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Sometimes Used for Retaliation

"You're not to be so blind ...that you can't face reality.
Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."

Malcolm X (1925 - 1965)

Postmarked July 20, 2005

To Kay Lee

I'm writing this letter to let you know how crooked the legal system is in Texas.  I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (1975) and a police Academy graduate of Weatherford College in Texas (1990).  I am currently sitting in a mental institution in Big Springs Texas and I am not mentally ill nor incompetent.

After being arrested on two false charges in 1997, I was held for two years in jail and at the last minute, sent to a mental institution in Vernon, Texas, where I was held an additional 2 1/2 years without a trial.

My two daughters, now 19 and 21, were made to lie on tap and the charges were dropped in July 2001.  I filed two lawsuits myself in U.S. District Court in Fort Worth's Northern District

        402-CV00645  10 million  for violation of civil rights
        402-CV00646    1 million  for libel

I was instructed by the federal Judge John McBryde, to file my cases in the Texas court system first.  I was rearrested in retaliation after filing the lawsuits in federal court against Don Chrestman in the 43rd District Court before I had a chance to file my lawsuits in state court. 

They claimed I made a death threat in a letter to Don Chrestman.  I wrote him 8 to 19 letters giving him evidence to get the two arrests in 1997 expunged.  There is no death threats in any of the letters.

After my re-arrest in August of 2002... I had passed all the polygraphs given in 1997 seven or eight times, but they ... deprived me of sleep and asked questions related to the 1997 charge rather than the 2001 retaliation charge.

I tried to file my cases in the 43rd District Court in Parker County Texas, but the court clerk Elvera Johnson would not file my cases or a fraud lawsuit against four lawyers.

By the way, you can contact my two daughters if you doubt what I say.

I never talked to any of the psychiatrists or psychologists back in the county, but they wrote reports on me anyway, sending me to a mental institution where state paid psychiatrists and psychologists back up what the court wants.  My last attorney, Jerry L. Wood, waived my right to appear at my competency hearing so I couldn't talk to the jury and let them see me and how I act.  State paid attorneys are loyal to the state who pays them and are afraid to go against the district judge who appoints them for fear they will not receive anymore court appointments.

The judge in my district is certainly not fair nor impartial, as he has gone along with the retaliation charge and he isn't the judge who sent me to Vernon State hospital in 1999.  That was ousted judge James O. Mullin.

I have filed five more suits in federal court in Fort Worth Texas

        403-CV-1169   for violation of civil rights
        403-CV-1465   for Libel
        404-CV-149-y  for violation of civil rights.

I filed two additional suits which the federal court will not acknowledge because of the content against local officials in Parker County.



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