
Summary: alright I'm sort of stuck in this Season One thing right now so here is another P/J hook up story that takes place after Double Date: Modern Romance it starts at the end of the episode and then goes off after that, I think it's going to be a two parter so stay tuned.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Jen walked down her lawn, the cool fall breeze gliding through her hair as her eyes fell upon Dawson, head bowed on the pier. She couldn't explain her attraction to the boy next door, but he intrigued her in a way that no one else in this town could. She had mainly dumped him because of his obvious feelings for Joey and hers in return and his obsession with her past. But the fact that he had come to the carnival and told her that he needed her made the decision less valid. 

"Hey you," she said nudging him slightly with her foot. "Mind if I sit here?" 

"Jen, hey," Dawson said surprised as he shifted allowing room. 

~*~ "Pacey I need your help," Dawson began sliding in the booth at the Ice House. 

"What is it D?" 

"Jen wants to get back together!" Dawson said excitedly. 

"So what's the problem then?" 

"Joey," Dawson sighed, "Joey's the problem." 

Pacey looked up from the food he had been eating as he cautiously asked, "And why would Joey be the problem?" 

Dawson ran his hands through his hair as he slumped further into his seat. "Because I think she thinks there's something more going on in our relationship right now." 

Pacey sighed staring back down at the table. "And who exactly gave her that impression?" 

"I may have said some things." 

"Dawson you can't keep doing this to her," Pacey suddenly blurted out. 

"Doing what?" 

"Messing with her head. She's never going to be able to go on with her life if you keep on giving her these reasons not to." 

"Since when did you care, Pace?" Dawson answered with a tone of disgust. "It's not like you've ever treated Joey with an ounce of respect." 

"Yeah well I've never manipulated her either." 

"Oh I get this, you still like her don't you?" Dawson teased. 

"No," he lied, "it was just a splurge of the moment thing, and any romantic feelings I possibly may have mustered are fleeting fast." 

"So what happened exactly?" 

"Well, uh," Pacey's eyes shifted around the room as he mumbled, "I kissed her." 


"She didn't kiss me back," he let out with a shrug. "Seems she's interested in some one else." 

"Oh," Dawson's expression melted, as he finally understood. "Well you guys have been spending a lot of time together this week." 

"Yeah," Pacey nodded, "it's called a school oriented work session." 

Dawson looked away for a moment thinking, "I wanna be with Jen, Pace. I wanna let this relationship run its course." 

Pacey's face lit up, "That's great man, congratulations." 

"I just need a favor." 

"Okay," he answered curiously, "shoot." 

"Joey's going to be coming over tonight, because it's Saturday movie night." 

"No, no, no, no, no," Pacey shook his head waving his hands frantically. 

"Hear me out Pace," Dawson said raising his voice over Pacey's. "She was upset when Jen and I got together the first time, and I don't want her to get hurt." 

"And you're asking me too…" he trailed off. 

"Could you talk to her?" 


Joey worked her way up the ladder that led to Dawson's house. Amazingly Special she smiled smoothing out her hair. Amazingly Special she straightened out the shirt she was wearing, one in the back of her closet that she would only wear as a joke, a Jen type shirt. Amazingly Special licking her lips she could taste the bit of Very Berry Bessie had applied on the way there. Amazingly Special climbing through the window she smiled. "Hey there-."

"Hey there sunshine," Pacey said from the bed, his head propped up against the headboard as he flipped through a magazine. 

"Where's Dawson? This is his house and his room and Saturday night." Joey asked confused not moving from her spot. 

Pacey let out a sigh, "He's not coming." 

Joey bit back her lip her eyes on fire, "Okay Pace, I let you get away with the whole kiss thing last week, and then the whole touching thing but now, now you're just crossing over into stalking levels." 

He rolled his eyes, "Don't flatter yourself, Potter." He threw up his arms in defeat; "I am nothing but the messenger." 

