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Letter from Kay Lee to Toby Shook


TO: Toby Shook, Assist. District Attorney
Jim Hamlin, District Clerk

133 North Industrial Blvd.
Dallas, Tx. 75207

FROM: Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road Southeast
Atlanta Georgia 30316-4013

RE: State Of Texas vs. Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Cause No # F05-25061-

Dear Toby Shook:

I don't know what your legal abilities are when an obvious injustice comes across your desk, but I know you have moral abilities that far surpass the criminal justice system. 

Your prosecution of Lakeith Amir-Sharif is casting an ethical cloud that will hurt the people’s confidence and trust in your office for years to come.  TOBY SHOOK AND BILL HILL CAMPAIGNING

The citizens of Dallas, Texas really want and deserve a district attorney who commands respect because he is respectful of the difference between the guilty and the innocent.  Citizens need a district attorney who leads by example and displays the sort of integrity and decency too often found lacking in public officials. 

You might be that man, I have no way of knowing, but if you are, Mr. Shook, you will take another look at the full and complete evidence against Mr. Amir-Sharif.  When you see that every charge is based solely on one angry woman's testimony,  and you realize she is angry because he committed adultery in their relationship, you will understand, Mr. Shook, that this is not a crime for the courts nor a case for imprisonment of Mr. Sharif.

I call upon you to dismiss the charges against Mr. Lakeith Amir-Sharif, and separate yourself from the image of persecutorial misconduct that is becoming synonymous with the mention of the Texas justice system, and in particular your office.

Kay Lee, M.T.W.T.

CC: Tx A.G. Greg Abbott

"The Voice of Convicted Innocence on Video"

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