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What happened today?
Thursday, 7 July 2005
I'm b-a-c-k!
Mood:  lazy
Hey Guys!!

I missed you all so much!


Well I had a hell of a time because it was well.....interesting. lol I'm not going to write about it all now but I will later!

Talk to you all later!

Steph ::mwah::

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 4:42 PM CDT
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Thursday, 30 June 2005
Bored out of my mind!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: "I'm not as good as I once was" by: Toby Kieth
Hey folks!

I'm a little happier than my last entry...good thing. Anywho, I know people don't read this except Zee and Arabin, sometimes when he's not grounded and I tell him to. lol So like Zee I just feel that I'm writing this for myself. Oh well. So, I'm a little confused about something I need to talk to someone about.

But, other than that I'm going up north Saturday and I'm coming back sometime next week. Not sure about when exactly but I'll call you people when I am. I'm so excited to go up north because there will be guys ::big smile:: I hope guys like Jordan. Awwwwww.... But there will be Haley too! I haven't seen here in a while and we are both ready to have a hell of a time. lol

Today I sent my forms in for the State Fair. I swear it's like I'm going to boot camp or something cause I can't do anything. The sheet says "curfew is 11 with participants in their rooms with lights out" it also says that there will be no PDA, too bad. What if there was a really hott guy there? God I love being single. lol But, I don't really want to go because I won't be with any of my friends. And I love talking to y'all! lol

OMG!!! I just got the mail and I was accepted into the "Who's Who of American Students"! And it's awesome because only 5% of students get accepted!! I have been waiting for that! I'm so I will HAVE to have a party!

Talk to you cool cats later!!

Love lots!

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 1:08 PM CDT
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Sunday, 26 June 2005

Mood:  down
Ok, well I was SUPPOSED to have a party today but I got grounded...ugh. Yeah, I KNEW I shouldn't have went last night to Arabin's party. It sucked ASS! I was like the third wheel (except there was four of us). No one like talked to me. It was Dan and Julie, until Julie left, then it was Arabin and Dan monkeying around. Yup, no Stephanie. I am so bored and I want my party!!

Ugh, I hate my life. I just want it to end (hmmm??) or get better. I hate having to always try to impress my parents. They don't notice anything that I do and it really bugs me! They only notice when I do something bad. It's like I'm not even a part of the family.

I feel like complaining today, sorry. But I want a boyfriend. Is there anything wrong with that? Why don't guys like me? Who cares. I'm just really pissed off because I'm grounded and I can't even talk to my mom about it because she doesn't believe me. No, correction...she won't even listen to me! I hate this!!

There are certain people I DO NOT want to talk to right now. If it's you...I'll let you know.

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 7:49 PM CDT
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Sunday, 19 June 2005
Up North!
Mood:  happy
I got back from up north today and OMG it was so much fun! I met Tyler and Jordan. ::big smile:: Jordan was really hott and really really sweet. You know, the kind of guy that gets you lost when you look into his eyes and sweeps you off your feet. Awww!! Him and I were playing catch cause I brought my glove and my dad's glove up. Then after that we went swimming but we got kicked out of the pool so we went mini golfing but he went to change and I didn't want to walk all the way back and change so he brought me a pair of his shorts and a sweatshirt. (I heart him!) Then I went and changed and went back over and sat around the campfire. (He makes really good s'mores!) I had to be back in a half hour but when my mom called he asked her if I could stay longer. Then when I did go back to my camper he walked me back (even though I did have a flashlight). It really sucks that I won't see him again but it was fun while it lasted. :)

Love lots!!

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 9:29 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 7:51 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 15 June 2005

Mood:  flirty
OMG! Yesterday I had my demonstration thing and they picked me to go to the state fair with two other guys (they aren't very cute, which sucks). The whole thing sucks because I won't be there with any of my fact I won't know anyone there. And I have to be there for 4 days! And I only present once and then I have to work the other days. B-O-R-I-N-G!! But tomorrow is going to be great because I have my interview for volunteering at the hospital...wish me luck!


