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DOCTOR Michael Pittman, M.D.
Psychiatric Evaluation

Re: Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Cause #: F02-73127


Prior to examining Mr. Amir-Sharif I explained to him the purpose of the examination.  I told him that I would be making a report to the court and that I might be asked to testify.  Mr. Amir-Shrif appeared to understand my explanation and agreed to proceed with the examination.


Mr. Amir-Sharif was examined at the Frank Crowley Courthouse on 3/2/05 for about fifty minutes.  I also reviewed Dallas County Jail System records.


In my opinion Mr. Amir-Sharif does have sufficient present ability to understand the proceedings against him.  He is also capable of cooperating with his attorney in formulating a defense with a reasonable degree of rational understanding.  In my opinion, Mr. Amir-Sharif is competent to stand trial.


Mr. Amir-Sharif was a rather uncooperative historian; however, as he put it, he could "stop the bullshit" when he wished to do so.  He was born in Florida and reared there and in Dallas.  He excelled in sports and was a friend of Emmitt Smith who also came from the same area.  Mr. Amir-Sharif was rated highly as a potential college recruit, and he briefly attended Florida State University.  Unfortunately, a girl becoming pregnant led to his leaving school and joining the US Navy.

While Mr. Amir-Sharif was in the Navy he had an accidental head injury that left him with a seizure disorder.  For a time he had a military disability pension, and he claimed that he worked as a legal assistant for a time.  (He did seem to know some of the lingo.)  He married once, and, in all, he has fathered six children.  Unfortunately, he also had many leagl problems and stays in prison.

His psychiatric history began five years ago when he attempted suicide, he was subsequently sent to Green Oaks Hospital, diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, and treated.  Since then, Mr. Amir-Sharif has taken antidepressant, mood-stabilizing, and antipsychotic medicines prescribed by MetroCare; he has worked, he said in various volunteer agencies.


Mr. Amir-Sharif was an African-American man who appeared about his state age of forty years.  He had an increased rate of blinking, the mouth movements of tardive dyskinesis. and some mildly pressured speech.  His grooming was acceptable.  Mr. Amir-Sharif's mood was fair, his emotional reactivity was a bit labile.

Mr. Amir-Sharif was alert and oriented to person, place, and time.  His memory was intact.  His attention span was normal.

On examination of Mr. Amir-Sharif's thought content he denied that he suffered from any hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia.  His thought processes were logical and goal-directed.

Mr. Amir-Sharif was able to explain to me the various roles of courtroom personnel.  He also seemed capable of cooperating with his attorney in formulating a defense with a reasonable degree of rational understanding.  In short, the examination indicated that Mr. Amir-Sharif was competent ot stand trial.

Michael Pittman, M.D.

As you can see Doctor Michael Pittman's evaluation and Dr. Clayton's evaluation are world's apart. One says he's competent, one says he's not. Knowing Sharif as well as I do, I have to say that Dr. Pittman's matter of fact statement was much more believable. I have a hard time dealing with Dr. Clayton's slightly hysterical statements of Sharif's terrible incompetence and then her bold statement that "Sharif will regain his competency in the foreseeable future." How the heck would she know unless she suspects that Sharif is not as sick as she convinces the judge he is?

So, knowing Dr. Clayton's statements are wrong and dangerous to his future, Sharif files a formal complaint against her. Sharif has since filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dr. Clayton and others in conncection with this incident. MTWT will provide updates as they become available regarding the progress of the lawsuit.