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From Fake Drugs To Fake Victims
Cathy Jonette Hawkins:

Dallas, Texas;A broken criminal justice system andthe misuse of tax dollars

Stop for a moment and imagine you’re going about your day, minding your own business, when all of a sudden you are being arrested and accused of committing a crime you had absolutely nothing to do with.

Then imagine even worse, that the crime you have been accused of never occurred, and is merely the manufactured product of dishonest Dallas police, unethical prosecutors and a jealous, embarrassed, confused and vindictive ex-girlfriend named Cathy Jonette Hawkins, from Tyler, Texas.

At the expense of the taxpayers, and the willful guidance of prosecutors from the office of Dallas County District Attorney (D.A.)Office, (particularly Assistant D.A. Carla Bean) Ms. Hawkins has been given the go-ahead and provided the means to attack her unfaithful ex-boyfriend (Sharif) by making mendacious accusations to police,prosecutors and judges without ever having to prove any of them.

In the process of making a complete fool of herself, Ms. Hawkins has made a mockery of the principles, values, ideals and integrity of our criminal justice system.

Ms. Hawkins' dishonesty during Sharif’s bond hearing on November 17, 2005, and the prosecutor's rhetoric that their office had yet another "questionable" charge to toss on Mr. Sharif based on more accusations by Ms. Hawkins, of course, were necessary only because Ms. Hawkin's credibility has been an issue since day one and the flimsy foundation upon which the state’s stalking prosecution is based on took a serious pounding on this day.

During cross-examination, Ms. Hawkins changed her story several times and contradicted the allegations made in her protective order affidavits.

Numerous inconsistencies, contradictions, half-truths, exaggerations and outright lies were exposed during Ms. Hawkins' testimony while on the stand, but she is apparently working for the prosecution, so she seems to have immunity from charges of perjury, aggravated perjury and filing false police reports.

After you get past the complications of the verbiage used in the prosecution's charging indictment, Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, causing serious bodily injury & Felony Stalking) you’ll be left wondering the same thing as many other citizens:

How could any person of average intelligent still be under the innocent-victim spell of Ms. Hawkins after the outright lies she’s told to the 282nd District Court Judge Karen Green, public defender Thomas R Grett, Psych Dr. Lisa Kay Clayton and the 292nd Protective order Court Judge Dee Miller about Ms Hawkins' “abusive and troubled” relationship with Mr. Sharif and the lie that she had broken off her relationship nearly a year earlier? Witness statements, as well as telephone and other records obtained by the defense, clearly prove otherwise.

It's also worthy to note that on the same day that Sharif told assistant D.A. Carla Bean he had numerous recordings of telephone conversations he and Ms. Hawkins were having,(during the same time Ms. Hawkins was seeking her protective order and was telling the judges that she had had no contact with the defendant), Sharif's apartment was broken into and ramshacked.

Who broke in has not been established, but note that the only things taken were the tape recorder and cassette tapes of Sharif and Ms. Hawkins' conversations.

(MTWT will be posting the pictures taken on the night of the break-in).

Ms. Hawkins' half truths and outright lies were exposed by investigative reporters from Making the Walls Transparent who conducted research that Sharif's first two court-appointed attorneys John H. Read II, and Douglas Hugh Schopmeyer neglected to do.

Her half truths and outright lies resulted in Mr. Sharif being needlessly committed to Big Spring State Hospital as being incompetent to stand trial, while the taxpayers were left to foot another bill. This hospitalization bill was in excess of $50,000, and all those court offficals involved, especially Dr. Lisa K. Clayton, knew that Sharif was very competent at the time and quite knowledgeable about the law, as evidenced by the habeaus corpus petition he filed to the Texas Supreme Court, during the same time Dr. Clayton submitted her fabricated report to the courts claiming Sharif was incompetent and did not understand the legal proceedings etc., etc...

(See: Dr Lisa Clayton's apology email and letter sent to Kay Lee on this site: An obvious attempt by this so-called "forensic specialist" to clear herself of wrongdoing in the matter).

The District Attorney’s office didn't bother to share the foregoing facts about Ms Hawkins to the taxpayers sitting on the grand jury that indicted Mr. Sharif on October 27, 2005.

Neither did the District Attorney’s office bother to inform this same grand jury that Ms. Hawkins is not only a heartbroken and vindictive ex-girlfriend, but she is the only witness to the crimes alleged and “NOTHING” she has ever alleged or accused Mr. Sharif of doing to date, has been verified, substantiated or corroborated by anyone.

