and that was the end of it... as far as I was concerned.

I continued searching the court files, minding my own business, looking for more evidence of misconduct, perjury etc., reviewing everything that might be useful to my attorneys'(and MTWT's) efforts as it regards the notorious Dallas nad Farmers Branch police, their falsified "reports"; Judge Manny Alvarez, and the prosecutors involved in the pending charges against me.

After reviewing the court files in my pending cases and learning some helpful information, I took a seat inside the courtroom (CDC No.5) where Judge Carter Thompson, who is presiding over my case, was listening to the closing arguments in another case.

I sat alone in an area inside the courtroom where no one else was sitting. I just watched and took notes because, remember, this is the same judge that my lawyers, Larry E. Jarrett and Dianne K. Jones, want to present my case to rather than waste more tax dollars with a trial before a jury.

I wasn't doing anything that would draw attention to me, but it seems I don't need to do anything, because I am known on sight by the bull's-eye on my chest and back, metaphorically placed there by officials here in Dallas who are displeased with the lawsuits I've filed against them, the free speech on the MTWT website and the letter writing I did while in jail to the U.S. Justice Department and others about the courts and inhumane conditions at the jail.

It naturally bothers them that I am airing my federal civil rights litigation against the county, county commissioners; the district attorney's office, Sheriff Valdez and others who have and continue to violate state law; the Texas and U.S. Constitution, and the human rights of others in the process.

I understand their concern, but rather than correct what they are doing wrong, they apparently think the answer is to harass and oppress whomever talks about it or dares to take meaningful steps to change the status quo here.

After closing arguments were over, and the jury went to deliberation, I left the courtroom as other spectators were doing. When I got "outside" the courtroom, an elderly woman named Mrs. Reed (and several adults whom I later found out were family members of the young man on trial) approached me and asked if I was an attorney. I suppose she misidentified me because I was carrying my legal accordion folder and had been taking notes during closing arguments.

I told them no, I was not an attorney, and went on to explain who I was and that I am set for trial on April 30, 2007 before this same judge, at which time they began to tell me that Judge Thompson had been laughing during their loved one's trial and that they thought the entire court system was screwed up and racist. I told them to contact MTWT and Justice Watch, and I briefly told them about the missions of both organizations.

I noticed a white gentleman in a suit standing to the side soaking up every word being said, so I politely asked the family if he with the defense, to which this gentleman smiled a sinister smile and said "no, I am an investigator with the DA's office, "I am with the enemy"". I said to Mrs. Reed and her family "I think it's best we move away from him", and we did so.

Next thing I know there were sheriff deputies/bailiffs Mr. Adams, Mr. Barker and a Hispanic gentleman from the probation office, assigned to the judges court, coming out of the courtroom, talking to me in a hostile, loud and belligerent manner demanding to know "Why are you here at the courthouse...?"

I asked them if this wasn't America, a free country, the America with a Constitution; the same America I was prepared to die for while serving in the military.

They told Mrs. Reed and her family something about "don't listen to him...." Mrs. Reed and her family began reassuring the deputies, "He's not bothering anyone. Why are you all acting like this towards him?"

That's when then they changed their tune and said, "Oh you have a right to talk with him, I'm not saying that if you want to talk to him....." I told Mrs. Reed that I had given one of the young ladies present the contact information and then I left.

I headed to the elevator because it was obvious to me that something underhanded was afoot. While standing by the elevators, another lady approached me and said she saw what just happened and how rude they were towards me. She said "We Black folks still don't have no rights." I just smiled and nodded my head. This lady asked me for MTWT's contact information and began briefly telling me about her daughter's ordeal and about an attorney to whom they've paid $5,000 and had been waiting there all day to meet, but the attorney had never shown up and now he wouldn't answer his telephone when she called. This is another example of how many lawyers treat people once they get your money.

At this time the deputies/bailiffs came back, accompanied by a jail guard named Wilson and two other unknown white males in suits. They surrounded me and ordered me out of the courthouse completely. They said that I was banned by orders of Judge Carter Thompson and that I was never again to return to the Frank Crowley Courts Building unless accompanied by my current lawyers (former Dallas District Judge Dianne K. Jones and former Dallas DA candidate Larry E. Jarrett), "...or else they are going to throw your black ass back in jail."

They dared me to "...Put my name on your fucking website, I don't give a damn, just spell my name right.... Sue me like you've done everyone else.....". They then proceeded to follow behind and beside me as I took the stairs at their direction and left out of the front door of the Frank Crowley Courts Building. Lots of people stood there, shaking their heads and watching in disbelief. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Peter Harlan ( is the "civil attorney" representing the county in federal court. Ask yourself as I did, "why" would Ms. Ellyce Lindberg (job title unknown) be emailing Mr. Harlan about a "criminal" matter? It's DIRTY POLITICS AT WORK!!!

