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State Bar of Texas
Jun 28, 2005

June 28, 2005

Attn: Michelle Hunter, Interim Chief
Disciplinary Counsel for the
State Bar of Texas
P.O. Box 12487
Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2487

Re: Public Defender Thomas R. Grett's
Unethical and Unprofessional Actions

Dear Counsel:

This letter is directed to your attention as I believe the seriousness of Thomas R. Grett's actions warrants your personal knowledge and involvement.  Mr. Grett was assigned to represent me on February 15, 2005 for a probation revocation hearing. (See: Cause No. F02-73127-s)

To date, Mr. Grett has done everything possible to personally sabotage my legal defense.  He disrespected me, my race and my religion by calling me "stupid, delusional, incompetent" and using the racial epitaph, "Nigger" on more than one occasion when addressing me.

The most recent of these acts occurred on June 15, 2005 when I called court clerk Susan Sam in Dallas Texas 282nd District Court.  This clerk placed me on hold to go check on the status of motions I had filed to dismiss Mr. Grett and to represent myself.  Mr. Grett got on the clerk's phone talking to me and my cousin Kalish on three-way, in a loud, harsh and hostile manner, calling me "nigger" and telling us "Don't you ever call this court's phone number again." Then he slammed the phone down, disconnecting the call.

Mr. Grett also colluded with Dr. Lisa K. Clayton to cause me to be committed to a state hospital under the false guise that I was delusional and incompetent.  He did this to me because I refused and resisted his attempts to help the state's attorney in a civil matter in which Mr. Grett tried repeatedly to coerce me into waiving my rights.  (See: Cause No. CV05-00157-V)

Review of the motions I filed and the grounds and arguments I presented regarding my probation violation issue clearly demonstrates that at all times I was very competent and Mr. Grett knew this or should have known this given the fact that he removed these motions from the court files until complaints were made about this just last week to Clerk Supervisor Tina Cooper.

If the State Bar of Texas has a zero tolerance for unethical and unprofessional conduct, then I implore you to act now and address the perversion of justice and righteousness Thomas R. Grett has engineered.

I am thanking you kindly in advance for your time, efforts and cooperation, asking that you contact me, advising me of your intentions.

Thanks Sincerely,

Lakeith Amir-Sharif
1901 North Highway 87
Big Spring , Texas 79720-0283


Questions Regarding Public Defender's Office


Dallas County