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"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through
people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false."
: Bertrand Russell

It Could Be You or Someone You Love

FOUR YEARS AWAITING TRIAL! Do you really think this was what the framers of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution meant by the "right to a speedy trial"?

April 30, 2008 - UPDATE on Dallas County Justice
In The Case of Sharif-Amir
Case No. F-0559639-1

Found Guilty of Aggravated Assault w/deadly weapon. [AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Sharif had five felony charges brought against him pertaining to the 'victim', of which the state has admitted to having NO evidence (other than the word of the 'victim'). All charges except this Agg. Assault charge have been dismissed or the state declines to pursue them.]

Sharif is now incarcerated awaiting sentencing and can be contacted at:

Lakeith Amir-Sharif
Tulia Unit
4000 Hwy 86W
Tulia, TX 79088

As you may be aware, Texas, specifically Dallas County, has prosecuted, incarcerated and released more innocent people than any other state. Recently the 17th innocent person was released after DNA proved they had been incarcerated for 27 years unjustly. We maintain there are many more innocent people doing time in Texas because of Dallas County injustice, but if there is no DNA involved in the crime, the proof is even more difficult. Sharif's is just such a case.


In February 2005, Sharif's ex-girlfriend vowed revenge after Sharif fell for another lady. The 'scorned' woman used the system to bring five charges against him and continued to claim that Sharif was 'stalking' her every time he'd get out of jail. The evidence against him? Her word.

Now, after pushing and dragging Sharif through the Dallas system for four years:  After two years of sending him through probation, locking him in jail, and confining him as 'incompetent' in the state mental hospital: After spending over $250,000 of taxpayers hard earned money on this sham, Dallas County finally brought Sharif to trial this week.

Sharif has spent the entire years of his persecution building a website about Dallas County Injustice, which has gained him much attention, mostly positive from the public, very negative from the people deciding and enforcing 'justice' in Dallas County. From police officers who have turned one 911 call into many, to attorneys who won't do their jobs, to judges who apparently don't read their lawbooks, they have all let Sharif (and the part of the public who seeks justice) down. Why oh why did we expect justice to come to this Dallas Courtroom after all the injustice Sharif has suffered?

Even though the alleged victim admitted to the mostly female jury in the first 15 minutes that her affidavits didn't match, that she had lied about some things, the ladies on the jury decided by the end of the day that Sharif was guilty of what we know he did not do. So he currently sits at the now familiar Dallas County Jail awaiting sentencing.


1.  Initial court-appointed attorneys failed to verify information/evidence pertinent to proving these false allegations;

2.  No one tried to retrieve footage from security camera at Dorchester Apartment complex where the incident took place;

3.  There were potential witnesses who were available, but not contacted. They could and would have discredited the claims of the 'victim';

4.  The 'victim' lied about there being no contact between she and Sharif for six months, that she hadn't spoke with him after the arrest of her own free will (even though she never refused to speak to him on three-way calls);

5.  The 'victim' and her family unnecessarily had **security at the trial, giving the jury the unfair and distinct impression that Sharif was dangerous. The 'victim' claimed she was fearful of what Sharif may do, ignoring the fact that she had seen Sharif at least four times in public and nothing happened...not even a word spoken between the two of them.

**The Cost of Security

6.  3 out of 5 attorneys that were appointed to Sharif's case have disciplinary reports against them; ten or more bar complaints from other court-appointed clients for ineffective representation; and have been cited by Dallas and the U.S. Court of Appeals for being ineffective and/or incompetent counsel.

7.  There was prosecutorial misconduct due to the fact that investigators failed to gather information (i.e. security footage, witnesses, etc.) regarding incident that occurred at the Dorchester Apartments (residence of alleged victim).

8.  Prosecutor Karla Bean had significant information that could have discredited allegations from the alleged victim (she knew there were recorded conversations between Sharif and Cathy that would have proved Cathy had lied), but she failed to retrieve the tapes.

9.  Based on Gideon vs. Wainwright: The right of an indigent defendant in a criminal trial to have the assistance of counsel is a fundamental right essential to a fair trial, and petitioner's trial and conviction without the assistance of counsel violated the Fourteenth Amendment. 

**14th Amendment

So now Sharif's been judged guilty of something he did not do. We apparently cannot change that. This next week his sentence is in the hands of the judge, who may put him on probation, although for the past two years he has shown absolutely NO interest in communicating with the 'victim'. The judge could also incarcerate Sharif. But, by law, Sharif has already served the amount of time designated (24 months) for the first time crime he was found guilty of, so of course we are all expecting the court to send him home. However, our expectations of justice have thus far not proved founded in fact. Therefore we need your help.

Please read Sharif's site at , then email or phone Reporter Brooks Egerton at 214-977-7622 or Dallas County Judge Jim Foster at phone 214-653-7349 or email and let them know that Sharif is just one of many innocent people who are NOT receiving justice. And tell them we, the taxpayers, do not want to spend any more money on this case.

Thank you for participating in making America's justice system serve the citizen.

Kay Lee, Director MTWT
2536 Harrison Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703

P.O. Box 570511
Dallas, TX 75357


Until Justice is Served!