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  Candy Corner
Contact Us
The Makers



Thank you for visiting our site.  You can know more about us and our product through this.  We hope you enjoy exploring this site.


This business started when the makers found out what's common about them. It so happened that all of them love to eat sweets and so they decided to come up with this company.

They envision that after years of hard work and having determined leaders they will be one of the biggest companies in the country.  And like any other companies they dreamt of importing their products to different parts of the world in order to give happiness to every kid and kid at heart.

WARNING: This company is just a dream company of students from De La Salle University and this is just for academic purposes.


Due to holiday season we offer great great discount just for you...

Also we will be having a free Christmas Party for the street children on the 20th of December.

For inquiries please call 9958235


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This site was last updated 12/09/04