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Response to FOIA postmarked June 6th and file stamped BSSH on June 8, 2005)

Keep in mind as you read Dr. Lisa Clayton's diagnosis of Sharif's mental condition that Sharif had been diagnosed and put on the proper medication for his health way before being arrested and brought to the Dallas County Jail.  Also bear in mind that once a person arrives at most every jail or prison in the U.S., his own medications are taken away or substituted with whatever the jail deems best, no matter what the prisoner's personal physician has prescribed.  When "Dr." Lisa Clayton examined Sharif (for what he claims was 5 or 10 minutes and what she claims was 45 minutes), he was in a situation he felt was unlawful and that he did not deserve. According to the laws of the State of Texas and the U.S. and Texas Constitutions, Sharif had every right to feel the way he did.

Forensic and General Psychiatry

April 9, 2005

Honorable Karen Greene
282nd Judicial District Court
Frank Crowley Criminal Court Building
133 N. Industrial
Dallas, Texas 75207

RE: Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Cause #: F02-73127

Dear Judge Greene,

I examined Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif on 4/07/05 for approximately forty-five minutes.  The evaluation took place at the Frank Crowley Courthouse in a holdover area.

In my opinion Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif does currently suffer from a mental illness, most probably Bipolar Disorder, Manic Type rendering him incompetent to stand trial on the charges pending against him.  However, I do believe that Mr. Amir-Sharif will regain his competency in the foreseeable future.

My full report is attached.


The following psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Clayton was received at Big Springs State Hospital on June 18, 2005  in response to Sharif's public records request.  Sharif had never seen this document prior to that date.  Pretty good work for an incompetent, don't you agree?


PATIENT: Lakeith Amir-Sharif
CAUSE #:  F02-737127


Before the evaluation the purpose was explained to Mr. Amir-Sharif.  He was told that I would be making a report of the examination to the court and I might be required to testify.  He seemed to understand the explanation and agreed to the psychiatric examination.


Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif was examined by me at the Frank Crowley Courthouse in a holdover area on 4/7/05.  The evaluation interview took about forty-five minutes.  Mr. Amir-Sharif's UTMB psychiatric records were also examined. *** Note, there were no such records because Sharif had never been seen by anyone from the jail's mental health department.


Mr. Amir-Sharif is severely mentally ill, he has Bipolar Disorder, Manic Type.  He currently does not possess sufficient ability to comprehend the proceedings against him.  He is not able to assist his attorney in the development of a defense with a reasonable degree of rational understanding.  Mr. Amir-Sharif will regain his competency in the foreseeable future.


Mr. Amir-Sharif was a very poor historian.  He refused to say where he was born, but he did admit he was born and grew up in the United States.  Mr. Amir-Sharif reported he had been in the Navy and he received an Honorable Discharge.

Mr. Amir-Sharif stated he had been married one time and he refused to say if he had any children.  Mr. Amir-Sharif reported he has worked in Florida for various attorneys and he has a website for offenders.  Mr. Amir-Sharif reported he has a girlfriend, but his attorneys and the court refuses to acknowledge his relationship.  Mr. Amir-Sharif reports he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and he has been on medication for his mental illness from an MHMR Clinic.


Mr. Amir-Sharif had fair hygiene and was mildly disheveled in his dress.  He was alert and oriented to person, month and year.  His affect was labile and angry.  His mood was angry.  He got very agitated as I tried to talk with him about his court case and his attorney.

Mr. Amir-Sharif had loose association with paranoid delusions.  He had no insight into his mental illness.  Mr. Amir-Sharif does not have a rational understanding of the charges against him, nor does he understand the possible penalties or various duties of courtroom personnel in a trial process.

Lisa K. Clayton, M.D.

Dr. Clayton seemed to go above and beyond the call of duty in her apparent goal to get Sharif committed, making sure to shed the worst possible light on him in the process. Why? What was Dr. Clayton motive for all her falsified statements to the court? It's undeniable that Sharif's public defender Mr.Grett was in on all of this. What was Mr. Grett's motives, and who else was knowingly in on these unlawful activities? Why did judges Campos and Greene accept these reports from Dr. Clayton without them being notarized as required by law? There are many unanswered questions surrounding Sharif's commitment. A federal civil rights lawsuit has since been filed by Sharif regarding this incident.  

Form 633-Physician's Certificate of Medical Examination for Mental Illness

Lakeith Amir Sharif


I, the undersigned, a person licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas, or person employed by an agency of the United States having a license to practice medicine in any state of the United States, do hereby certify to wit:

1.  That my name and address is Lisa Clayton, M.D. * 9400 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 124-606 * Irving, Texas 75063.

2.  That on the 12 day of May, 2005, at the following location: Frank Crowley Courthouse, I evaluated and examined Lakeith Sharif, hearafter called "Patient."

3.  The Patient, whose address is Lew Sterrett West Tower has been under my care for the following.  If any, period of time, evaluation only.

4.  A brief diagnosis of the physical and mental condition of the Patient on said date is Schzophrenia Paranoid Type.

5.  An accurate description of the mental health treatment, if any, given by me or administered under my direction is as follows: evaluation only.

6.  That I am of the opinion that the Patient is mentally ill, and that as a result of that illness the Patient is likely to cause serious harm to self or others, or both self and others, or will, if not treated, continue to suffer severe and abnormal mental, emotional, or physical distress and will continue to experience deterioration of his ability to function independently and is unable to make a rational and informed decision as to whether or not to submit to treatment: and the detailed basis for this opinion is as follows:  See Addendum.

Signed and Dated this the 12 day of May, 2005.
Lisa K. Clayton, M.D.
Examining Physician.

Form 633A - Physician's Certificate of Medical Examination for Mental Illness -- Addendum

NAME: Lakeith Amir Shariff (sic)
AGE;  55 (sic)     RACE: AA       SEX: M      DOB:  11-15-69

1 On or about 05-12-05 the above named person said the following:

    a.  "This s a fu__ing conspiracy"
    b.  "I have constitutional rights that are mine"

2.  On or about 05-12-05 the above named person committed the following acts:

    a.  agitated
    b.  cussing at officers and attorney

3.  The Mental Status examination reveals the following:

    a.  labile affect
    b.  angry hostile
    c.  paranoid delusional
    d.  loose association

4. -

5.  The number of previous psychiatric hospitalizations: unknown

6.  Items #1 and #2 were taken from the medical history as reported by the applicant or other observer.

Date: 05-12-05

Name of Person(s) Completing This Form:  Lisa K Clayton

Now read Doctor Michael Pittman's evaluation and tell me why the judge chose to believe Dr. Clayton over Dr. Pittman.