Nevertheless, more than two hundred fifty thousands (and counting) in tax dollars has been wasted by the D.A.'s office, the presiding judges and elected county officials to prosecute these bogus charges. Costs such as Mr. Sharif’s arrest and incarceration in jail, plus the court proceedings held in both the protective order and criminal courts have been unknowingly pushed off on the taxpayers under the guise of law and order.

Had the D.A.’s office been seeking justice rather than a conviction, those good citizens on the grand jury would have been armed with these distrubing facts about the prosecutions so called “victim”, Ms. Hawkins.

But then it’s almost certain that had that been done, Sharif wouldn’t have sat in the filthy Dallas County Jail, falsely accused of crimes that never occurred. But that's not how the Dallas D.A.'s office operated under Bill Hill and the jury is still out on the mode of operation for newly-elected D.A. Craig Watkins and the assistants working under his leadership.

Conviction rates have always been the focus in Texas courts and Dallas has never been an exception to this rule. Seeking truth and justice doesn't seem to matter anymore.This is a mentality that is decaying our entire nations justice system, not just the one in Texas.

Family, friends and co-workers of both the accused and accuser who've asked not to be named, readily admit that Ms. Hawkins suffers from a low self-esteem, among other personality and emotional issues. She is said to have a propensity for exaggeration in order to gain attention, and her unpredictable behavior and unscrupulous character makes her a less than credible witness; especially on matters about her and Mr. Sharif’s relationship; how long they were together; if and when they broke off their relationship, etc.,. Some have gone as far as to say "less than 10% of anything Ms Hawkins says should be taken seriously."

When all is said and done in the State of Texas v. Lakeith Amir-Sharif, one point we all shall wholeheartedly agree on, and that is, Ms. Cathy Jonette Hawkins has repeatedly lied, manipulated and exploited every angle of the criminal justice system to gain all the sympathy and attention she could ever hope for. That, aided by Dallas County 'justice' in accomplishing this feat she has been able to fulfill her ulterior motive of revenge against Sharif.

Sharif admits to causing Ms. Hawkins to fall in love with him. But his 'crime' was to cheat on this 40 ;year old woman by having an affair with a family friend/co-worker, a younger woman in her 20’s, who occasionally stayed with the couple. The younger woman became pregnant during that time and has since given birth to Mr. Sharif’s beautiful daughter Imani. Although not very moral, cheating on a girlfriend is NOT a state issue.

Anyone can make up false allegations against another citizen, as proven with the "Fake Drug Scandal & and the recent "15" DNA exonerations of innocent men who collectively served nearly 200 years in prison for crimes they didn't commit;, but it is still the obligation and duty of our judges, police, and prosecutors, to whom we’ve entrusted upholding of the law, not to encourage the antics of people like Ms. Hawkins nor to assist in any way such a travesty jsutice, nor turn a blind eye to the facts in a case such as Sharif’s, a case in which the facts clearly point to his innocence.

When either our judges, police or prosecutors ignore or neglect their moral and professional responsibility in this regard, we all lose and our criminal justice system as a whole is compromised and set up to ultimately fail over and over again.

Under these circumstances, the scales of justice are clearly stacked against a defendant and their legal and constitutional right to a fair trial is denied well before he or she sees the inside of a Dallas County courtroom.

Like many other cases grabbing the headlines, the State of Texas v. Lakeith Amir-Shairf is another dishonorable and disturbing example of the deep seated trends that affects the criminal justice system of Texas and the complicity of those officials involved.

D.A. Craig Watkins promised to turn things around and to prevent any further wrongful convictions, but in the matter of Sharif he has undeniably dropped the ball - or more correctly never picked it up.

From “Fake Drugs to Fake Victims”.

"15" DNA exonerations and 400 other Dallas-area prisoners with applications for DNA testing are awaiting processing. What’s next??? Surely people from everywhere would appreciate an answer to this question, but it's unlikely one will be forthcoming anytime in the immediate future.

Citizens whose tax dollars have, and continue to be misused to support these charades, especially deserve answers, because if it is happening to Sharif, we know his isn't the only case your money is being wasted on by the judges and D.A.'s office of Dallas County.

Whether Ms. Cathy Jonette Hawkins alone should bear the onus and be held accountable for her criminal conduct you’ve just read about is a decision you must make on your own. Just remember, today it is Sharif, but tomorrow, the accuser could be someone you know and the accused could be you.

Cathy Jonette Hawkins
The Alleged Victim/Witness

Read the special investigation into the "Fake Drug Scandal"
Plus other reports about the scandal, the Dallas police and criminal court system

FAKE DRUGS, REAL LIVES: The Evolution of a Scandal



2nd Time Around


Dallas County Justice

Dallas County Jail on MTWT