"Messenger to tell me Dawson wasn't home tonight? What is this Shakespearean times? Has he heard of a telephone?" She chuckled nervously swinging her arms. "So I guess I'll leave you to whatever you were doing and just go home." She turned to climb out the window when Pacey's voice caught her. 

"He's with Jen," slowly turning on her heals she stared at him in confusion. "Dawson and Jen they're together right now. She talked with him earlier today." 

"Oh," Joey said licking off the remnants of color off her lips. 

"Look I know you thought you had something and he didn't deny any feelings for you it's just he wanted to tie up loose ends with her." 

Crossing her arms over her chest she shook her head biting back the tears that threatened to fall, "Oh don't act like you care Pacey! You must be happy seeing as you love to see me miserable and all. In fact you probably got all bitter because I didn't kiss you back, so you decided perfect revenge would be to push Jen back to Dawson." 

"I had nothing to do with it," Pacey replied taking a deep breath. 

"Well if not that you certainly gave Dawson a piece of your mind when he asked for you opinion." 

"Joey, your upset I understand that," he said calmly getting off of the bed. "He doesn't want to hurt you." 

"Hurt me? How is he hurting me? The fact that he gets back together with his ex-girlfriend shouldn't hurt," she replied sobbing more openly. "It shouldn't bother his platonic female friend whom he claims he cares about. But it does, and I hate that." 

Wrapping an arm around her shoulder he pulled her against his chest and into a hug, "You're allowed to hurt as much as you want Jo, and I won't tell a soul." 

"Stop being nice to me," Joey protested weakly as she gave him a light push. 

"He cares about you more then he could ever realize." Pacey continued resting his chin on her head. 

"I should have known this was going to happen," she mumbled into his chest. "He always ditches me for Jen, like at that beach party a few weeks ago; he went off to get me a drink and then left me there to go with Jen." She said bitterly. 

"But he saved you from that guy remember?" He offered. 

Joey stopped furrowing her brows as she pushed back from him a bit, her eyes meeting his. She ran her hands up to his neck and ran them back to where they had rested before, "No." She whispered running her hand back up with a trail of fire to his cheek cupping it softly, "It was you." Her eyes were soft, still glazed by the tears that had fallen as she searched his. "I gave Dawson credit for it but it was you. You knew I was out of it and you followed me and then protected me from that jackass, Warren." 

Pacey took a step back, his calves hitting the edge of the bed. "Well I would have gotten my head chopped off by someone if I didn't," he responded his voice cracking as she continued towards him. 

Her breath was hot against his mouth as she rubbed her nose against his, "You see me as more then 'Little Joey Potter'." 

His lips brushed over hers as he entwined his fingers through her hair. "Jo, you're going to have to stop this now because I have an amazing lack of self control." 

She pushed him down onto Dawson's bed climbing on top of him resting on his stomach. "And last week when we were changing outside of the truck, I know you were watching me." 

"Yeah about that, that was wrong and childish of me," he said squirming slightly under her warmth. 

Reaching under the hem of her shirt she leaned over whispering, "I thought maybe you wanted a better look." 

Pacey's eyes widened in shock as he began to shake his head. "Joey, no, stop," he told her his voice cracking as he stopped her hands. 

"What's wrong Pacey?" She asked innocently yet seductively, "You don't want me?" 

"Oh God no," Pacey replied painfully his head falling back into the bed. He was breathing heavily now as he tried to sit up. "If I were to ever sleep with you, Jo, it wouldn't be because I could." He paused holding himself up on an elbow his other going through her hair, "It would be because it was right, and this, this isn't right." He sighed as his crystal eyes bore into hers, "This is about hurting Dawson, whether to make him jealous or to help you get over him, it's not for the right reasons. Doing it on Dawson's bed with his best friend isn't going to take away the pain." 

"God Pace," Joey said covering her mouth in embarrassment. "I am so sorry," she avoided eye contact as she stumbled off of him. "I really don't know what came over me," she paced back and forth on the floor in front of him and held a hand over her forehead. "It was wrong and stupid and oh God, excruciatingly embarrassing." 

