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Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Big Spring State Hospital

July 18, 2005

Attn: Ed Moughon, CEO
Big Spring State Hospital
1901 N. Highway 87
Big Spring, Texas 79720-0283
Phone # 432/268-7222

Dear Mr. Moughon;

My letter is directed to your attention as I believe your integrity and that of your hospital warrants your personal knowledge and involvement in the case concerning Lakeith Amir-Sharif.

As you know, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 46B.073(b) states in pertinent part that "the court shall commit a defendant to a mental health facility for further examination and treatment toward the specific objective of attaining competency to stand trial."

On May 25, 2005, I was transported from the Dallas County Jail to your hospital under the false guise of my being incompetent.

My former public defender Thomas R. Grett was instrumental in orchestrating the dubious findings and final report made to the court by Dr. Lisa Kay Clayton.  Dr. Clayton's report contradicted an earlier report to the court made by Dr. Michael Pittman (see enclosed Dr. Clayton and Dr. Pittman's reports to the 282nd District Court of Dallas, Texas).

Upon my arrival to this hospital and during the intake process, I informed staff members Lisa Painter, GMS Nurse Kimberly, Russell Grant and others that I was competent and there was more behind my being sent here than what the court order would reveal.

It was Ms. Patricia L. Stahlbaum whom I talked at length with on May 25th and explained to her the details of my circumstances.  I also provided her evidence of my competency not just from the rational and intellectual manner in which I addressed her and others, but by sharing with her news clippings about the Dallas jail crisis and copies of motions I had filed in my criminal case just prior to being sent to your hospital.  (see enclosed page 1 of three motions filed on May 4th, May 10th, and May 16th, 2005)

On May 26, 2005, I met with Dr. Bahan, Ms. Stahlbaum, Cathy Richardson and other staff.  I told those present at this meeting that I am competent and went on to offer proof of this fact.

On May 31, 2005, I met with Dr. Dorman, Ms. Stahlbaum, Kendra WHite, and Tom BUrns.  I told those present at this meeting that I was competent and again offered proof of this fact.

It is ironic now, that for the past couple of weeks (and tens of thousands in tax dollars later) Dr. Dorman, Ms. Stahlbaum, Ms. White, Mr. Burns, and psychologist David Mitchell have hounded me about taking a competency test.  I have declined their repeated requests because my taking such a test at this juncture would lend undo credibility and justification to the pretenses under which I was sent here in the first place.  It would also give the (legal) impression that your staff had something to do with my being competent, and that is not the truth.

Here are a few other things I'd like for you to note:

1)    The motion that public defender Thomas Grett was required to file under Article 46B.004 in order to raise the issue of my supposed incompetency to stand trial is missing from the court files.

2)    Dr. Michael Pittman's report to the court was never filed, stamped by the clerk of the court.

3)   Other motions and letters to the judge that I submitted are missing from the court files.

4)    The same doctor, Lisa Kay Clayton, who claimed that I was incompetent is the same person who I called from this hospital on June 6, 2005 and told her to answer my public records request or else I'd file suit against her.  That is how on June 8, 2005, I obtained this doctor's report to the court which she mailed to me here. (see enclosed copy of envelope from Dr. Clayton postmarked June 6th and file stamped BSSH on June 8, 2005)

5)    I have NEVER been taken into the courtroom where the judge residing over my case could see and/or speak to me.  I have been in jail since February 10, 2005.

6)    My arrest stems from a typo made by the probation office concerning when they wanted me to report to their office.  If found guilty it would have been my first violation in two (2) years of a 3 year criminal mischief probation sentence. (see enclosed probation office letter)

7)    At this time, people from around the country are writing letters to the Honorable Judge Karen Greene asking that she release me and that my probation be continued.

8)    I am a plaintiff in litigation against the Dallas County Jail.

9)    Since my arrest in February I have been working on a webpage with Making The Walls Transparent (MTWT), and it covers everything that I have endured thus far.  The webpage can be found at

Mr. Moughon, I have heard some very encouraging things about you from your staff and if half of what has been told to me is true, then I am confident that you will act with the level of professionalism, integrity and concern associated with your hospital's name and scrutinize the circumstances under which Dallas County, Texas defendants are being sent to Big Spring State Hospital as incompetent.

I am kindly thinking you in advance for your time and efforts.l

Lakeith Amir-Sharif



cc: Sen. Royce West (Dallas)
James M. O'Neill, Dallas Morning News


Dallas County