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, MD
Business Phone (214) 631-3663
9400 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 124-606
Irving Texas 75063
License Number unknown


Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif
P.O. Box 570511
Dallas, Texas 75357-0511


Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif


On March 30, 2005, and pursuant to Article 46B.021, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (C.C.P.), Dr. Lisa K. Clayton was appointed by order of the Dallas County Texas 282 Judicial District Court/Judge Karen Greene to examine me and report back to said court on my competency and/or in competency.

At all times since my arrest on February 10, 2005 and during both "brief" examinations, Dr. Clayton has performed, I was and continue to be very competent.

On April 7, 2005, Dr. Clayton examined me for maybe five (5) minutes during which time she focused on whether or not I was what she called a "spec-6".  A "spec-6", according to Dr. Clayton, is someone who has previously been committed to a state hospital, which I have not been, and I told Dr. Clayton this.  She stopped the exam to go call someone to verify whether what I told her was true and when she returned she acknowledged that I hadn't been committed to any state hospital and that was basically the end of her exam.

I did allow Dr. Clayton to read over a letter I had written for the judge as well as a pro se Motion to Compel Prompt Revocation Hearing, in accordance with Article 42.12 § 21(b), C.C.P. 

This doctor also witnessed my attorney Thomas R. Grett, take my letter and Motion and hand it to the black female bailiff who tossed these legal documents into the hallway where I stood.  The doctor then left the hallway's booth, where she was performing her 'exam' and went into the actual courtroom.

***It is worthy to note that on this date before speaking to this doctor, I asked her for her business card and a copy of the court order appointing her to examine me.  She complied with my request and gave me both her card and the court order appointing her to examine me.

On May 12, 2005, I was brought over to the Frank Crowley Court BUilding.  I was not aware of the reason for my being brought to the court's building until I was called out of the holding cell and into the hallway where I then saw Dr. Clayton inside the booth.  I asked the doctor "What did you write in your report to the court?"  Her response was, "That you are incompetent". I then asked her jokingly, "So, when do I leave," and she replied, "I don't know, but you'll probably be going to Vernons".

After Dr. Clayton had told me this, I had nothing else to say to her except that I'd be filing a public information request for her report to the court. This second 'meeting' with Dr. Clayton also took less than five (5) minutes as did her 'exam'.

I did file a public information request to Dr. Clayton once I returned to my jail cell.  The doctor ignored my request.

On June 6, 2005, I called the doctor's office and advised her secretary that I expected a response and if I did not receive an answer to my public information request, I would initiate the appropriate legal actions against the doctor.

The doctor's secretary then took down my address at Big Spring State Hospital where I had been moved due to the doctor's report to the judge that I was incompetent.  Two days later, on June 8, 2005, I received a letter from Dr. Clayton with a copy of her report to the court (See Report of Dr. Clayton)  No wonder she didn't want to give it to me.

***It is worthy to note the following:

    1)  Dr. Clayton never told the court about my pro se motion, the one she read over on April 7, 2005.

    2)  Dr. Clayton never told the court about the two (2) letters written to her following each of her so-called 'examinations' to determine my competency.

    3)  Dr. Clayton never told the court about my public information request to her.

    4)  I filed pro se motions to the 282 Judicial District Court prior to and after these competency 'exams', namely but not limited to:

(a)  Motion To Dismiss Counsel Filed May 4, 2005
(b)  2nd Motion to Compel Revocation Hearing Filed May 10, 2005
(c)  Request for Right to Self-Representation Filed May 16, 2005

(See: Attached copies of pro se motions)

This is one of the worse perversions of justice and righteousness I have ever been subjected to.  If there is any integrity amongst those who investigate complaints for the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, I hope you will step forth now and recognize the validity of my complaint.

Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif

Re: Dr. Lisa K. Clayton