Pacey sat up shaking his head nervously as he placed a pillow over his lap, "It's okay," he chuckled nervously rocking a bit, "I'm not in the most compromising of positions." 

She glared at him for a moment, "Why do you have to be so nice about it?" She pouted, "Why can't you just be an ass so I could hate you again?" 

A grin crept across his lips, she doesn't hate me he thought. "Well I'd give you a hug," he shrugged, "but I don't want you to jump me again or anything." Joey rolled her eyes laughing at him sarcastically. "Better?" He asked raising a brow. 

Pursing her lips she nodded, "Yeah." 

Scooting onto the bed he put the pillow back against the headboard resting against it. He then patted space next to him nudging towards it, "Come here, Potter." 

"I thought we agreed to no sex on Dawson's bed," she said scooting next to him. 

"Who said anything about sex? I always wondered what was so great about sleeping on this bed next to you for eight years." 

"Well," Joey began resting her head on his shoulder. "I usually roll to the other side of the bed while Dawson hogs about 70% of it." 

"That's because he was probably hoping you would accidentally roll on top of him." He said curving his arm around her shoulders and bringing her closer. The ease they suddenly had was soothing and comfortable almost as if the last fifteen minutes hadn't existed. 

"I'm sorry for using you, Pace," she said adjusting her head nuzzling in his chest. He rubbed his thumb against her shoulder as her eyes fluttered shut. 

"As long as you're not using me in this moment right now, it was all worth it," he replied kissing the top of her head. 

She snuggled close to him taking in his scent. "And thanks for not being an asshole." 

"Anything for you darling, that's what friends are for," he waited a moment, her breath softening and hitting a rhythmic pace. "Goodnight Jo," he whispered by her ear. 

"Goodnight Pacey," she mumbled into his chest. At that moment she found herself confused, and surprised, and- attracted. 


The curtains by the window danced in the wind brushing off the creek. Pacey rustled in his light slumber eased by the warmth draped over his chest. Rolling her over gently he sat up squinting at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to him. "1:30," he said to himself his voice still groggy. Scanning the dimly lit room he saw no sign of Dawson Leery until a dark profile appeared in the window. 

Stumbling through the frame and hitting the floor with a thud, the blonde scrambled to regain his composure. "You dog," Pacey said shaking his head a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. 

"Nothing happened," Dawson replied lowering his voice to a whisper. "We just had a nice night on the beach discussing how we could make a sturdier foundation for our relationship." 

"You are a far greater man then I could ever be," Pacey responded bowing his head. 

"What are you still doing here?" He questioned patting down his clothes. 

"Well you asked me to baby sit," he gestured towards the sleeping lump, "and I had her in bed by ten. My rate is $10.50 an hour so you owe me…well…somewhere over the 50 dollar range." 

"Funny Pacey, funny." 

"Wait did you not want her staying her tonight?" 

"No, I figured my girlfriend whom I'm on icy water with right now would love it if my best female friend was sleeping in my bed with me," he replied sarcastically. 

"Well good then, because I really should get going," Pacey said heading towards the window. 


"Fine, I'll take her with me," he said lunging towards the bed and scooping Joey in his arms. 

"How exactly are you going to get her down the ladder?" 

"I'm gonna back my truck right below your window and just sort of roll her off hoping that I was a good judge of the positioning of the truck and what not. I'm sure the thud won't be too loud." Pacey reasoned still holding Joey as he demonstrated a throwing motion. 

"Do that and you're dead, Witter," Joey mumbled through her light sleep. 

"Ah, sleeping beauty awakens, and I didn't even have to give her a kiss." 

Stretching slightly Joey wiped the sleep from her eyes, "Could you put me down." 

"As you wish," he said dropping his arms to his side as she hit the floor. 

