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Yeah so I know it's been a long time since I wrote into this but things have been hectic. Going from graduation to moving into a new apartment, and then starting a full time job has been a lot but things have settled lately. Also my roommate decided to cancel the internet making it harder to do this stuff. Oh well I will try to update this as much as I can. Nothing much going on though. I did see Breaking Benjamins, Staind, and 3 Doors Down Friday though so that was pretty sweet. However, no pictures from that. I'm also heading down to Rhode Island for the weekend too so that should be fun. Take care until then.

Well I just got back from spring break and man was it awesome. Went to Disney world and had so much fun. Some of my pics are up in my webshots page if you want to check them out. In other news I just watched The Incredibles if your a fan of Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and movies like that you'll definately be a fan of this one. I haven't been able to add new posts to the forum but I will have some up soon.

Yeah so I am a big fan of playing at And now I am on a never ending quest to enter the top 100 list of players using play money. Right now I am ranked 476,050 with $3,062. I am steamrolling my way to the top! If anyone hasn't checked I put up a new Ryan Brennan picture and it looks like so:

Check out my Where's Ryan Page for more of those pictures, hopefully I will be able to update them sooner but I'm just wicked lazy. Oh yeah and don't forget to check out my forum it's really starting to pick up.

As a way to escape my lonliness of Valentine's day, I went out with my other lonely roommate to see the movie Ong Bak. It's a Chinese film so if you don't like to read subtitles you won't like it. The movie was awesome, had sick action sequences and awesome fight scenes. The best part of it was the schizo sitting behind Ben and I. Besides offering us vodka he would say things like "Killing people is easy, it's going to jail thats hard" or scream to get off his leg or stop kicking his chair when no one was around him. All in all Ong Bak was awesome, schizos suck.

Well I just added some things to the page in the last couple of days. First I hopped on the Webshots bandwagon and put a bunch of pictures there. I also started a forum for anyone to use. It's just something fun that anyone can comment on or post messages. Well enjoy.