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At Big Springs State Hospital (BSSH)
July 28, 2005

Up to this point, we had no complaints about the hospital.  Most hospital workers on the floor have, on the whole, been professional, friendly, and caring.  It appears no one is abused and medications seem appropriate.  But the events of the last few days in relation to patients' outgoing mail concerned us. 

The 'patient' whose mail is in question is Lakeith Amir-Sharif.  He has admittedly been on a vital letter writing campaign to right the injustices in his situation.  None of his out-going letters have concerned BSSH except to challenge the mere fact that Sharif is there.  Most of his mail has been legal mail to various officials in the county of Dallas and the state of Texas. 

Patient mail is picked up by Amanda Gillespie, who is the Unit Secretary in charge of mail delivery. 

On July 23rd the Chief Rights Officer, Woody Jumper, spoke to Sharif about the amount of outgoing mail. Mr. Jumper stated that the information he imparted to Sharif was 'per the superintendent'. The contents of that phone call were reiterated in a letter delivered to Sharif on July 26th:

"This is to inform you of our phone conversation about your personal mail.  Again, I am advising you we (BSSH) can pay for 1 letter per week.  If you wish to mail more than 1 letter per week, you must pay for the stamps.

I am returning your mail to you so you can choose which letter you would like for us to mail and stamp for you.  If you have further concerns, feel free to call me at 268-7639.

W. Jumper
Chief RPO

Of course this upset Sharif for three reasons:  First his mail is mostly legal in nature, thus his right to due process was being impeded.  Secondly, Sharif has been using his own stamps on most of the outgoing letters.  I know because I send them to him, 20 at a time. And Thirdly, the returned mail didn't include all the letters Sharif had written, so he complained in a phone call to Mr. Jumper's office at (432) 268-7639. 

A second letter was received from Mr. Jumper on Wednesday July 27th.

This letter is to inform you of our conversation about your personal mail.  After deliberation, we have decided you may have 4 letters per week paid for by BSSH.  If you wish to mail more than 4 letters per week, you must pay for the stamps.

I'm sorry I couldn't see you in person, however I have had eye surgery and not allowed on unit at this time.  If you have further concerns feel free to call me at 268-7639.

W. Jumper
Chief RPO

The decision of Mt. Jumper and Mr. Moughon was certainly an improvement, but still didn't take into account all the mail Sharif stamps himself, much of which was being held by 'Suzy' the cashier/clerk of the APS Males area of the hospital, who told Sharif, "You can only mail 4 letters with your own stamps from this facility per week.

When Sharif challenged the logic of that statement, Suzy said that Amanda had told her that Woody Jumper said only 4 letters per week could be sent out. Sharif told her about using his own stamps.  It made no difference.  Suzy had her orders and that's all she knew.

Sharif explained that much of his sent mail was not in the pile of mail they had returned to him. The answer was typical authority nonchalance, "If you don't receive all your mail back, we mailed it for you." Suzy then instructed him to  "See Amanda this afternoon."  Sharif was very frustrated so, I, myself, called Mr. Jumper's office. 

Mr. Jumper's answering machine took my message, and just a few minutes later I received his call back.  He was very friendly and accommodating. I explained that I was calling concerning problems with Sharif's outgoing mail.  Mr. Moughon stated, "I know the history on this. Sharif tends to mail out 10 letters per day, big, thick ones", which is why the superintendent first decided they could only put state stamps on 1 letter per week.  After further consultation about the nature of Sharif's mail, they upped the anti to 4 letters per week - state stamped.

I explained that  I understood the decision he and Mr. Moughon had made, but that Suzy and Amanda possibly didn't:  They obviously believed that Sharif could only mail 4 letters per week no matter who put the stamps on them.  Mr. Jumper agreed that Sharif could mail out any number of letters as long as he was using his own stamps.  "unlimited" and "no restrictions" were the words he used.

Mr. Jumper volunteered to call over to the hospital and clear up the matter. 

As a side note: A bit of good information Mr. Jumper did kindly give me is that patients at the hospital can earn their own stamps, that they can be given $2 per day for simply doing what they are supposed to do, such as attend classes, take medications etc. 

I called Sharif back within 30 minutes and related what Mr. Jumper had said.  Sharif reported that Amanda had come back very nicely to get all his mail. She  told him he could mail all he wanted if he stamped them himself.

Mr. Jumper did exactly what he said he would do in a very timely manner.  We wish to express our gratitude for a state official who responded so promptly and fairly.  

Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road Southeast
Atlanta Georgia 30316

PS: I did find out from Mr. Jumper that to file an FOIA for the BSSH Handbook that includes the mail regulations, you would contact:

Olivia Flournoy
Assistant Superintendant
Big Springs State Hospital
Proffessional Building
1901 N. Hwy. 87
Big Springs, Texas 79720



Dallas County