"Pacey Witter friend to women," she mumbled climbing to her feet. 

Offering a hand Pacey pulled Joey up the rest of the way before swinging her over his shoulder, "C'mon Potter, time to go home." 

"Pacey," she fought, "I can climb a ladder by myself." 

"Night, Dawson," Pacey said through an annoyed smile. 

"Night, Pacey," Dawson said through confused brows, "night, Joey." 

Joey gave him a dry look as Pacey climbed through the window carrying her with him, "Night." She mumbled as her head hit the frame, "Ow! Pacey!" 

Letting out a sigh Dawson flopped onto his bed running his hands through his hair. 


Sliding into a stool at the Icehouse bar, Pacey grinned from ear to ear. "What's up with you?" Joey asked organizing some of the dishes, "Find that Road to Elderoado action figure in your cereal?" 

"Not yet but you'll be the first person I tell when I do," Pacey responded sarcastically. 

"What can I get ya?" 

"Brewskie," he answered as she picked up a glass. 

"Cola it is," she answered flatly. 

"I just saw some dude with a mullet." 

"What is there a country western concert in town or something?" She asked placing the glass in front of him. 

"Must be, that or a family down from Provincetown." 

"The mullet is such a, a ballsy move don't you think," Joey asked deep in thought. 

"Yeah, I wonder what a person would ask while at a hair dresser." 

"Well," Joey began wiping down the counter. "Much like you ask them to cut it like Caesar, they probably ask for a Michael Bolton." 

"Hey," Pacey protested, "this is not Caesar, it's clearly George Clooney." 

"Yeah and Clooney clearly sports a Julius Caesar style," Joey insisted. 

"Well I always thought a mullet man would ask them to cut it all short but start from the front. Then right before they got to the back they look down at their watch scream 'I forgot the kids' throw down some green and then run out of the barber's before they could get a word in." 

"Well you're clearly insane," Joey replied patting him on the head. 

"That reminds me," he said placing a pile of papers onto the counter. "I have finished my portion of the snail erotica extra credit assignment." 

"This isn't due for another week," Joey leafed through the pages scanning over them. "It's really good." 

"I can do a lot when properly motivated." 

"Of course, most of the questions were about sex." She said bopping herself in the head in realization. 

Waving an accusing finger he shook his head in disbelief, "You think you have me all figured out now don't you?" 

She leaned over the counter towards him, "I don't think, I know." 

The door swung open as Dawson walked in taking a seat on a stool next to Pacey, "I was just going," Pacey said tousling Dawson's blonde locks. "Jo, all you need to do is make a pretty little cover for our report and my days as the moron's leader will expire." 

"GPA isn't the only criteria for that position, Witter," she called after him as he slipped through the door. 

Dawson shook his head in disbelief. "I'll never understand you two," he said toying with the glass Pacey had left. 

"There's little to nothing to understand," Joey replied flatly snatching the glass from Dawson's grasp and dumping the contents. 

"No really, a week ago Pacey's begging me to let him pursue a relationship with you and now you're back to being bantering buddies." He said tracing a pattern on the counter from the condensation ring. 

"Pacey Witter asked you if he could pursue a relationship with me?" She asked raising an endearing brow. 

"Yeah at the carnival, he said he stopped hating you and that he maybe liked you and then asked me if it was okay if he acted upon it." 

"He asked you?" Joey repeated her cheeks beginning to blush. 

"Yeah, but he claims the feelings to be fleeting. Well I guess that parts obvious seeing as nothings changed between you two." 

Joey nodded blankly; usually she would find some guy asking for permission to kiss her rather cheesy and demeaning but she only found herself spellbound. "Well he obviously has a short attention span." 

After an awkward pause Dawson looked up at Joey locking eyes, "Things are okay between us right?" 

She searched his eyes for a moment, "Yeah why wouldn't they?" 

"Because of the whole Jen thing," he replied with a shrug. 

"No, I'm fine with it," she said casually the statement carrying less bravado then she thought it would. 