Last night I was looking on the internet for some poems and I found some really good ones.

I Was Reminded
by Alicia S

As we lay there quiet I was reminded of all the reasons why I lust you
Your smile, and the way it teased at me seductively Your laugh, and the way it tempted me
Your eyes, and the way they seem to hypnotize me

As we sat there silent I was reminded of all the reasons why I love you
Your smile, and the way it brings such life into me Your laugh, and the way it makes everything okay Your eyes, and the way them seems to read my thoughts

As we stand here now I am reminded of all the reasons why I hate you
Your smile, and the way it confuses me
Your laugh, and the way it seems to mock me
Your eyes, and the way they can look into mine and not feel a thing

Me, Not Her
by Jennifer Souza

I'm not sure if you know or not
But I really do love you a lot.
You still hold a special place in my heart
And you did, right from the start.

But when she came along and took your breath away,
I was devastated and didn't know what to say.
I spend my nights crying, time after time,
I spent my days lying, saying I was fine.

Little did you know, my heart was crushed inside,
And on that day, a little of me died.
But with her, you look so in love
'Cause you are an angel from above.

I now have to teach my heart to move on,
For, you are now forever gone.
But about one thing I am unsure:
Why it can't be me, and not her.

Anywho, I get really bored during the day so someone PLEASE call me or come over because talking and looking at Andrew isn't a whole lot of fun!

love lots,

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 1:27 PM CDT
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Monday, 13 June 2005

Mood:  not sure
Hmmm, nothing to talk about today. I woke up at 7 and I'm starting to get tired now. I have a demonstration tomorrow and I hope I do okay.

Love lots,

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 10:29 PM CDT
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Sunday, 12 June 2005

Mood:  energetic
Today was a better day than yesterday. I went shopping and I got a cowboy's really cute! I also got two shirts. But the best thing was going to my cousin's dance recital. It was so cool! I want to dance!! My cousin, Ashley (the little one), won two firsts and a second in state and she is going to the Dells this weekend for a cance in NATIONALS! I am so excited for her. She is only like seven I want to say but is really good and grown up...more than me. lol GOOD LUCK ASHLEY! My cousin Ted is so cool. Today in the lobby of the Grand Theater he came up to me and gave me the biggest hug and wouldn't let go. It was pretty funny cause I haven't seen him in a while but he has never done that to me before. I laughed pretty hard. Anywho, I think I need something to drink to unhyperate me. Yeah, I don't think unhyperate is a word but WHO CARES?

Love lots,

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 10:15 PM CDT
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Saturday, 11 June 2005

Mood:  irritated
I don't understand why you people just can't grow up and stop when people tell you to! All I have to say is just GROW UP! Seriously, stop being stupid and let me have a good day....FOR ONCE!

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 9:31 PM CDT
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Friday, 10 June 2005

Mood:  silly
Just talking to Zee, Arabin and Dan. Interesting to say the least. Pretty weird conversations. I think we need to have a party and really fast because it's getting boring. I know it's only been one day but it was boring! lol I love the silly converstaions we all have though, it makes life less stressfull!

love lots

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 10:32 PM CDT
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Mood:  not sure
Ok, so I talked to Ashley last night. Well it was her, Jermey and Jordan that went to a movie and I was invited but I couldn't go. So they went without me. And at about 9 o'clock Ashley called and we talked about the movie and everything. I guess that Jeremy told Ashley that "he" was going to ask me out and Ashley was just going to give me the heads up. We talked about it and everything else in our lives, literally. And I came to the conclusion that if and when he asks me out I am going to tell him that we should see how the summer goes and become better friends before we go out.

Let me know what you think! Please 'cause I'm still REALLY confused!

Love lots,

Posted by crazy4/you74 at 9:33 AM CDT
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