I don't care what anyone says, my pending charges are a dazzling smokescreen and the real reason for this escalating legal nightmare I'm being subjected to is because I have attempted to exercise my "guaranteed" constitutional rights (i.e. filing grievances to various agencies about the activities at the courts and jail, filing federal civil right lawsuits, freedom of speech and of association; having MTWT and other websites follow my case and what's happening in the Dallas courts).

It seems that I'm making everyone involved quite nervous and the more nervous they get, the more desperate they become to shut me up, "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY". They don't understand that it is in my spirit to stand up for what's right. If they want me to shut up, all they have to do is make a real effort to work every case with ethics; to seek truth in every conclusion and to handle every life they touch with wisdom and humanity...that's all I ask from people who represent justice.

Below is a copy of the email my lawyer Larry Jarrett received and then forwarded to me. You can share all of this information with the world because these Dallas officials need, deserve, and obviously crave all the attention they can get. Otherwise they would not behave so unprofessionally.


In the following communications, notes in red are ours.

From: Sharif's Attorney Larry Jarrett <
To: Amir-Sharif, Dianne Jones<>
Subject: FW: Amir Sharif in CDC5 without his attorneys present
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 14:56:34 -0500

Dude, DO NOT go to the courthouse again without first alerting Ms. Jones or myself. 

You may be creating a situation which we cannot control.

Larry E. Jarrett, Attorney

[Attorney Jarrett's concerns are actually genuine and legitimate; but the fact of the matter is, this situation was way out of control long before either of these attorneys were appointed to represent Sharif, and it is obvious now there is nobody who has courage nor dignity enough to step forth and stop this travesty of justice.]

To: Sharif's Attorney
Subject: Fwd: Amir Sharif in CDC5 without his attorneys present
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 11:00:30 -0400
From: Sharif's Other

Hello Larry,

See attached.  Tammy said no way due to the information below.
(Regarding the modification of Mr. Sharif's monitor)
Dianne, [Attorney]

-----Original Message-----
From: The DA prosecuting Sharif, Tammy Kemp,
To:  Attorney Diane Jones
Sent: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 9:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Amir Sharif in CDC5 without his attorneys present

Regarding modifying Mr. Sharif's monitor, I would object particularly in light of his recent behavior.  See the attached.

Attached Message

To: ; ; ; ; ; ;   
Sharif's Attorney
Cc: ; ; ;
Subject: Amir Sharif in CDC5 without his attorneys present
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 9:11 AM

To ensure that there is full communication & the best measures taken to deal with a potentially volatile/ dangerous defendant who is currently on a PR bond out of CDC5, I wanted to let everyone know what happened yesterday. Also, I would like to solicit everyone's advice as to the safest way to proceed. (and complete the legal lynching we've begun without drawing more attention to ourselves)

Amir Sharif has 2 family violence cases (AA/DW F05-59639, Stalking F05-25061) & 1 Specialized case (F06-00180) (that a cursory examination of the available facts; the perjured statements of the police and the alleged "victim" Cathy Jonette Hawkins would reveal to anyone of average intelligence that something foul is afoot.)

His attorneys are Dianne Jones & Larry Jarrett, respectively.  His Family Violence (Aggravated Assault w/deadly weapon, to wit: a car/Stalking) cases are set for trial on April 30th (actually cases will not take place on April 30th due to the prosecution not being ready for trial) & his Specialized (state jail) case is set for trial May 29th. (which is also unlikely to take place as scheduled)

Yesterday, March 22, Mr. Amirsharif came to CDC5 trying to speak directly with Judge Thompson.  There were no court settings yesterday & neither of his attorneys were present. (which is not a crime according to Texas Code of Criminal Code, article 1.05, and the U.S. and Texas Constitutions) He did not leave when the judge told him he could not speak with Mr. Amirsharif without one of his attorneys present. (this is a fabrication, because Sharif NEVER spoke to Judge Carter Thompson) Mr. Amirsharif stayed to watch closing arguments in an unrelated AA/DW case. (which is not against the law, according to the U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Texas Code of Criminal procedure, article 1.24 which states: "The proceedings and trials in 'ALL' courts shall be public")

Afterward, Mr. Amirsharif waited in the small area between the court, DA workroom, & hallway to point at Gordon Hikel, who just finished punishment argument for the state. (This is untrue!) Mr. Amirsharif confronted Gordon, accusing him of being corrupt, & then Mr. Amirsharif tried to incite the defendant's family in the case that was being deliberated yesterday. (Absolutely and verifiably not true. Defendant's family will so state!) He also was inciting the family with talk of some rally he was holding at the courthouse to protest the injustice going on here. (Inflammatory language! The daily injustice occurring inside the courtrooms of the Frank Crowley Courts building is enough on it's own to incite defendants and their loved ones)