"Okay, good," he nodded a few times, "because I would hate things to get weird between us." 

"Never," Joey answered shaking her head her eyes drawn towards the door. 


The bell rang as the sound of students voices echoed throughout the halls. Jen gathered her books off her desk and headed into the hall. "Jen, Jen," she heard called out behind her. 

Joey fell in step next to her tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Hi, Jen, I need to talk to you." 

"Joey Potter seeking me out to converse, is there a full moon tonight?" Jen teased dodging past an open locker. 

"I've been thinking about this whole friend thing that you've been trying to get going between you and me and I've decided that right now I'm going to cash in my rain check." 

"And what's with this sudden revelation," she asked now genuinely intrigued. 

"Well it's guy trouble," she explained timidly. "And I realized that Dawson and Pacey aren't very good with the whole girl talk thing," Joey reasoned still trying to work around her discomfort. 

Falling into the lunch line, Jen leaned against the counter, "Look Joey, if this is about me and Dawson-." 

"No, no," Joey cut in. "I know I've been giving you a hard time ever since you came into town a few months ago and swept Dawson off of his feet." She flinched at the bitter tone that tinged her voice. Jen rolled her eyes annoyed that her attempts to befriend Joey had once again faltered. "See there's this guy," she explained. 

"Okay, this guy," she repeated her tone light, "does he have a name?" 

"Can we just keep him nameless?" 

"Alright fine, this guy, does this involve another one of those misconstrued sex scandals? Because I was thinking about the last one, and I've come up with some new ideas in case if ever happens again involving two and a half inches and a three way gone wrong." 

Joey released a chuckle, "No, but I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, back to this guy," she continued fighting back a smile. "A few weeks ago he kissed me but I didn't kiss him back." 

Sliding along the lunch line Jen picked through the selection, "And do you regret this?" 

Joey let out a sigh, "Well, yeah. Not at first but now, yeah." 

"Have you had any interaction since?" 

Her cheeks flushed as she focused down on her tray, "Yeah, he tried to kiss me again." 

"So we can correctly come to the conclusion that 'this guy' has feelings for you." Jen and Joey sat down into an empty table. "And very persistent." 

"Well there was also cuddling," Joey explained chewing her lip to fight back the embarrassment. 

"So we can assume you have feelings for this guy too," she said matter of factly. "So what's the problem?" 

She cringed, "It's just that 'this guy' is 'this guy." She emphasized in frustration. "Is 'this guy' someone who never seemed appealing to you before?" 

"Exactly," she exclaimed trying to conceal Pacey's identity. 

"But he's suddenly proving you wrong in so many aspects that you had judged him on." 

"Yeah," Joey nodded along. 

Jen's mouth twisted into a knowing smile, "So does Pacey know that you feel the same way?" 

Joey sat up in attention, "Pacey, what makes you think it's Pacey?" 

"Well there was my conformation." 

Burying her face into her hands she glanced at Jen through her fingers, "Is it that obvious?" 

She nodded taking a sip from her drink, "So when did you realize this?" 

"Dawson told me that Pacey asked him if it was okay if he acted on his feelings towards me," Joey said dryly trying to hide the bits of excitement lacing through her voice. 

"Aw, that's so sweet," Jen said through soft eyes. "Despite the whole idea of you being a possession of Dawson that needs to be granted access to." 

"I know, and it's so unlike Pacey! He's one of those act first think later kind of guys and I've always been able to see through his whole act but now that he's attempting it on me…" she trailed off. 

"You find it irresistible," Jen finished. 

Slumping her head into her hands Joey whined, "I'm a lost cause." 

Jen leaned over the table resting on her elbows; "Well then do something about it." 

Joey looked up at Jen then back at her tray. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Pacey, the feel of his lips against hers, his soft touch on her legs, the pointless yet necessary banter, his warm protective embrace. 

Back to Part 1 | Continue to Part 3