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Ambur's blog!!
Wednesday, 15 December 2004
why do we need men????
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: jimmy dickens (like i know what it is)
Topic: amber is hott!
well....i must admit, the sound of having a b-friend in highschool sounds pretty darn good, but am i ready to have sex???!!! i want to save myself for johnny depp!hehe! well..i must say that i really need to get a new topic. everytime i watch something that remotely has love in it i go and throw up!!! really...i'm trying to lose weight, but it obviously isn't working!!!!!i mean, i feel all bloated and shit. but i guess that's b/c i need more food. hmmmm,,,i need to stop that, but i guess i'll be happy for now. i've been watching love actually and i would really like a man like (i was interupted.err) the one who films that one girl all the time (keira knightly)

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:27 AM EST
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why do we need men????
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: jimmy dickens (like i know what it is)
Topic: amber is hott!
well....i must admit, the sound of having a b-friend in highschool sounds pretty darn good, but am i ready to have sex???!!! i want to save myself for johnny depp!hehe! well..i must say that i really need to get a new topic. everytime i watch something that remotely has love in it i go and throw up!!! really...i'm trying to lose weight, but it obviously isn't working!!!!!i mean, i feel all bloated and shit. but i guess that's b/c i need more food. hmmmm,,,i need to stop that, but i guess i'll be happy for now. i've been watching love actually and i would really like a man like (i was interupted.err) the one who films that one girl all the time (keira knightly)

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:26 AM EST
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Thursday, 9 December 2004
i'm totally confused!
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Avril (nobody's home)
Topic: amber's confused!errr!
well, what have i to complain about. my home life is somewhat beautiful. my parents have been together since the beginning of time, my family's close, and we love eachother. what more could you want? wel....since this whole mistake called sid came into my life i have no respect or trust from anyone in my family. its like they're all radicals against amber finding happiness! in which i didnt! but still, they need to trust me since i dont do shit compared to all the rest of the teenagers who roam the planet. errr! and now i'm confused, telling myself that i need to do anything to pleze my family, but they dont understand me like no one understands me except michelle, maybe, well...i dont think she does either. She just wants me to be me, but to understand me it would take a person from a different planet. man, i'm a weirdo and i just wish for the respect that i give so many other people(the female population of corse) the males can shit and fall back in it. i dont like males. if they have a dong i could piss on them except love them. you should never love males. the care and love between man and woman doesnt exist. of corse theres love between father and daughter, but my father isn't a man he's my father, i dont include him on my theory of men. he's the exception to all that is evil. and evil = men! so now i will go b/c i'm borring the hell outa myself though i do all the effin time! err! bubye!


Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 3:15 PM EST
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who's playin' who???
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Jewel (pieces of you)
Topic: who's right?
well... i spose that you could call me a rather weird girl. I would call me normal. i hate men, i could never respect them, but i intend on not trying to hurt the very man who would be with his ex right now if she hadn't broke up with him!!! AMBER pull u're head out of u're ass! so i guess i did hurt him by flirting my ever lovin' ass off with this rather beautiful young man that i work with. i can read right through him, " playa". that is exactly what he is. but then he told me i was beautiful, i have an erotic personality, and he gave me his cell #. i think i will call him. hmmmm, i could really work this whole play men thing out!! i can imagine myself having sex with him, but i dont want to. why am i so stupid, play them and let them off like some horny toad!!! that's what i want. I want to let them think i put out and in reality im holding onto my virginity as a person would their life. i want to lose it to no one b/c there is no man that deserves it! it's sacred, heavenly, and above all it determines me! if i lose my virginity i sacrifise everything i hold so dear. why give that up for a man!? they're scum! play them but never love them! so i praise any girl who teases a guy, they deserve it! you look around at all these teenage boy's faces and the male TEACHERS!! you see sex! they need sex! if a girl seems flirty, OH I WANT HER! i would like to kill girlz who give it all away. they need to die a painful death. there letting them win. them, meaning men! they've won forever and now that we have rights they yet win. all you see on tv is a woman dressed like a slut to pleze MEN! you look around and girlz are dressed in these minni skirts, uncomfortable clothing to pleze men! we need to look at ourselves and wonder who we're living for, us or men? sure they flatter, but hate them! they mean to flatter, they mean to make you feel like they're the only one out there, they mean to make you fall in you will have sex with them!!!i tell you if you deprive them of their fantasies, they will change! they respect us women for equal, fun, human beings, except for to get a lil' booty out of. and then the good men that want to settle down only do b/c they're tired of playing girlz, they're tired of random sex and want something more, something that we should ALL first try to look for, something that doesn't come by fucking, but by talking, spending time that is totally inocent, a major ecstasy

