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by Lakeith Sharif
Mailed May 8, 2005

Dallas County, Texas

CAUSE NO. F0273127-s

State of Texas
Lakeith Amir-Sharif

Request For Right To Self-Representation

To The Honorable Judge of This Court:

Defendant, Lakeith Amir-Sharif, requests that this court permit him the right to represent himself in the above entitled and numbered cause, in all phases of the proceedings in this cause up to and including trial and post trial matters, and in support of said request defendant would show the following:

    1)  On February 10, 2005, the defendant was arrested for allegedly violating, if proven, what is commonly deemed a relatively minor technical violation of probation conditions.  The defendant has at all times been continually confined in the Dallas County Texas jail system awaiting a revocation hearing that's long overdue.

    2)  On February 15, 2005, the court assigned public defender Thomas Grett to 'represent' the defendant, yet Mr. Grett has done everything but make a genuine and concerted effort to represent the defendant competently and effectively as is required of Thomas Grett as public defender per the United States and Texas Constitutions.

    3)  Defendant does not trust Thomas Grett nor his superiors Lynn Pride-Richardson and Jeanette Green, both of whom have condoned Mr. Grett's slipshod and ineffective legal assistance which is highlighted by the fact that Thomas Grett has NEVER filed any pleadings or motion, nor made any request on behalf of this client that was beneficial to or geared towards assisting the defendant in regaining his liberty.

**Thomas Grett has actually done NOTHING in this cause except make 2 or 3 slanderous accusations to the court that the defendant was delusional and a threat to society and persons thereof, namely defendant's girlfriend and state witness, Cathy J. Hawkins.

    4)  The attorney - client relationship between this defendant and Thomas Grett is irreparable.  Grett is guilty of legal treason in this defendant's eyes.

    5)  There is currently a 23-page complaint to the Texas Bar pending against Thomas Grett which this defendant filed.

Also there are possible other Texas Bar complaints filed against Thomas Grett by other citizens regarding the 'legal representation' afforded the defendant in this cause.

    6)  The law is well-settled as it relates to a defendant's rights to self-representation, and the factors to be considered by this court in applying the balancing test to determine whether ornot the defendant is capable and should be permitted to represent himself.

    7)  Despite "blindly" granting Thomas Grett's suspicious competency examination request on three (3) occasions since February 10, 2005, this court has actually NEVER seen the defendant in order to make an informed decision as to the defendant's competency based on the court's own personal observation.

    8)  Defendant assures this court that he is willing, ready, and able to represent himself in the proceedings required in the cause before this court.

    9)  Defendant has earned college credits in prerequisite classes necessary for obtaining a degree in the area of law for the state of Florida and Texas.

In fact, due to defendant's arrest and unreasonable incarceration, the defendant was unable to fulfill his obligation and classes this college semester which is about to end for the Dallas County Community College District.

   10)  Defendant has a rational and factual understanding of the proceedings against him and the basic yet possible consequences faced if found guilty of violating his probation conditions.

   11)  The request to self-represent is not made in order to delay the proceeding in this matter, nor to disrupt The orderly administration of justice in this court.  Quite the opposite; defendant wants to bring this nightmare to an end and enjoy his statutory right (C.C.P. Article 42.12 § 21(6)) and constitutional rights (U.S.C.A. 1st, 6th, 8th, 14th; and Article 1, Section 10 Texas Constitution)  to a swift disposition of the state's revocation motion; Something Thomas Grett conspired with the DA.'s office to deprive defendant of, not cause defendant to be held in jail indefinitely when even defendant's probation officer, Ms. Sue McDaniels (972-478-0171) questioned the reasoning behind my unusually lengthy confinement/or the probation violation alleged in this cause.

Nobody has a greater interest in defendant's regaining of liberty than the defendant, and on one is better qualified to articulate defendant's situation to this court than the defendant, and granting this motion would be in the best interest of the defendant and his dependants, the community and the ends of justice.

Respectfully submitted,
Lakeith Amir-Sharif

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, defendant Lakeith Amir-Sharif prays that this Honorable Court grant the request and allow defendant to represent himself in the above cause or in the alternative that this court set this matter for a hearing on or before May 23, 2005, so arguments can be heard by all concerned parties why this request should be granted.

Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Dallas County Jail (11-N-5)
Dallas, Texas 75202


Defendant's request for right to self-representation is hereby (granted) (denied) in its entirity

Presiding Judge

I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the Dallas County Texas District Attorney's office on this 8th day of May, 2005, but U.S. mail.
Lakeith Amir-Sharif

Written by Lakeith Sharif


Dallas County