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of Another Innocent Man

After being found guilty in a trial contaminated by ineffective assistance of counsel and repeated acts of prosecutorial misconduct, Sharif was scheduled to be sentenced on May 12, 2008.  He had arranged for his family and supporters to attend.  Once at the courthouse, Sharif's people learned that assistant district attorneys Tammy Kemp and Gordan Hikel had waited until time for the sentencing to begin to ask [and be granted] a ten (10) day continuance. They claimed they needed additional time (as if four years weren't enough) so they could prepare their bogus 'victim' Cathy Jonette Hawkins to take the stand.

During the brief sentencing hearing, they continued their shameless performance of the trial; more perjured, mendacious and uncorroborated accusations that Ms. Hawkins and the district attorneys obviously rehearsed because the state has NO evidence other than the words of this scorned woman.

On May 21, 2008, Cathy Jonette Hawkins took the stand and, as expected, she repeatedly lied or shaded the truth, even about things she had previously admitted to just weeks earlier during Sharif's trial.  Ms. Hawkins also came down with a severe case of 'selective amnesia' during cross-examination by defense attorney Dianne Kathryn Jones.

During the trial, Tammy Kemp and Gordan Hikel showed great gamesmanship by being quick to bail their star [and only] witness out with an objection or offering lame excuses anytime Ms. Hawkins forgot her script or slipped up and said something much too close to the truth.

Many people are aware of how Dallas County has gone from the disgrace caused by the fake drug scandal to the recent embarrassment created by news stories of the unjustly prosecuted, convicted and innocent.

There are many who also are aware of the unequal and arbitrary justice to be found daily in the sentences Dallas prosecutors seek and judges such as Keith Dean (aka Judge 'Life for a Joint' Dean] have imposed on defendants.

Judge Carter Thompson's sentence on Sharif for 13 years in a Texas prison for what, at best, was a car accident, is not only excessive punishment, but is also an undeniable politically motivated favor to his associates, who are named in some of Sharif's federal civil rights lawsuits. (e.g. Dallas County, Dallas District Attorneys, Sheriff Lupe Valdez, Dallas County Commissioners, Allen Clemson and other officials found on the pages of this website (including Judge Thompson, who banned Sharif from the Crowley Courthouse).

Moreover, this 13 year prison sentence epitomizes concerns of inexperience that many voters expressed about the newly-elected judges.

For MTWT, this 13 year sentence is a perfect example of abuse of power by Judge Carter Thompson.  The same sort of abuse as in the case of Tyrone Brown, who was sentenced to life in prison for a joint.

If District Attorney Craig Watkins is a man of his word, then we are calling on him to right the wrong that has resulted in the case of State of Texas v. Lakeith Amir-Sharif.