He also said that tonight there was a meeting at a church with a representative from Florida who is investigating the corruption. (Another story that witnesses will reject! Actually for whomever was eavesdropping on Sharif's conversation on behalf of the district attorney's office and other county officials, there was nothing occurring that night at church. No "representatives from Florida" as Ms. Ellyce alleged. The truth is, Sharif was referring to the March 30-31,2007 Faith Summit on Poverty workshops, in particular the workshops on Criminal Justice and Societal Re-Entry plus the AT&T Community Job Expo which had a special emphasis on ex-offenders' need for meaningful employment opportunities. This was presented by Faith Formula Human Services Corporation of Friendship-West Baptist Church, where participants included, but were not limited to: Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, pastor of Friendship-West; Don Hill, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Dallas; Dick Gregory, Professor, Author, Activist; Judge Cherly Shannon, of Dallas County 305th District Court; Judge Victor Lander, City of Dallas Municipal Court No.7,and newly-elected Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins, whom Sharif did personally speak to before the audience about the injustices surrounding his and other cases and about, among other things, Dallas County's inexcusable Indigent Defense System. Sharif had filed a federal civil rights lawsuit challeneging (on behalf of himself and all low income defendants)the fairness and constitutionality of the county's indigent defense system but the fedareal court in Dallas and the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed his lawsuit as being frivilous.

Activist/comedian Dick Gregory and Sharif
at the 2007 Faith Summit held at Friendship-West Baptist Church March 30-31.

The Bailiffs were able to get Mr. Amirsharif to leave the court, but found him lurking in the building even after being asked to leave due to his disturbances. (If Sharif left the courtroom (CDC No.5) as he was asked then there was no problem with him remaining in the building that his tax dollars helped pay for.  

LOOK:  Am I wrong or can everybody see that if there was any merit to Ms. Lindberg's and her colleagues' mendacious allegations, they wouldn't be trying to figure out what to do right now?  Sharif would have been arrested on the spot if he had been more than a minor irritant at the courthouse. They didn't arrest him then because they had no reason.  Ms. Lindberg appears to be asking her fellow civil servants if they can come up with a reason to return Sharif to jail since his being at the courthouse, talking to other families was not reason enough!)

I am very concerned about this defendant & his potential for serious violence, & I would very much appreciate your advice as to the best way to address the situation. (What are your intentions, Ms Lindberg? To demonize and then railroad Sharif to prison, maybe let jail goons beat on him like last time, and then your DA's office refuse to prosecute the goons. Maybe waste more tax dollars by sending him to the state hospital and dope him up so he can't tell on everyone?  Dallas has become nationally noted lately for innocence in prison, brutality on those who can't fight back, and misuse of a justice system that desperately needs some heads to roll)

Thank you.


April 6th, 2007:  NOTE FROM KAY LEE

I asked Sharif to get the names that went to all the email addresses in Ms. Lindberg's message.  Here is Sharif's update on that request:

Kay, take a seat for this news. The DA's office was contacted and asked for the official position and correct spelling of the (first) name of the DA's listed on Ms. Lindberg's email. I didn't mention the email and just called and said we would like someone to provide this info which is public records.

Well after giving the positions and first names of  a few DA's, the secretary answering the phone at 214.653.3600 transferred the call to another lady who wasn't as forth coming with her name nor anybody else's name and demanded to know why the information was wanted, and I told her for a directory of who's who in the DA's office. She politely disconnected the phone then when I called back she said that the information can not be given out and then disconnected the phone again. Why the secrecy?

I called the County Commissioner Maurine Dickey's office at 972.247.1735 and they gave the number to the Dallas County Commissioners Court Administration office, who after much ado said that a public records request would have to be submitted for the names and positions of the DA's? So much for the "people's government".
"Evil operates best under the cover of darkness"

Here are the names and positions I was able to obtain before being stonewalled:

1. Andy Beach (ABeach-Chief over Family Violence & Child Abuse);
2. Eric Mountin (EMountin- Asst. DA of Administration);
3. C. Dyer (CDyer- Chief DA over Family Violence)
4. Tammy Kemp (TKemp- Asst Felony DA assigned to prosecute my cases);
5. Ellyce Lindberg (ELindberg- Asst.Felony DA)
6. Peter L. Harlan (PHarlan- Asst County Attorney who is representing the county, sheriff, county commissioners, guards, etal., in my federal civil right lawsuits).

**** I did learn that Kevin Brooks is one of the chiefs of the felony bureau and the supervisor of all assistant DA's assigned to felony cases. Let me know what else we can do from here to assist you.

Sharif also asked for permission to attend his sister's wedding.  Here is the probation offices response which his lawyer thinks is unjust for a man who has not been tried nor sentenced:

From :  Larry Jarrett <>
Sent :  Friday, April 6, 2007 1:20 PM
To :  lakeith Amir-Sharif , <>
CC :  <> , <> , <> ,
Subject :  RE: State of Texas v. Lakeith Sharif Bond Conditions, Fees Being Demanded By PO

Lakeith, I have just spoken with Mr. Turay and was advised that the court must approve any travel out side of the county.  I will be in touch with the Court on Monday and will inform you of the court's decision.

Larry E. Jarrett

P.S. Mr. Ray Turay (ph. 214.653.8783) is the assistant  supervisor over the probation/ELM office where Sharif currently has to report to each week at 899 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75207.

Old Red Dallas Courthouse