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:51 AM EST
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Tuesday, 7 December 2004
the new & improved amburr!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: still a whisky country song!!
well, let's say that i'm this secret person locked up in someone everyone thinks is an evil lil bitch!!i must say that i really am pretty gentle, but i'm the revengefullest girl in z world!! err! err! ne ways, having a bad dream about stupid lil' bitch gabby, (gag me) makes me want to kick her ever lovin ass!!! i had a dream that she was chasing me with a knife and i was actually scared!! if that were real life i would've blew her head off and i'm thinking about disrupting mr. dobz class forth hour and kicking her ass!, but of corse of wont!!! mr. dobz would be so depressed if i did!! fuck me fredddy!!! he's a lil' pisser that needs the hell beat out of him as well! i'd like to stick them both down a well and have my overweight dog take a shit on them each and every day!! i mean why do people like the bitchy girlz the best!!!! i think if yor not benefiting someone's life you outta blow yor brains out, why exist???? but then jesse purtle would tell me that i'm an ugly, stupid, bitch and tell me i need to not be so narrow minded! well,,truth is i'm more open minded then any libral teacher in this effin skewl!!!!!!!!! i can hang out with a fag, a cutter, a selfish bitch, 2 lil twinz who live their life for the attention of MEN!! ERR! and a completely overbearing sister who needs the shit beat out of her too, but i guess i love her!hmmm? and i really truly respect chelsie!!! i really like her...she's someone that i get something out of every day i go to this stupid, ass skewl!! and then i go home and my father is my true antidepressant!! if i ever hear someone go on about him i will cut their throats and not think twice about it!! wow!! i'm really violent in the mind of amberland! hmmm? maybe i will become a mass murderer! naaa! i luv myself so much to let me go that crraazzy, but it's good to get a lil crazy!! i'm sick of ppl who haven't lived in macks creek all their lives go on about it!! i want to kill those mother fuckers too! err! i mean, get the hell on outa here(mr.dobz) if you dont like it! and now i'm looking at the fat pudgy belly i have and i think!!i'm not throwing my food up for any man, but for amber!! i want to be beautiful, that would add to my scheme and i'm not as beautiful as angelina joley (my idol) she's awesome!!!!!! mostly because she benefits ppl's lives (cambodia) and everyone knows about it!!!!! hell yea! well g2g!!! hehe!

<3///amber_the_great! Hehehe!

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:26 AM EST
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thur's sometin bout' amburrr!
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: this country shit!!
hmmmm....well you could say that i'm a lil on the edge with this country crud i'm listening to right now!! i love it how i'm the only that has axcess to my angelfire site since i'm the only one who knows how to work one!!! err! haha!! i'm so much smarter than the rest of you computer freaks! well....i must say that i'm a lot smarter than any guy i've ever met since they have beer and naked women in their minds!! hmmmm? the stupid asses! they need a life! when i meat a good one i'll pile boots down my throat, but for now i will go on about them as they are animals, b/c they are!! woot! woot! hehe! well, i better get off since i'm typing too much as it is!!! hehe! well, if girlz read this, kill yor boyfriends and play them cuz they deserve it and b/c we are so much smarter than they are and they prolly want u're pants ne ways!!!


Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:13 AM EST
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thur's sometin bout' amburrr!
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: this country shit!!
hmmmm....well you could say that i'm a lil on the edge with this country crud i'm listening to right now!! i love it how i'm the only that has axcess to my angelfire site since i'm the only one who knows how to work one!!! err! haha!! i'm so much smarter than the rest of you computer freaks! well....i must say that i'm a lot smarter than any guy i've ever met since they have beer and naked women in their minds!! hmmmm? the stupid asses! they need a life! when i meat a good one i'll pile boots down my throat, but for now i will go on about them as they are animals, b/c they are!! woot! woot! hehe! well, i better get off since i'm typing too much as it is!!! hehe! well, if girlz read this, kill yor boyfriends and play them cuz they deserve it and b/c we are so much smarter than they are and they prolly want u're pants ne ways!!!


Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 11:12 AM EST
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xmas party
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: killerz (somebody told me)
Topic: Im so bad!!
well, i suppose that i am so effin mean!! i mean i must be since i really dont care about my xb-frinds feelings since all he did want wuz sex!! yunno what, i really have no respect for the male gender!! there scum below my feet and all they want is a woman to show her hoodlies!! hello, were not made to pleze a man and i definitely am not!! i watch girlz who try to act so effin hottt..and i, they're stupid mofos!! yea, i'm here to live for me and i try to live for God but that's really hard to do so why not live for the moment!!
ne ways, back to my scheme, i will flirt my ass off with sid's cousin, make him furiously jealous, and prance my hott ass back to skiddys party!! oh how i luv the pain of a man!! makes me feel like a goddess! oh yes, i am so powerful, to hold a man's heart in the palm of your hand, or atleast their fantasies!! they want what ofcourse they cant have and they cant have ME! hehe! well sea u leighter, my beautiful angelfire site! i will check you every day!! err! err! well g2g~

<3///amber is so eViL!

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 10:49 AM EST
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Friday, 3 December 2004
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Alanis Morrisette (maryjane)
Topic: I need a hug!
what's the matter mary jane, had a hard day? afraid to go where there's signs on the door! you lost u're faith again, for a picture, you never seem to want to dance n e more!! it's a long way down, on this roller-coaster!! there's a few more bruises! i hear your losing weight again for a picture, have you ever wondered who u're losing it for???


rar rar!

Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 3:54 PM EST
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i need to lose weight
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Avril (nobody's home)
Topic: amber's fat!
i must say that i hate men!!! i cant stand the way they always talk about getting into some girl's pants!!! err!! i want to kill them!! but yea, i think that the only kind of man i could really stomach would be a preacher!! they would have great morals and R.E.S.P.E.C.T me!!! but yea, thats important to amber!!!!


Posted by creep/4everambur000 at 3:40 PM EST
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