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I Can't Believe It's Not Hardcore Porn!

Haha, you poor bastards. I nearly had you there, didn't I? Hahahaha, I fucking rule. And I know it.

Support my affilates!

This is the new site. Yep, you read it right people, Blasphemy Today has been reworked, revamped, to make it even more offensive, Microsoft bashing, guitar thrashing, headbanging and with lots more about CHAVS - basically, I've had a huge overhaul.

And that's not all. The overall look and feel of this site is better and more metal friendly. And the background rocks. Now, I have edited the background music so that you can choose whether or not you want it playing. It will be in a small player at the bottom of the page...
Microsoft are holding an illegal monopoly...stop them!!!

Well, if you're new here and have not seen the old site, then let me break it down for you: here, we hate Microsoft and love Firefox and Opera, where chavs scream as they are strangled with their own burberry scarves and here everyone jerks off, just ask them. And if you don't like it and think that my site is offensive, then I don't care. This is me, this is my life, and I rule and you don't. So there.

No Banana Union - No Software Patents

Okay, navigation (for old and new users) is on the right.



Why I Rule

Microsoft Suck

Pics (of me)

Random Stuff That No - One Cares About

Funny pics

Ways to annoy people

People. Who Rule

People. Who Suck

Likes and Dislikes

The Neo Trench Coat Mafia


Blasphemy Today - The Only Blog Worth Reading On The Entire Internet

You are listening to Metallica - Enter Sandman